▼ N iText
► N Barcodes
► N Dmcode
C DmParams
Class that contains the parameters for a DM code
C Placement
Utility class that helps to place the data in the barcode
C ReedSolomon
This class holds the error correction code for a data block
► N Exceptions
C BarcodesExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C WriterException
A base class which covers the range of exceptions which may occur when encoding a barcode using the Writer framework
► N Qrcode
C ByteMatrix
A class which wraps a 2D array of bytes
Encapsualtes the parameters for one error-correction block in one symbol version
C ECBlocks
Encapsulates a set of error-correction blocks in one symbol version
C EncodeHintType
These are a set of hints that you may pass to Writers to specify their behavior
C ErrorCorrectionLevel
See ISO 18004:2006, 6.5.1
C QRCodeWriter
This object renders a QR Code as a ByteMatrix 2D array of greyscale values
C Barcode128
BarCode 128 is a high-density linear barcode symbology defined in ISO/IEC 15417:2007
C Barcode1D
Base class for the barcode types that have 1D representation
C Barcode2D
This is a class that is used to implement the logic common to all 2D barcodes
C Barcode39
This class represents the barcode Code 39
C BarcodeCodabar
Implementation of the Codabar barcode
C BarcodeDataMatrix
A Data Matrix is a two-dimensional bar code consisting of black and white "cells" or dots arranged in either a square or rectangular pattern, also known as a matrix
C BarcodeEAN
The implementation of the barcode EAN
Implements the most commonly used EAN standard is the thirteen-digit EAN-13, a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC-A)
C BarcodeInter25
Implements the code interleaved 2 of 5
C BarcodeMSI
Implements the MSI Barcode
► C BarcodePDF417
PDF417 is a stacked linear barcode format used in a variety of applications such as transport, identification cards, and inventory management
C Segment
A container that encapsulates all data needed for a segment
C SegmentList
An utility class that encapsulates a list of segments
C BarcodePostnet
POSTNET (Postal Numeric Encoding Technique) is a barcode symbology used by the United States Postal Service to assist in directing mail
C BarcodeQRCode
A QRCode implementation based on the zxing code
► N Bouncycastle
► N Asn1
► N Cmp
C PkiFailureInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cmp.PkiFailureInfo
► N Cms
C AttributeBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.Attribute
C AttributeTableBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable
C ContentInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.ContentInfo
C EncryptedContentInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.EncryptedContentInfo
C EnvelopedDataBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.EnvelopedData
C IssuerAndSerialNumberBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber
C KeyTransRecipientInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.KeyTransRecipientInfo
C OriginatorInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.OriginatorInfo
C RecipientIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.RecipientIdentifier
C RecipientInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.RecipientInfo
► N Esf
C OtherHashAlgAndValueBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.OtherHashAlgAndValue
C SignaturePolicyIdBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SignaturePolicyId
C SignaturePolicyIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SignaturePolicyIdentifier
C SigPolicyQualifierInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SigPolicyQualifierInfo
► N Ess
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.EssCertID
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.EssCertIDv2
C SigningCertificateBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.SigningCertificate
C SigningCertificateV2BC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.SigningCertificateV2
► N Ocsp
C BasicOcspResponseBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.BasicOcspResponse
C OcspObjectIdentifiersBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspObjectIdentifiers
C OcspResponseBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspResponse
C OcspResponseStatusBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspResponseStatus
C ResponseBytesBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.ResponseBytes
► N Pcks
C PkcsObjectIdentifiersBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Pkcs.PkcsObjectIdentifiers
C RsassaPssParametersBC
BC wrapper implementation for IRsassaPssParameters
► N Tsp
C MessageImprintBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.MessageImprint
C TstInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.TstInfo
► N Util
C Asn1DumpBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Utilities.Asn1Dump
► N X509
C AlgorithmIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.AlgorithmIdentifier
C AuthorityKeyIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier
C BasicConstraintsBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.BasicConstraints
C CrlDistPointBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.CrlDistPoint
C CrlReasonBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.CrlReason
C DistributionPointBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.DistributionPoint
C DistributionPointNameBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.DistributionPointName
C ExtendedKeyUsageBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.ExtendedKeyUsage
C GeneralNameBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.GeneralName
C GeneralNamesBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.GeneralNames
C IssuingDistributionPointBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.IssuingDistributionPoint
C KeyPurposeIDBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.KeyPurposeID
C KeyUsageBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.KeyUsage
C ReasonFlagsBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.ReasonFlags
C SubjectKeyIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SubjectKeyIdentifier
C SubjectPublicKeyInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
C TbsCertificateStructureBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.TbsCertificateStructure
C TimeBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.Time
C X509ExtensionBC
Wrapper class for X509Extension
C X509ExtensionsBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.X509Extensions
C X509NameBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.X509Name
C Asn1EncodableBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Encodable
C Asn1EncodableVectorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1EncodableVector
C ASN1EncodingBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Encodable
C Asn1InputStreamBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1InputStream
C Asn1ObjectBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Object
C Asn1OctetStringBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1OctetString
C Asn1SequenceBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Sequence
C Asn1SetBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Set
C Asn1TaggedObjectBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1TaggedObject
C DerBitStringBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerBitString
C DerEnumeratedBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerEnumerated
C DerIA5StringBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerIA5String
C DerIntegerBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerInteger
C DerNullBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerNull
C DerObjectIdentifierBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerObjectIdentifier
C DerOctetStringBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerOctetString
C DerOutputStreamBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1OutputStream
C DerSequenceBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSequence
C DerSetBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSet
C DerStringBaseBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerStringBase
C DerTaggedObjectBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerTaggedObject
C DerUtcTimeBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerUtcTime
C IAsn1GeneralizedTimeBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1GeneralizedTime
► N Cert
► N Ocsp
C BasicOcspRespGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for BasicOcspRespGenerator
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertID
C CertStatusBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C OcspExceptionBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp.OcspException
C OcspReqBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp.OcspReq
C OCSPReqBuilderBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp.OcspReqGenerator
Wrapper class for Req
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp.RespID
C ResponderIDBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.ResponderID
C RevokedStatusBC
Wrapper class for revoked Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C SingleResponseBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.SingleResponse
C UnknownStatusBC
Wrapper class for unknown Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C X509V2CrlGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for X509V2CrlGenerator
► N Cms
C CmsEnvelopedDataBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.CmsEnvelopedData
C CmsExceptionBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.CmsException
C RecipientIDBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientId
C RecipientInformationBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientInformation
C RecipientInformationStoreBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientInformationStore
C SignerInfoGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.SignerInfoGenerator
► N Crypto
► N Generators
C RsaKeyPairGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for RsaKeyPairGenerator
► N Modes
C GCMBlockCipherBC
This class provides the functionality of a cryptographic cipher of aes-gcm for encryption and decryption via wrapping the corresponding GCMBlockCipher
class from bouncy-castle
C AsymmetricCipherKeyPairBC
Wrapper class for AsymmetricCipherKeyPair
C CipherBC
Wrapper class for IBufferedCipher
C CipherCBCnoPadBC
C DigestBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.IDigest
C InvalidCipherTextExceptionBC
C PrivateKeyBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.ICipherParameters
C PublicKeyBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.AsymmetricKeyParameter
C SignerBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.ISigner
► N Math
C BigIntegerBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger
► N Openssl
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Openssl.PEMParser
► N Operator
C ContentSignerBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Operators.Asn1SignatureFactory
C DigestCalculatorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.IDigestFactory
► N Security
C CertificateExpiredExceptionBC
Wrapper class for CertificateExpiredException
C CertificateNotYetValidExceptionBC
Wrapper class for CertificateNotYetValidException
C CertificateParsingExceptionBC
Wrapper class for ParsingExceptionBCFips
C CrlExceptionBC
Wrapper class for CrlException
C CrlExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for CrlException
C GeneralSecurityExceptionBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException
C SecurityUtilityExceptionBC
Wrapper class for SecurityUtilityException
► N Tsp
C TimeStampRequestBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampRequest
C TimeStampRequestGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampRequestGenerator
C TimeStampResponseBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampResponse
C TimeStampResponseGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampResponseGenerator
C TimeStampTokenBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampToken
C TimeStampTokenGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampTokenGenerator
C TimeStampTokenInfoBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo
C TSPExceptionBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TspException
► N X509
C X509CertificateBC
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate
C X509CertificateParserBC
Wrapper class for X509CertificateParser
C X509CrlBC
C X509CrlEntryBC
C X509V3CertificateGeneratorBC
Wrapper class for X509V3CertificateGenerator
C BouncyCastleFactory
This class implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle classes instances
► N Bouncycastleconnector
► N Logs
C BouncyCastleLogMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C BouncyCastleDefaultFactory
Default bouncy-castle factory which is expected to be used when no other factories can be created
C BouncyCastleFactoryCreator
This class provides the ability to create iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory instance
► N Bouncycastlefips
► N Asn1
► N Cmp
C PkiFailureInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cmp.PkiFailureInfo
► N Cms
C AttributeBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.Attribute
C AttributeTableBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable
C ContentInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.ContentInfo
C EncryptedContentInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.EncryptedContentInfo
C EnvelopedDataBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.EnvelopedData
C IssuerAndSerialNumberBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber
C KeyTransRecipientInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.KeyTransRecipientInfo
C OriginatorInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.OriginatorInfo
C RecipientIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.RecipientIdentifier
C RecipientInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms.RecipientInfo
► N Esf
C OtherHashAlgAndValueBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.OtherHashAlgAndValue
C SignaturePolicyIdBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SignaturePolicyId
C SignaturePolicyIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SignaturePolicyIdentifier
C SigPolicyQualifierInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Esf.SigPolicyQualifierInfo
► N Ess
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.EssCertID
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.EssCertIDv2
C SigningCertificateBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.SigningCertificate
C SigningCertificateV2BCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ess.SigningCertificateV2
► N Ocsp
C BasicOcspResponseBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.BasicOcspResponse
C OcspObjectIdentifiersBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspObjectIdentifiers
C OcspResponseBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspResponse
C OcspResponseStatusBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.OcspResponseStatus
C ResponseBytesBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.ResponseBytes
► N Pcks
C PkcsObjectIdentifiersBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Pkcs.PkcsObjectIdentifiers
C RsassaPssParametersBCFips
BC-FIPS wrapper implementation for IRsassaPssParameters
► N Tsp
C MessageImprintBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.MessageImprint
C TstInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.TstInfo
► N Util
C Asn1DumpBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Utilities.Asn1Dump
► N X500
C X500NameBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X500.X500Name
► N X509
C AlgorithmIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.AlgorithmIdentifier
C AuthorityKeyIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier
C BasicConstraintsBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.BasicConstraints
C CrlDistPointBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.CrlDistPoint
C CrlReasonBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.CrlReason
C DistributionPointBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.DistributionPoint
C DistributionPointNameBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.DistributionPointName
C ExtendedKeyUsageBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.ExtendedKeyUsage
C GeneralNameBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.GeneralName
C GeneralNamesBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.GeneralNames
C IssuingDistributionPointBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.IssuingDistributionPoint
C KeyPurposeIDBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.KeyPurposeID
C KeyUsageBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.KeyUsage
C ReasonFlagsBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.ReasonFlags
C SubjectKeyIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SubjectKeyIdentifier
C SubjectPublicKeyInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
C TbsCertificateStructureBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.TbsCertificateStructure
C TimeBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.Time
C X509ExtensionBCFips
Wrapper class for X509Extension
C X509ExtensionsBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509.X509Extensions
C Asn1EncodableBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Encodable
C Asn1EncodableVectorBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1EncodableVector
C ASN1EncodingBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Encodable
C Asn1InputStreamBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1InputStream
C Asn1ObjectBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Object
C Asn1OctetStringBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1OctetString
C Asn1SequenceBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Sequence
C Asn1SetBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1Set
C Asn1TaggedObjectBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1TaggedObject
C DerBitStringBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerBitString
C DerEnumeratedBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerEnumerated
C DerGeneralizedTimeBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerGeneralizedTime
C DerIA5StringBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerIA5String
C DerIntegerBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerInteger
C DerNullBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerNull
C DerObjectIdentifierBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerObjectIdentifier
C DerOctetStringBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerOctetString
C DerOutputStreamBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Asn1OutputStream
C DerSequenceBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSequence
C DerSetBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerSet
C DerStringBaseBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerStringBase
C DerTaggedObjectBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerTaggedObject
C DerUtcTimeBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.DerUtcTime
► N Cert
► N Ocsp
C BasicOcspRespGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for generator for basic OCSP response objects
C CertIDBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertID
C CertStatusBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C OcspExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for System.ArgumentException or System.ArgumentNullException, etc. which can be thrown in OCSP-related classes
C OCSPReqBuilderBCFips
Wrapper class for OCSPReqBuilder"/>
C OcspRequestBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Ocsp.OcspReq
C ReqBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.Request
C RespIDBCFips
Wrapper class for ResponderID
C ResponderIDBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.ResponderID
C RevokedStatusBCFips
Wrapper class for revoked Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C SingleResponseBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.SingleResponse
C UnknownStatusBCFips
Wrapper class for unknown Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Ocsp.CertStatus
C X509CertificateBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cert.X509Certificate
C X509CrlBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cert.X509Crl
C X509V2CrlGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cert.X509V2CrlGenerator
C X509V3CertificateGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for X509V3CertificateGenerator
► N Cms
C CmsEnvelopedDataBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.CmsEnvelopedData
C CmsExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.CmsException
C KeyTransRecipientIDBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientId
C RecipientInformationBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientInformation
C RecipientInformationStoreBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.RecipientInformationStore
C SignerInfoGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Cms.SignerInfoGenerator
► N Crypto
► N Generators
C RsaKeyPairGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for RSA KeyPairGenerator
► N Modes
C GCMBlockCipherBCFips
Wrapper class for IAeadCipher
C AsymmetricCipherKeyPairBCFips
Wrapper class for RSA AsymmetricKeyPair
C CipherBCFips
Wrapper class for ICipher
C CipherCBCnoPadBCFips
Wrapper class for IBlockCipher
C DigestBCFips
Wrapper class for IStreamCalculator digest
C PrivateKeyBCFips
Wrapper class for IAsymmetricPrivateKey
C PublicKeyBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.IAsymmetricPublicKey
C SignerBCFips
Wrapper class for IStreamCalculator signer
► N Math
C BigIntegerBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger
► N Openssl
C PEMParserBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.OpenSsl.OpenSslPemReader
► N Operator
C ContentSignerBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.ISignatureFactory
C DigestCalculatorBCFips
Wrapper class for IDigestFactory>
► N Security
C CertificateExpiredExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for CertificateExpiredException
C CertificateNotYetValidExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for CertificateNotYetValidException
C CertificateParsingExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for ParsingExceptionBCFips
C GeneralSecurityExceptionBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Security.GeneralSecurityException
► N Tsp
C TimeStampRequestBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampRequest
C TimeStampRequestGeneratorBCFips
Generator for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.TimeStampReq
C TimeStampResponseBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Tsp.TimeStampResp
C TimeStampResponseGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for TimeStampResponse generator
C TimeStampTokenBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampToken
C TimeStampTokenGeneratorBCFips
Wrapper class for TimeStampToken generator
C TimeStampTokenInfoBCFips
Wrapper class for Org.BouncyCastle.Tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo
► N X509
C X509CertificateParserBCFips
Class to mimic X509CertificateParser logic
C BouncyCastleFipsFactory
This class implements iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle FIPS classes instances
C UnsupportedEncryptionFeatureException
► N Commons
► N Actions
► N Confirmations
C ConfirmedEventWrapper
A wrapper for a iText.Commons.Actions.AbstractProductProcessITextEvent storing additional data about the event
C ConfirmEvent
Used to confirm that process associated with some iText.Commons.Actions.AbstractProductProcessITextEvent ended successfully
► N Contexts
C AbstractContextManagerConfigurationEvent
Class is recommended for internal usage
C ContextManager
The class that retrieves context of its invocation
C GenericContext
Generic context that allows iText.Commons.Actions.AbstractContextBasedITextEvent based on the whitelist of supported events
C IContext
The class that determines weather event should be processed or not
C IMetaInfo
The meta info that can holds information about instance that throws the event
C UnknownContext
The fallback IContext
► N Data
C CommonsProductData
Stores an instance of ProductData related to iText commons module
C ProductData
Class is used to describe used product information
► N Processors
C AbstractITextProductEventProcessor
Abstract class with some standard functionality for product event processing
C DefaultITextProductEventProcessor
Defines a default strategy of product event processing
C DefaultProductProcessorFactory
Default factory class to construct ITextProductEventProcessor instance
C IProductProcessorFactory
Class represents a factory for ITextProductEventProcessor objects
C ITextProductEventProcessor
Interface for product event processors
C UnderAgplITextProductEventProcessor
The class defines an under APGL strategy of product event processing
C UnderAgplProductProcessorFactory
Factory class to construct ITextProductEventProcessor instance under AGPL license
► N Producer
C ProducerBuilder
Class is used for producer line building
► N Sequence
C AbstractIdentifiableElement
The class allows to make any element identifiable so that it is possible to store some metadata for it
C SequenceId
The class represents unique numeric identifier with autoincrement strategy of generation
C SequenceIdManager
Util class which is responsible for marking of AbstractIdentifiableElement with appropriate SequenceId
C AbstractContextBasedEventHandler
Base class for events handling depending on the context
C AbstractContextBasedITextEvent
Represents a context-based event
C AbstractEventWrapper
Base class to wrap events
C AbstractITextConfigurationEvent
Abstract class which represents system configuration events
C AbstractITextEvent
Abstract class which defines events only for internal usage
C AbstractProductITextEvent
Abstract class which defines general product events by encapsulating iText.Commons.Actions.Data.ProductData of the product which generated event
C AbstractProductProcessITextEvent
Abstract class which defines product process event
C AbstractStatisticsAggregator
Abstract class for statistics aggregation
C AbstractStatisticsEvent
Abstract class which defines statistics event
C EventManager
Entry point for event handling mechanism
C IEvent
Base marker interface for any generated event of any source
C IEventHandler
The interface for an event handler
C NamespaceConstant
Class that stores namespaces of iText open source products
C ProductNameConstant
Class which contains open source product name constants
► N Bouncycastle
► N Asn1
► N Cmp
C IPkiFailureInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for PKIFailureInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Cms
C IAttribute
This interface represents the wrapper for Attribute that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAttributeTable
This interface represents the wrapper for AttributeTable that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IContentInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for ContentInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IEncryptedContentInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for EncryptedContentInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IEnvelopedData
This interface represents the wrapper for EnvelopedData that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IIssuerAndSerialNumber
This interface represents the wrapper for IssuerAndSerialNumber that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IKeyTransRecipientInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyTransRecipientInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOriginatorInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for OriginatorInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRecipientIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRecipientInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Esf
C IOtherHashAlgAndValue
This interface represents the wrapper for OtherHashAlgAndValue that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISignaturePolicyId
This interface represents the wrapper for SignaturePolicyId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISignaturePolicyIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for SignaturePolicyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISigPolicyQualifierInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for SigPolicyQualifierInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Ess
C IEssCertID
This interface represents the wrapper for ESSCertID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IEssCertIDv2
This interface represents the wrapper for ESSCertIDv2 that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISigningCertificate
This interface represents the wrapper for SigningCertificate that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISigningCertificateV2
This interface represents the wrapper for SigningCertificateV2 that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Ocsp
C IBasicOcspResponse
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicOCSPResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOcspObjectIdentifiers
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPObjectIdentifiers that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOcspResponse
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOcspResponseStatus
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPResponseStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IResponseBytes
This interface represents the wrapper for ResponseBytes that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Pkcs
C IPkcsObjectIdentifiers
This interface represents the wrapper for PKCSObjectIdentifiers that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRsassaPssParameters
Wrapper interface for BouncyCastle's representation of RSASSA-PSS parameters in ASN.1
► N Tsp
C IMessageImprint
This interface represents the wrapper for MessageImprint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITstInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for TSTInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Util
C IAsn1Dump
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Dump that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N X500
C IX500Name
This interface represents the wrapper for X500Name that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N X509
C IAlgorithmIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for AlgorithmIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAuthorityKeyIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for AuthorityKeyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IBasicConstraints
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicConstraints that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICrlDistPoint
This interface represents the wrapper for CRLDistPoint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICrlReason
This interface represents the wrapper for CRLReason that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDistributionPoint
This interface represents the wrapper for DistributionPoint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDistributionPointName
This interface represents the wrapper for DistributionPointName that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IExtendedKeyUsage
This interface represents the wrapper for ExtendedKeyUsage that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IGeneralName
This interface represents the wrapper for GeneralName that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IGeneralNames
This interface represents the wrapper for GeneralNames that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IIssuingDistributionPoint
This interface represents the wrapper for IssuingDistributionPoint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IKeyPurposeID
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyPurposeId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IKeyUsage
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyUsage that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IReasonFlags
This interface represents the wrapper for ReasonFlags that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISubjectKeyIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for SubjectKeyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISubjectPublicKeyInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for SubjectPublicKeyInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITbsCertificateStructure
This interface represents the wrapper for TBSCertificate that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITime
This interface represents the wrapper for Time that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509Extension
This interface represents the wrapper for X509Extension that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509Extensions
This interface represents the wrapper for X509Extensions that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1Encodable
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Encodable that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1EncodableVector
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1EncodableVector that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1Encoding
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Encoding that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1InputStream
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1InputStream that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1Object
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Primitive that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1OctetString
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1OctetString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1Sequence
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Sequence that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1Set
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Set that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IAsn1TaggedObject
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1TaggedObject that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerBitString
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1BitString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerEnumerated
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Enumerated that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerGeneralizedTime
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1GeneralizedTime that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerIA5String
This interface represents the wrapper for DERIA5String that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerInteger
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Integer that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerNull
This interface represents the wrapper for DERNull that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerObjectIdentifier
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1ObjectIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerOctetString
This interface represents the wrapper for DEROctetString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerOutputStream
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1OutputStream that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerSequence
This interface represents the wrapper for DERSequence that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerSet
This interface represents the wrapper for DERSet that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerStringBase
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1String that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerTaggedObject
This interface represents the wrapper for DERTaggedObject that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDerUtcTime
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1UTCTime that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Cert
► N Ocsp
C AbstractOcspException
This class represents the wrapper for OCSPException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IBasicOcspRespGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicOCSPRespBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
This interface represents the wrapper for CertificateID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICertStatus
This interface represents the wrapper for CertificateStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOcspReqGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPReqBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IOcspRequest
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPReq that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IReq
This interface represents the wrapper for Req that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
This interface represents the wrapper for RespID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IResponderID
This interface represents the wrapper for ResponderID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRevokedCertStatus
This interface represents the wrapper for RevokedStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISingleResponse
This interface represents the wrapper for SingleResp that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IUnknownCertStatus
This interface represents the wrapper for UnknownStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509Certificate
This interface represents the wrapper for X509Certificate that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509Crl
This interface represents the wrapper for X509Crl that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509CrlEntry
C IX509V2CrlGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for X509v2CRLBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IX509V3CertificateGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Cms
C AbstractCmsException
This class represents the wrapper for CMSException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICmsEnvelopedData
This interface represents the wrapper for CMSEnvelopedData that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRecipientID
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRecipientInformation
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInformation that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IRecipientInformationStore
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInformationStore that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISignerInfoGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for SignerInfoGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Crypto
► N Generators
C IRsaKeyPairGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for RsaKeyPairGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Modes
C IGCMBlockCipher
Interface for aes-gcm cryptographic ciphers
C AbstractInvalidCipherTextException
C IAsymmetricCipherKeyPair
This interface represents the wrapper for AsymmetricCipherKeyPair that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICipher
This interface represents the wrapper for ICipher that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ICipherCBCnoPad
C IDigest
This interface represents the wrapper for IDigest that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IPrivateKey
This interface represents the wrapper for PrivateKey that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IPublicKey
This interface represents the wrapper for PublicKey that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ISigner
This interface represents the wrapper for ISigner that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Math
C IBigInteger
This interface represents the wrapper for BigInteger that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Openssl
C IPemReader
This interface represents the wrapper for PEMParser that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Operator
C AbstractOperatorCreationException
This class represents the wrapper for OperatorCreationException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IContentSigner
This interface represents the wrapper for ContentSigner that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IDigestCalculator
This interface represents the wrapper for DigestCalculator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Security
C AbstractCertificateExpiredException
This class represents the wrapper for CertificateExpiredException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C AbstractCertificateNotYetValidException
This class represents the wrapper for CertificateNotYetValidException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C AbstractCertificateParsingException
This class represents the wrapper for CertificateParsingException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C AbstractCrlException
This class represents the wrapper for the CrlException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C AbstractGeneralSecurityException
This class represents the wrapper for GeneralSecurityException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C AbstractSecurityUtilityException
This class represents the wrapper for SecurityUtilityException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N Tsp
C AbstractTSPException
This class represents the wrapper for TSPException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampRequest
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampRequest that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampRequestGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampRequestGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampResponse
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampResponseGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampResponseGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampToken
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampToken that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampTokenGenerator
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampTokenGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C ITimeStampTokenInfo
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampTokenInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
► N X509
C IX509CertificateParser
This interface represents the wrapper for X509CertificateParser that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations
C IBouncyCastleFactory
IBouncyCastleFactory contains methods required for bouncy-classes objects creation
C IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory
IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory contains methods for constants creation required in tests
C IBouncyCastleUtil
This class contains util methods, which use bouncy-castle objects
► N Datastructures
C BiMap
A simple bi-directional map
C ConcurrentWeakMap
Concurrent weak hash map implementation
C ISimpleList
Interface for a simple list abstraction
C NullableContainer
A simple container that can hold a value
C NullUnlimitedList
The class represents a list which allows null elements, but doesn't allocate a memory for them, in the rest of cases it behaves like usual System.Collections.ArrayList and should have the same complexity (because keys are unique integers, so collisions are impossible)
C SimpleArrayList
Portable implementation of System.Collections.ArrayList
C Tuple2
Simple tuple container that holds two elements
► N Digest
C IMessageDigest
This interface should be implemented to provide applications the functionality of a message digest algorithm
► N Exceptions
C AggregatedException
Composite exception class
C CommonsExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C ITextException
General iText exception
C ProductEventHandlerRepeatException
The class represents a signal to the event handler that it is necessary to repeat the handling of the current event
C UnknownProductException
An exception notifies that unknown product was found in iText ecosystem
► N Logs
C CommonsLogMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Utils
► N Collections
C EnumSet
C SingletonDictionary
C AtomicLong
C DIContainer
A simple dependency injection container
C DIContainerConfigurations
C FilterReader
Abstract class for reading filtered character streams. The abstract class
C FormattingStreamWriter
C FunctionalInterfaceAttribute
A mapping for java's FunctionalInterface attribute to allow clean code in java
C IanaEncodings
C IdentityComparator
C IdentityDictionary
C JsonUtil
Utility class for JSON serialization and deserialization operations. Not for public use
► C LinkedDictionary
► C KeyCollection
C Enumerator
► C ValueCollection
C Enumerator
C LinkedHashSet
C MapUtil
Utility class for work with collections
C Matcher
C MathematicUtil
C MessageFormatUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only
C Pair
Class which represents a pair of key and value
C PlaceHolderTextUtil
This class is used to generate placeholder text for the examples and tests
C ProcessInfo
Class contains a process information, such as process exit code and process output
C Properties
Summary description for Properties
C PushbackReader
A character-stream reader that allows characters to be pushed back into the stream
C SortUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only. Be aware that its API and functionality may be changed in future
C StringSplitUtil
C StringTokenizer
C SystemUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only. Be aware that its API and functionality may be changed in future
C ZipFileReader
Allows reading entries from a zip file
C ZipFileWriter
Allows writing entries into a zip file
► N Forms
► N Exceptions
C AttributeNotFoundException
This class represents iText exception that should be thrown when the attribute with given name is not found in the object attributes list
C FormsExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C XfdfException
This class represents iText exception that should be thrown when some errors occur while working with XFDF objects (XFDF file is XML-based Acrobat Forms Data Format)
► N Fields
► N Borders
C FormBorderFactory
A factory for creating AbstractFormBorder implementations
► N Merging
C AddIndexStrategy
A OnDuplicateFormFieldNameStrategy implementation that adds an index to the field name of the second field
C AlwaysThrowExceptionStrategy
A OnDuplicateFormFieldNameStrategy implementation that throws an exception if the second field has the same name as the first field
C MergeFieldsStrategy
A OnDuplicateFormFieldNameStrategy implementation that merges the second field into the first field if the second field has the same name as the first field
C OnDuplicateFormFieldNameStrategy
A OnDuplicateFormFieldNameStrategy implementation that throws an exception if the second field has the same name as the first field
► N Properties
C SignedAppearanceText
Class representing the signature text identifying the signer
C AbstractPdfFormField
This class represents a single field or field group in an AcroForm
C CheckBoxFormFieldBuilder
Builder for checkbox form field
C ChoiceFormFieldBuilder
Builder for choice form field
C FormFieldBuilder
Builder for form field
C FormsMetaInfoStaticContainer
Class to store meta info that will be used in forms module in static context
C NonTerminalFormFieldBuilder
Builder for non-terminal form field
C PdfButtonFormField
An interactive control on the screen that raises events and/or can retain data
C PdfChoiceFormField
An AcroForm field type representing any type of choice field
C PdfFormAnnotation
This class represents a single annotation in form fields hierarchy in an AcroForm
C PdfFormAnnotationUtil
Utility class to work with widget annotations PdfFormAnnotation and its dictionaries
C PdfFormCreator
Creator which shall be used in order to create all form related instances
C PdfFormFactory
Default factory for form related instances creation
C PdfFormField
This class represents a single field or field group in an AcroForm
C PdfFormFieldMergeUtil
Utility class to merge form fields PdfFormField with the same names
C PdfSignatureFormField
An AcroForm field containing signature data
C PdfTextFormField
An AcroForm field containing textual data
C PushButtonFormFieldBuilder
Builder for push button form field
C RadioFormFieldBuilder
Builder for radio form field
C SignatureFormFieldBuilder
Builder for signature form field
C TerminalFormFieldBuilder
Builder for terminal form field
C TextFormFieldBuilder
Builder for text form field
► N Form
► N Element
C AbstractSelectField
An abstract class for fields that represents a control for selecting one or several of the provided options
C Button
Extension of the FormField class representing a button in html
C CheckBox
Extension of the FormField class representing a checkbox so that a iText.Forms.Form.Renderer.CheckBoxRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields
C ComboBoxField
A field that represents a control for selecting one of the provided options
C FormField
Implementation of the iText.Layout.Element.AbstractElement class for form fields
C IFormField
Common interface for HTML form elements
C InputField
Extension of the FormField class representing a button so that a iText.Forms.Form.Renderer.InputFieldRenderer is used
C IPlaceholderable
A marker interface that specifies that the layout object has placeholder
C ListBoxField
A field that represents a control for selecting one or several of the provided options
C Radio
Extension of the FormField class representing a radio button so that a iText.Forms.Form.Renderer.RadioRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields
C SelectFieldItem
A field that represents a control for selecting one of the provided options
C SignatureFieldAppearance
Extension of the FormField class representing a signature field in PDF
C TextArea
Extension of the FormField class representing a button so that a iText.Forms.Form.Renderer.TextAreaRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields
► N Renderer
► N Checkboximpl
C HtmlCheckBoxRenderingStrategy
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in HTML mode
C ICheckBoxRenderingStrategy
This interface is used to draw a checkBox icon
C PdfACheckBoxRenderingStrategy
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in PDF/A mode
C PdfCheckBoxRenderingStrategy
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in PDF mode this is the default strategy for drawing a checkBox
C AbstractFormFieldRenderer
Abstract iText.Layout.Renderer.BlockRenderer for form fields
C AbstractOneLineTextFieldRenderer
Abstract AbstractTextFieldRenderer for a single line of text content in a form field
C AbstractSelectFieldRenderer
Abstract iText.Layout.Renderer.BlockRenderer for select form fields
C AbstractTextFieldRenderer
Abstract AbstractFormFieldRenderer for form fields with text content
C ButtonRenderer
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for buttons
► C CheckBoxRenderer
The AbstractFormFieldRenderer implementation for checkboxes
C FlatParagraphRenderer
A flat renderer for the checkbox
C InputFieldRenderer
The AbstractOneLineTextFieldRenderer implementation for input fields
C RadioRenderer
The AbstractFormFieldRenderer implementation for radio buttons
C SelectFieldComboBoxRenderer
The SelectFieldComboBoxRenderer implementation for select field renderer
C SelectFieldListBoxRenderer
The SelectFieldListBoxRenderer implementation for select field renderer
C SignatureAppearanceRenderer
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for SigFields
C TextAreaRenderer
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for text area fields
C FormProperty
Set of constants that will be used as keys to get and set properties
► N Logs
C FormsLogMessageConstants
Class containing constants to be used in logging in forms module
► N Util
C BorderStyleUtil
This file is a helper class for the internal usage only
C DrawingUtil
Utility class to draw form fields iText.Forms.Fields.PdfFormField
C FontSizeUtil
Utility class for font size calculations
C FormFieldRendererUtil
Utility class for centralized logic related to form field rendering
C RegisterDefaultDiContainer
Registers a default instance for a dependency injection container
► N Xfa
C XfaForm
Processes XFA forms
► N Xfdf
C ActionObject
Represent Action tag in xfdf document structure
C AnnotObject
Represents annotation, a child element of annots tag in Xfdf document structure
C AnnotsObject
Represent annots tag in xfdf document structure
C AttributeObject
Represents the attribute of any XFDF element
C BorderStyleAltObject
Represents the BorderStyleAlt element, a child of the link element
C DestObject
Represents Dest element, a child of the link, GoTo, and GoToR elements
C FieldObject
Represents the field element, a child of the fields and field elements
C FieldsObject
Represents the fields element, a child of the xfdf element and is the container for form field elements
C FitObject
Represent Fit, a child of the Dest element
C FObject
Represents f element, child of the xfdf element
C IdsObject
Represents ids element, child of the xfdf element
C XfdfConstants
Class containing constants to be used in XFDF processing
C XfdfObject
Represents xfdf element, the top level element in an xfdf document
C XfdfObjectFactory
A factory for creating XfdfObject objects
C FormDefaultAccessibilityProperties
The FormDefaultAccessibilityProperties class is used to create a specific forms related instance of the iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.DefaultAccessibilityProperties class
C PdfAcroForm
This class represents the static form technology AcroForm on a PDF file
C PdfPageFormCopier
A sample implementation of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier} interface which copies only AcroForm fields to a new page
C PdfSigFieldLock
A signature field lock dictionary
► N IO
► N Codec
C CCITTG4Encoder
Encodes data in the CCITT G4 FAX format
► C Jbig2SegmentReader
Class to read a JBIG2 file at a basic level: understand all the segments, understand what segments belong to which pages, how many pages there are, what the width and height of each page is, and global segments if there are any
C Jbig2Page
Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 page
C Jbig2Segment
Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 segment
C LZWCompressor
Modified from original LZWCompressor to change interface to passing a buffer of data to be compressed
C LZWStringTable
General purpose LZW String Table
C PngWriter
Writes a PNG image
C TIFFConstants
A list of constants used in class TIFFImage
C TIFFDirectory
A class representing an Image File Directory (IFD) from a TIFF 6.0 stream
C TIFFFaxDecoder
Class that can decode TIFF files
C TIFFFaxDecompressor
Class that can decompress TIFF files
A class representing a field in a TIFF 6.0 Image File Directory
A class for performing LZW decoding
► C TiffWriter
Exports images as TIFF
C FieldAscii
Inner class containing info about an ASCII field
C FieldBase
Inner class class containing information about a field
C FieldByte
Inner class containing info about a field
C FieldImage
Inner class containing info about a field
C FieldLong
Inner class containing info about a field
C FieldRational
Inner class containing info about a field
C FieldShort
Inner class containing info about a field
C FieldUndefined
Inner class containing info about a field
► N Colors
C IccProfile
Class used to represented the International Color Consortium profile
► N Exceptions
C ExceptionUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only
C FontCompressionException
C IOException
Exception class for exceptions in io module
C IoExceptionMessageConstant
Class containing constants to be used in exceptions in the IO module
► N Font
► N Cmap
C AbstractCMap
► C CMapByteCid
C Cursor
C CMapCharsetEncoder
C CMapCidToCodepoint
C CMapCidUni
C CMapCodepointToCid
Class represents real codepoint-CID mapping without any additional manipulation
C CMapContentParser
C CMapLocationFromBytes
C CMapLocationResource
C CMapObject
C CMapParser
C CMapToUnicode
This class represents a CMap file
C CMapUniCid
C ICMapLocation
C StandardCMapCharsets
► N Constants
C FontDescriptorFlags
Font descriptor flags
C FontMacStyleFlags
Represents Open Type head.macStyle bits
C FontResources
C FontStretches
C FontStyles
C FontWeights
C StandardFontFamilies
Class containing families for StandardFonts
C StandardFonts
C TrueTypeCodePages
The code pages possible for a True Type font
► N Otf
► N Lookuptype5
► C SubTableLookup5Format1
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Simple context glyph substitution
C SubstRuleFormat1
► C SubTableLookup5Format2
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Class-based context glyph substitution
C SubstRuleFormat2
► C SubTableLookup5Format3
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Coverage-based context glyph substitution
C SubstRuleFormat3
► N Lookuptype6
► C SubTableLookup6Format1
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Simple Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
C SubstRuleFormat1
► C SubTableLookup6Format2
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Class-based Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
C SubstRuleFormat2
► C SubTableLookup6Format3
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Coverage-based Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
C SubstRuleFormat3
► N Lookuptype7
► C PosTableLookup7Format2
C PosRuleFormat2
► N Lookuptype8
► C PosTableLookup8Format1
Chaining Context Positioning Format 1: Simple Glyph Contexts
C PosRuleFormat1
► C PosTableLookup8Format2
Chained Contexts Positioning Format 2: Class-based Glyph Contexts
C PosRuleFormat2
► C PosTableLookup8Format3
Chained Contexts Positioning Format 3: Coverage-based Glyph Contexts
C PosRuleFormat3
C ActualTextIterator
C ChainingContextualTable
C ContextualPositionRule
C ContextualRule
C ContextualSubstRule
C ContextualTable
C FeatureRecord
C FontReadingException
C Glyph
► C GlyphLine
C ActualText
C GlyphLinePart
C IGlyphLineFilter
C GlyphPositioningTableReader
Parses an OpenTypeFont file and reads the Glyph Substitution Table
C GlyphSubstitutionTableReader
Parses an OpenTypeFont file and reads the Glyph Substitution Table
C GposAnchor
C GposLookupType1
Lookup Type 1: Single Adjustment Positioning Subtable
C GposLookupType2
Lookup Type 2: Pair Adjustment Positioning Subtable
► C GposLookupType4
Lookup Type 4: MarkToBase Attachment Positioning Subtable
C MarkToBase
► C GposLookupType5
Lookup Type 5: MarkToLigature Attachment Positioning Subtable
C MarkToLigature
C GposLookupType6
Lookup Type 6: MarkToMark Attachment Positioning Subtable
C GposLookupType7
Lookup Type 7: Contextual Positioning Subtables
C GposLookupType8
Lookup Type 8: Chaining Contextual Positioning Subtable
C GposValueRecord
C GsubLookupType1
C GsubLookupType2
LookupType 2: Multiple Substitution Subtable
C GsubLookupType3
LookupType 3: Alternate Substitution Subtable
C GsubLookupType4
LookupType 4: Ligature Substitution Subtable
C GsubLookupType5
LookupType 5: Contextual Substitution Subtable
C GsubLookupType6
LookupType 6: Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable
C LanguageRecord
C LanguageTags
Constants corresponding to language tags in the OTF specification
C MarkTable
► C OpenTableLookup
C GlyphIndexer
C OpenTypeFeature
C OpenTypeFontTableReader
C OpenTypeGdefTableReader
C OpenTypeScript
C OtfClass
C OtfMarkRecord
C OtfReadCommon
C PosLookupRecord
C ScriptRecord
C SubstLookupRecord
C TagAndLocation
► N Woff2
C Woff2Converter
C AdobeGlyphList
► C CFFFont
C DictNumberItem
A dictionary number on the list
C DictOffsetItem
an unknown offset in a dictionary for the list
C Font
C IndexBaseItem
C IndexMarkerItem
C IndexOffsetItem
An index-offset item for the list
C Item
List items for the linked list that builds the new CID font
C MarkerItem
An offset-marker item for the list
C OffsetItem
C RangeItem
A range item
C StringItem
C SubrMarkerItem
C UInt16Item
A SID or Card16 item
C UInt24Item
Card24 item
C UInt32Item
Card32 item
C UInt8Item
A Card8 item
C CFFFontSubset
This Class subsets a CFF Type Font
C CidFont
C CidFontProperties
C CjkResourceLoader
This class is responsible for loading and handling CJK fonts and CMaps from font-asian package
C CMapEncoding
C FontCache
C FontCacheKey
C FontEncoding
C FontIdentification
C FontMetrics
C FontNames
C FontProgram
C FontProgramDescriptor
Base font descriptor
C FontProgramDescriptorFactory
C FontProgramFactory
Provides methods for creating various types of fonts
C IExtraEncoding
Classes implementing this interface can create custom encodings or replace existing ones
C PdfEncodings
C Pfm2afm
Converts a PFM file into an AFM file
C TrueTypeCollection
Use this class for working with true type collection font (*.ttc)
C TrueTypeFont
C Type1Font
► N Image
C BmpImageData
C GifImageData
C GifImageHelper
C ImageData
C ImageDataFactory
C ImageTypeDetector
Helper class that detects image type by magic bytes
C Jbig2ImageData
► C Jpeg2000ImageData
C ColorSpecBox
C Parameters
C JpegImageData
C PngChromaticities
C PngImageData
C PngImageHelperConstants
C RawImageData
C RawImageHelper
C TiffImageData
► N Logs
C IoLogMessageConstant
Class containing constants to be used in logging
► N Source
C ByteArrayOutputStream
C ByteBuffer
C ByteUtils
C DeflaterOutputStream
C GetBufferedRandomAccessSource
C HighPrecisionOutputStream
C IndependentRandomAccessSource
A RandomAccessSource that is wraps another RandomAccessSource but does not propagate close()
C IRandomAccessSource
Represents an abstract source that bytes can be read from
C PdfTokenizer
C RandomAccessFileOrArray
Class that is used to unify reading from random access files and arrays
C RandomAccessSourceFactory
Factory to create RandomAccessSource objects based on various types of sources
C RASInputStream
An input stream that uses a RandomAccessSource as its underlying source
C ThreadSafeRandomAccessSource
C WindowRandomAccessSource
A RandomAccessSource that wraps another RandomAccessSource and provides a window of it at a specific offset and over a specific length
► N Util
C CliCommandUtil
► C GhostscriptHelper
A utility class that is used as an interface to run 3rd-party tool Ghostscript
C GhostscriptExecutionException
Exceptions thrown when errors occur during generation and comparison of images obtained on the basis of pdf files
► C ImageHandlerUtil
C ImageHandlerExecutionException
Exceptions thrown when errors occur during generation and comparison of images obtained on the basis of pdf files
C ImageMagickCompareResult
A helper data class, which aggregates true/false result of ImageMagick comparing as well as the number of different pixels
C ImageMagickHelper
A utility class that is used as an interface to run 3rd-party tool ImageMagick
C PdfNameUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only
C XmlUtil
This file is a helper class for internal usage only. Be aware that its API and functionality may be changed in the future
► N Kernel
► N Actions
► N Data
C ITextCoreProductData
Stores an instance of iText.Commons.Actions.Data.ProductData related to iText core module
► N Events
C AddFingerPrintEvent
This class is responsible for adding a fingerprint
C FlushPdfDocumentEvent
Class represents events notifying that iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument was flushed
C ITextCoreProductEvent
Class represents events registered in iText core module
C LinkDocumentIdEvent
An event allows to associate some iText.Commons.Actions.Sequence.SequenceId with iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument
► N Colors
► N Gradients
C AbstractLinearGradientBuilder
Base class for linear gradient builders implementations
C GradientColorStop
The gradient stop color structure representing the stop color configuration
C LinearGradientBuilder
The linear gradient builder implementation with direct target gradient vector and shading transformation ( more info )
C StrategyBasedLinearGradientBuilder
The linear gradient builder with automatic coordinates vector evaluation for the target filled area based on configured strategy
C CalGray
Representation of a CalGray color space
C CalRgb
Representation of a CalRgb color space
C Color
Represents a color
C ColorConstants
Class containing predefined DeviceRgb colors
C DeviceCmyk
Color space to specify colors according to CMYK color model
C DeviceGray
Color space to specify shades of gray color
C DeviceN
Representation of a DeviceN color space
C DeviceRgb
Color space to specify colors according to RGB color model
C IccBased
Representation on an ICC Based color space
C Indexed
Representation of an indexed color space
C Lab
Representation of a lab color space
C PatternColor
Representation of a Pattern Color
C Separation
Representation of a separation color space
C WebColors
This class is a HashMap that contains the names of colors as a key and the corresponding RGB color as value
► N Crypto
► N Securityhandler
C PubKeySecurityHandler
C PublicKeyRecipient
C PubSecHandlerUsingAes128
C PubSecHandlerUsingAes256
C PubSecHandlerUsingAesGcm
Public-key security handler with Advanced Encryption Standard-Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) encryption algorithm
C PubSecHandlerUsingStandard128
C PubSecHandlerUsingStandard40
C SecurityHandler
C StandardHandlerUsingAes128
C StandardHandlerUsingAes256
C StandardHandlerUsingAesGcm
Standard security handler with Advanced Encryption Standard-Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) encryption algorithm
C StandardHandlerUsingStandard128
C StandardHandlerUsingStandard40
C StandardSecurityHandler
C UnsupportedSecurityHandlerException
C AESCipher
Creates an AES Cipher with CBC and padding PKCS5/7
C AESCipherCBCnoPad
Creates an AES Cipher with CBC and no padding
C AesDecryptor
Creates an Advanced Encryption Standard-Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) Cipher
C AesGcmDecryptor
Class for decrypting aes-gcm encrypted bytes
C ARCFOUREncryption
C DigestAlgorithms
Class that contains a map with the different message digest algorithms
C IDecryptor
C IVGenerator
An initialization vector generator for a CBC block encryption
Class containing all the OID values used by iText
C X509Extensions
Contains all OIDs used by iText in the context of Certificate Extensions
C OutputStreamAesEncryption
C OutputStreamAesGcmEncryption
An output stream accepts output bytes and sends them to underlying OutputStreamEncryption instance
C OutputStreamEncryption
C OutputStreamStandardEncryption
C StandardDecryptor
► N DI
► N Pagetree
C DefaultPageTreeListFactory
This class is a default implementation of IPageTreeListFactory that is used as a default
C IPageTreeListFactory
This interface is used to create a list of pages from a pages dictionary
► N Exceptions
C BadPasswordException
Bad password exception
C InvalidXRefPrevException
Exception class for invalid prev pointer in xref structure
C KernelExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C MemoryLimitsAwareException
Exception class for exceptions occurred during decompressed pdf streams processing
C PdfException
Exception class for exceptions in kernel module
C XrefCycledReferencesException
Exception class for infinite loop in xref structure
► N Font
C DocTrueTypeFont
C FontUtil
C PdfFont
C PdfFontFactory
This class provides helpful methods for creating fonts ready to be used in a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument
C PdfSimpleFont
C PdfTrueTypeFont
C PdfType0Font
C PdfType1Font
C PdfType3Font
Low-level API class for Type 3 fonts
C Type3Font
FontProgram class for Type 3 font
C Type3Glyph
The content where Type3 glyphs are written to
► N Geom
C AffineTransform
The AffineTransform class represents an affine transformation, which is a combination of linear transformations such as translation, scaling, rotation, and shearing which allows preservation of the straightness of lines
C BezierCurve
Represents a Bezier curve
C IShape
Represents segment from a PDF path
C Line
Represents a line
C LineSegment
Represents a line segment in a particular coordinate system
C Matrix
Keeps all the values of a 3 by 3 matrix and allows you to do some math with matrices
C NoninvertibleTransformException
C PageSize
C Path
Paths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts
C Point
Class that represent point object with x and y coordinates
C Rectangle
Class that represent rectangle object
C ShapeTransformUtil
Public helper class for transforming segments and paths
C Subpath
As subpath is a part of a path comprising a sequence of connected segments
C Vector
Represents a vector (i.e. a point in space)
► N Logs
C KernelLogMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Mac
C AbstractMacIntegrityProtector
Class responsible for integrity protection in encrypted documents, which uses MAC container
C IMacContainerLocator
Strategy interface, which is responsible for AbstractMacIntegrityProtector container location
C MacProperties
Class which contains configurable properties for MAC integrity protection mechanism
C MacValidationException
Exception class for MAC validation errors
C StandaloneMacContainerLocator
Default AbstractMacIntegrityProtector location strategy, which locates MAC container in document's trailer
► N Numbering
C AlphabetNumbering
This is a general class for alphabet numbering
C ArmenianNumbering
This class can produce String combinations representing an armenian numeral
C EnglishAlphabetNumbering
This class is responsible for converting integer numbers to their English alphabet letter representations
C GeorgianNumbering
This class can produce String combinations representing a georgian numeral
C GreekAlphabetNumbering
This class is responsible for converting integer numbers to their Greek alphabet letter representations
C RomanNumbering
This class can produce String combinations representing a roman number
► N Pdf
► N Action
C PdfAction
A wrapper for action dictionaries (ISO 32000-1 section 12.6)
C PdfActionOcgState
This is a helper class for optional content states use in Set-OCG-State actions
C PdfAnnotationAdditionalActions
A wrapper for annotations additional actions dictionaries
C PdfMediaClipData
This class is a wrapper of media clip data dictionary that defines the data for a media object that can be played
C PdfRendition
This a wrapper around a rendition dictionary
C PdfTarget
A target dictionary locates the target in relation to the source, in much the same way that a relative path describes the physical relationship between two files in a file system
C PdfWin
This class is a wrapper around a Windows launch parameter dictionary
► N Annot
► N DA
C AnnotationDefaultAppearance
Helper class for setting annotation default appearance
C Pdf3DAnnotation
This class represents 3D annotations by which 3D artwork shall be represented in a PDF document
C PdfAnnotation
This is a super class for the annotation dictionary wrappers
C PdfAnnotationAppearance
C PdfCaretAnnotation
C PdfCircleAnnotation
C PdfFileAttachmentAnnotation
C PdfFixedPrint
C PdfFreeTextAnnotation
C PdfInkAnnotation
C PdfLineAnnotation
The purpose of a line annotation is to display a single straight line on the page
C PdfLinkAnnotation
A link annotation represents either a hypertext link to a destination elsewhere in the document or an iText.Kernel.Pdf.Action.PdfAction to be performed
C PdfMarkupAnnotation
This is a super class for the annotations which are defined as markup annotations because they are used primarily to mark up PDF documents
C PdfPolyGeomAnnotation
C PdfPopupAnnotation
C PdfPrinterMarkAnnotation
C PdfRedactAnnotation
C PdfScreenAnnotation
C PdfSoundAnnotation
C PdfSquareAnnotation
C PdfStampAnnotation
C PdfTextAnnotation
C PdfTextMarkupAnnotation
C PdfTrapNetworkAnnotation
A PdfTrapNetworkAnnotation may be used to define the trapping characteristics for a page of a PDF document
C PdfWatermarkAnnotation
C PdfWidgetAnnotation
► N Canvas
► N Draw
C DashedLine
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a dashed horizontal line over the middle of the specified rectangle
C DottedLine
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a dotted horizontal line along the bottom edge of the specified rectangle
C ILineDrawer
The ILineDrawer defines a drawing operation on a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas
C SolidLine
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a solid horizontal line along the bottom edge of the specified rectangle
► N Parser
► N ClipperLib
C Clipper
C ClipperBase
C ClipperBridge
This class contains a variety of methods allowing the conversion of iText abstractions into abstractions of the Clipper library, and vice versa
C ClipperException
C ClipperExceptionConstant
C ClipperOffset
C DoublePoint
C Int128
C IntersectNode
C IntPoint
C IntRect
C Join
C LocalMinima
C Maxima
C MyIntersectNodeSort
C OutPt
C OutRec
C PolyNode
C PolyTree
C Scanbeam
C TEdge
► N Data
C AbstractRenderInfo
C ClippingPathInfo
Represents the clipping path data
C IEventData
Marker interface for the set of classes used to combine parameters required for different types of events
C ImageRenderInfo
Represents image data from a PDF
C PathRenderInfo
Contains information relating to painting current path
C TextRenderInfo
Provides information and calculations needed by render listeners to display/evaluate text render operations
► N Filter
C IEventFilter
This is an interface which helps to filter events
C TextRegionEventFilter
This IEventFilter implementation only accepts text render events within the specified rectangular region
► N Listener
C CharacterRenderInfo
This class represents a single character and its bounding box
C DefaultPdfTextLocation
This class acts as a default implementation of IPdfTextLocation
C FilteredEventListener
An event listener which filters events on the fly before passing them on to the delegate
C FilteredTextEventListener
A text event listener which filters events on the fly before passing them on to the delegate
C GlyphEventListener
This class expands each iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Data.TextRenderInfo for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.EventType.RENDER_TEXT event types into multiple iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Data.TextRenderInfo instances for each glyph occurred
C GlyphTextEventListener
This class expands each iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Data.TextRenderInfo for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.EventType.RENDER_TEXT event types into multiple iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Data.TextRenderInfo instances for each glyph occurred
C IEventListener
A callback interface that receives notifications from the iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.PdfCanvasProcessor as various events occur (see iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.EventType )
C ILocationExtractionStrategy
This is a special interface for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Filter.IEventFilter that returns a collection of rectangles as result of its work
C IPdfTextLocation
Instances of this interface represent a piece of text, somewhere on a page in a pdf document
C ITextChunkLocation
C ITextExtractionStrategy
This is a special interface for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Filter.IEventFilter that returns text as result of its work
► C LocationTextExtractionStrategy
C ITextChunkLocationStrategy
C RegexBasedLocationExtractionStrategy
This class is designed to search for the occurrences of a regular expression and return the resultant rectangles
C SimpleTextExtractionStrategy
C TextChunk
Represents a chunk of text, it's orientation, and location relative to the orientation vector
C TextMarginFinder
This class allows you to find the rectangle which contains all the text in the given content stream
► N Util
► C InlineImageParsingUtils
Utility methods to help with processing of inline images
C InlineImageParseException
Simple class in case users need to differentiate an exception from processing inline images vs other exceptions
C PdfCanvasParser
Parses the page or form XObject content
C IContentOperator
Root interface for a series of handlers for content stream operators
C IXObjectDoHandler
C ParserGraphicsState
Internal class which is essentially a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.CanvasGraphicsState which supports tracking of clipping path state and changes
► C PdfCanvasProcessor
Processor for a PDF content stream
C PopGraphicsStateOperator
A handler that implements operator (Q)
C PdfDocumentContentParser
A utility class that makes it cleaner to process content from pages of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument through a specified RenderListener
C PdfTextExtractor
► N Wmf
C InputMeta
Helper class to read nt, short, words, etc. from an InputStream
C MetaBrush
A Brush bject that holds information about the style, the hatch and the color of the brush
C MetaDo
A class to process WMF files
C MetaFont
A Meta Font
C MetaObject
A meta object
C MetaPen
A Pen object of the WMF format
C MetaState
Class to keep the state
C WmfImageData
Image implementation for WMF, Windows Metafile
C WmfImageHelper
Helper class for the WmfImage implementation
C CanvasArtifact
A subclass of CanvasTag for Artifacts
C CanvasGraphicsState
This class is designed for internal usage
C CanvasTag
This class represents a single tag on a single piece of marked content
C PdfCanvas
PdfCanvas class represents an algorithm for writing data into content stream
► C PdfCanvasConstants
A container for constants defined in the PDF specification (ISO 32000-1)
C FillingRule
Rule for determining which points lie inside a path
C LineCapStyle
The line cap style specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked
C LineJoinStyle
The line join style specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths that are stroked
C TextRenderingMode
The text rendering mode determines whether showing text causes glyph outlines to be stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three
C PdfPatternCanvas
A PdfCanvas instance with an inherent tiling pattern
► N Collection
C PdfCollection
C PdfCollectionField
C PdfCollectionItem
C PdfCollectionSchema
C PdfCollectionSort
► N Colorspace
► N Shading
C AbstractPdfShading
The PdfShading class that represents the Shading Dictionary PDF object
C AbstractPdfShadingBlend
The PdfShadingBlend class which extends AbstractPdfShading and represents shadings which are based on a blend, with Coords, Domain and Extend fields in the PDF object
C AbstractPdfShadingMesh
The PdfShadingMesh class which extends AbstractPdfShading and represents shadings which are based on a mesh, with BitsPerCoordinate, BitsPerComponent and Decode fields in the PDF object
C AbstractPdfShadingMeshWithFlags
The PdfShadingMeshFlags class which extends AbstractPdfShading and AbstractPdfShadingMesh and represents shadings which are based on a mesh, with all fields from AbstractPdfShadingMesh as well as BitsPerFlag in the PDF object
C PdfAxialShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading and AbstractPdfShadingBlend classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with axial type, that define a colour blend that varies along a linear axis between two endpoints and extends indefinitely perpendicular to that axis
C PdfCoonsPatchShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading , AbstractPdfShadingMesh and AbstractPdfShadingMeshWithFlags classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with Coons Patch mesh type
C PdfFreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading , AbstractPdfShadingMesh and AbstractPdfShadingMeshWithFlags classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type
C PdfFunctionBasedShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with function-based type, that defines color at every point in the domain by a specified mathematical function
C PdfLatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading and AbstractPdfShadingMesh classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type
C PdfRadialShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading and AbstractPdfShadingBlend classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with radial type, that defines a colour blend that varies between two circles
C PdfTensorProductPatchShading
The class that extends AbstractPdfShading , AbstractPdfShadingMesh and AbstractPdfShadingMeshWithFlags classes and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with Tensor-Product Patch mesh type
C ShadingType
The constants of shading type (see ISO-320001 Table 78)
► C PdfCieBasedCs
C CalGray
C CalRgb
C IccBased
C Lab
C PdfColorSpace
Represents the most common properties of color spaces
► C PdfDeviceCs
C Cmyk
C Gray
C Rgb
► C PdfPattern
Dictionary wrapper that represent special type of color space, that uses pattern objects as the equivalent of colour values instead of the numeric component values used with other spaces
C Shading
Shading pattern provides a smooth transition between colors across an area to be painted, independent of the resolution of any particular output device and without specifying the number of steps in the color transition
► C Tiling
Wrapper that represents tiling pattern of color space
C PaintType
A code that determines how the colour of the pattern cell shall be specified
C TilingType
A code that controls adjustments to the spacing of tiles relative to the device pixel grid
► C PdfSpecialCs
C DeviceN
C Indexed
C NChannel
C Pattern
C Separation
C UncoloredTilingPattern
► N Event
C AbstractPdfDocumentEvent
Describes abstract PDF document event of the specified type
C AbstractPdfDocumentEventHandler
Base class for PDF document events handling based on the event type
C PdfDocumentEvent
Event dispatched by PdfDocument
► N Extgstate
C PdfExtGState
Graphics state parameter dictionary wrapper
► N Filespec
C PdfDictionaryFS
C PdfEncryptedPayloadFileSpecFactory
C PdfFileSpec
C PdfStringFS
► N Filters
C ASCII85DecodeFilter
Handles ASCII85Decode filter
C ASCIIHexDecodeFilter
Handles ASCIIHexDecode filter
C CCITTFaxDecodeFilter
Handles CCITTFaxDecode filter
C DctDecodeFilter
Handles a DCTDecode filter
C DoNothingFilter
A filter that doesn't modify the stream at all
C FilterHandlers
Encapsulates filter behavior for PDF streams
C FlateDecodeFilter
Handles FlateDecode filter
C FlateDecodeStrictFilter
Handles strict FlateDecode filter
C IFilterHandler
The main interface for creating a new FilterHandler
C JpxDecodeFilter
Handles a JPXDecode filter
C LZWDecodeFilter
Handles LZWDECODE filter
C LZWDecoder
A class for performing LZW decoding
C RunLengthDecodeFilter
Handles RunLengthDecode filter
► N Function
► N Utils
C AbstractSampleExtractor
C SampleExtractor
C AbstractPdfFunction
The abstract PdfFunction class that represents the Function Dictionary or Stream PDF object
C BaseInputOutPutConvertors
C IInputConversionFunction
C IOutputConversionFunction
C IPdfFunction
C PdfFunctionFactory
C PdfType0Function
C PdfType2Function
This class represents Pdf type 2 function that defines an exponential interpolation of one input value to n output values
C PdfType3Function
This class represents Pdf type 3 function that defines a stitching of the subdomains of several 1-input functions to produce a single new 1-input function
C PdfType4Function
► N Layer
The interface generalizing the layer types (PdfLayer , PdfLayerMembership )
C PdfLayer
An optional content group is a dictionary representing a collection of graphics that can be made visible or invisible dynamically by users of viewer applications
C PdfLayerMembership
Content typically belongs to a single optional content group, and is visible when the group is ON and invisible when it is OFF
C PdfOCProperties
This class represents /OCProperties entry if pdf catalog and manages the layers of the pdf document
C PdfVisibilityExpression
An array specifying a visibility expression, used to compute visibility of content based on a set of optional content groups
► N Navigation
C PdfDestination
C PdfExplicitDestination
This class shall be used for creation of destinations, associated with outline items, annotations or actions within current document
C PdfExplicitRemoteGoToDestination
This class shall be used for creation of destinations, associated Remote Go-To and Embedded Go-To actions only, i.e. the destination point is in another PDF
C PdfNamedDestination
C PdfStringDestination
C PdfStructureDestination
► N Statistics
C NumberOfPagesStatisticsAggregator
Statistics aggregator which aggregates number of pages in PDF documents
C NumberOfPagesStatisticsEvent
Class which represents event for counting the number of pages in a PDF document
C SizeOfPdfStatisticsAggregator
Statistics aggregator which aggregates size of PDF documents
C SizeOfPdfStatisticsEvent
Class which represents event related to size of the PDF document
► N Tagging
C IStructureNode
C McrCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for searching mcr in tag tree
C PdfMcr
Represents Marked Content Reference (MCR) object wrapper
C PdfMcrDictionary
C PdfMcrNumber
C PdfNamespace
A wrapper for namespace dictionaries (ISO 32000-2 section 14.7.4)
C PdfObjRef
C PdfStructElem
A wrapper for structure element dictionaries (ISO-32000 14.7.2 "Structure Hierarchy")
C PdfStructIdTree
Models the tree of structure element IDs
C PdfStructTreeRoot
Represents a wrapper-class for structure tree root dictionary
C PdfStructureAttributes
C PdfUserPropertiesAttributes
C PdfUserProperty
C StandardNamespaces
This class encapsulates information about the standard structure namespaces and provides some utility methods connected to them
C StandardRoles
► N Tagutils
C AbstractAvoidDuplicatesTagTreeIteratorHandler
Handler for TagTreeIterator
C AccessibilityProperties
The accessibility properties are used to define properties of structure elements in Tagged PDF documents via TagTreePointer API
C DefaultAccessibilityProperties
The class represents a basic implementation of AccessibilityProperties that preserves specified accessibility properties
C IRoleMappingResolver
A helper interface that facilitates roles mapping resolving for the tag structures that are defined for different PDF document specification versions
C ITagTreeIteratorHandler
Handler for TagTreeIterator
C TagReference
The class is used to provide connection between structure element of Tagged PDF document and marked content sequence in PDF stream
C TagStructureContext
class is used to track necessary information of document's tag structure
C TagTreeIterator
This class is used to traverse the tag tree
C TagTreeIteratorFlusher
Class that flushes struct elements while iterating over struct tree root with TagTreeIterator
C TagTreePointer
TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree
C WaitingTagsManager
This class is used to manage waiting tags state
► N Xobject
C PdfFormXObject
A wrapper for Form XObject
C PdfImageXObject
A wrapper for Image XObject
C PdfTransparencyGroup
C PdfXObject
An abstract wrapper for supported types of XObject
C CompressionConstants
Compression constants for PdfStream
C CountOutputStream
An OutputStream
that counts the written bytes
C DefaultFontStrategy
The class defines a default font strategy for PdfDocument which is used in the scope of PdfDocument.GetDefaultFont()
C DestinationResolverCopyFilter
A copy filter that will handle goto annotations and actions separately
C DocumentInfoHelper
The class is helper which used inside PdfDocument to properly configure PDF document's info dictionary
C DocumentProperties
Class with additional properties for PdfDocument processing
C DocumentRevision
Class which stores information about single PDF document revision
C EncryptionConstants
Encryption constants for WriterProperties.SetStandardEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int)
C EncryptionProperties
Allows configuration of output PDF encryption
C FingerPrint
Data container for debugging information
C GenericNameTree
Abstract representation of a name tree structure, as used in PDF for various purposes such as the Dests tree, the ID tree of structure elements and the embedded file tree
C IPdfNameTreeAccess
Abstract access interface to a PDF name tree
C IPdfPageExtraCopier
This interface defines logic which can be used to perform a custom copying operation of a PdfPage
C IPdfPageFactory
Interface used to create instances of PdfPage
C IPdfPageFormCopier
This interface extends the logic of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier } interface to copy AcroForm fields to a new page
C MemoryLimitsAwareFilter
Handles memory limits aware processing
C MemoryLimitsAwareHandler
A MemoryLimitsAwareHandler handles memory allocation and prevents decompressed pdf streams from occupation of more space than allowed
C PageContentRotationHelper
Helper class to specify or check whether inverse matrix is already applied to the page content stream in case page rotation is applied and PdfPage.SetIgnorePageRotationForContent(bool) is set to true
C PageFlushingHelper
This class allows to free the memory taken by already processed pages when handling big PDF files
C PdfAConformance
PDF/A is a special variant of PDF designed specifically for long-term document preservation (the “A” stands for archive)
C PdfAnnotationBorder
Specifying the characteristics of the annotation’s border
C PdfArray
A representation of an array as described in the PDF specification
C PdfBoolean
C PdfCatalog
The root of a document’s object hierarchy
C PdfConformance
The class represents possible PDF document conformance
C PdfDashPattern
Represents the line dash pattern
C PdfDate
is the PDF date object. PDF defines a standard date format. The PDF date format closely follows the format defined by the international standard ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One, defined in CCITT X.208 or ISO/IEC 8824). A date is a PdfString
of the form: (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm')
See also ISO-320001 7.9.4, "Dates"
C PdfDeveloperExtension
Beginning with BaseVersion 1.7, the extensions dictionary lets developers designate that a given document contains extensions to PDF
C PdfDictionary
A representation of a Dictionary as described by the PDF Specification
C PdfDocument
Main enter point to work with PDF document
C PdfDocumentInfo
C PdfEncryptedPayload
C PdfEncryptedPayloadDocument
C PdfEncryption
C PdfEncryptor
This class takes any PDF and returns exactly the same but encrypted
C PdfIndirectReference
C PdfLiteral
C PdfName
C PdfNameTree
C PdfNull
Representation of the null object in the PDF specification
C PdfNumber
A PdfNumber
-class is the PDF-equivalent of a Double
C PdfNumTree
C PdfObject
C PdfObjectWrapper
C PdfOutline
Document outline object See ISO-320001, 12.3.3 Document Outline
C PdfOutputIntent
Specify the colour characteristics of output devices on which the document might be rendered See ISO 32000-1 14.11.5: Output Intents
C PdfOutputStream
C PdfPage
C PdfPrimitiveObject
► C PdfReader
Reads a PDF document
C ReusableRandomAccessSource
C StrictnessLevel
Enumeration representing the strictness level for reading
C PdfResources
Wrapper class that represent resource dictionary - that define named resources used by content streams operators
C PdfRevisionsReader
Class to retrieve important information about PDF document revisions
C PdfStream
Representation of a stream as described in the PDF Specification
C PdfString
A PdfString
-class is the PDF-equivalent of a JAVA- String
C PdfTextArray
PdfTextArray defines an array with displacements and PdfString -objects
C PdfUAConformance
PDF/UA is a conformance for PDF files that ensures the files are accessible to all users
C PdfVersion
This class represents all official PDF versions
C PdfViewerPreferences
C PdfWriter
C PdfXrefTable
A representation of a cross-referenced table of a PDF document
C ReaderProperties
The class representing various properties used to read PDF documents
C StampingProperties
C VersionConforming
C WriterProperties
► N Utils
► N Annotationsflattening
C AbstractTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
This class is used to flatten text markup annotations
C DefaultAnnotationFlattener
This class is used to flatten annotations
C HighLightTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for highlight text markup annotations
C IAnnotationFlattener
Interface for annotation flatten workers
C NotSupportedFlattener
This class is used to warn that annotation flattening is not supported for the given annotation
C PdfAnnotationFlattenFactory
Helper class to retrieve the annotation flatten worker for the specified annotation subtype
C RemoveWithoutDrawingFlattener
This class is used to Remove annotations without drawing them on the page content stream
C SquigglyTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for squiggly annotations
C StrikeOutTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for strikeout annotations
C UnderlineTextMarkupAnnotationFlattener
Implementation of IAnnotationFlattener for underline annotations
C WarnFormfieldFlattener
This class is used to warn user that annotation will not be flattened
► N Checkers
► C FontCheckUtil
Utility class that contains common checks used in both the PDFA and PDFUA module for fonts
C CharacterChecker
Character checker which performs check of passed symbol against the font
► N Objectpathitems
C ArrayPathItem
Direct path item (see ObjectPath , which describes transition to the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfArray element which is now a currently comparing direct object
C DictPathItem
Direct path item (see ObjectPath , which describes transition to the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary entry which value is now a currently comparing direct object
C IndirectPathItem
An item in the indirect path (see ObjectPath
C LocalPathItem
An abstract class for the items in the direct path (see ObjectPath
C ObjectPath
Class that helps to find two corresponding objects in the compared documents and also keeps track of the already met during comparing process parent indirect objects
C OffsetPathItem
Direct path item (see ObjectPath , which describes transition to the specific position in iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfStream
C TrailerPath
Direct path item (see ObjectPath ), which describes transition to the trailer entry which value is now a currently comparing direct object
► C CompareTool
This class provides means to compare two PDF files both by content and visually and gives the report on their differences
C CompareResult
Class containing results of the comparison of two documents
C CompareToolExecutionException
Exceptions thrown when errors occur during generation and comparison of images obtained on the basis of pdf files
C DefaultSafeXmlParserFactory
Implementation of IXmlParserFactory for creating safe xml parser objects
C ICopyFilter
A filter class to be used while copying pdf components
C IXmlParserFactory
The interface in which methods for creating xml parsers are declared
C NullCopyFilter
A no-op ICopyFilter instance, used as default
► C PageRange
Class representing a page range, for instance a page range can contain pages 5, then pages 10 through 15, then page 18, then page 21 and so on
C IPageRangePart
Inner interface for range parts definition
C PageRangePartAfter
Class for range part containing a range of pages for all pages after a given start page
C PageRangePartAnd
Class for range part based on several range parts
C PageRangePartOddEven
Class for range part for all even or odd pages
C PageRangePartSequence
Class for range part containing a range of pages represented by a start and an end page
C PageRangePartSingle
Class for range part containing a single page
C PdfAnnotationFlattener
Utility class for flattening annotations
C PdfMerger
Helper class to merge a number of existing documents into one
C PdfMergerProperties
Class with additional properties for PdfMerger processing
C PdfResourceCounter
This class can be used to count the number of bytes needed when copying pages from an existing PDF into a newly created PDF
C PdfScriptMerger
Utility class which provides functionality to merge ECMA scripts from pdf documents
► C PdfSplitter
Helper class to split the document based on some condition
C IDocumentReadyListener
The event listener which is called when another document is ready
C RegisterDefaultDiContainer
Registers a default instance for a dependency injection container for the kernel module
C TaggedPdfReaderTool
Converts a tagged PDF document into an XML file
C XmlUtils
► N Validation
► N Context
C AbstractColorValidationContext
Abstract class for color validation context
C CanvasBmcValidationContext
Class for canvas begin marked content validation
C CanvasStackValidationContext
Class for canvas stack validation
C CanvasWritingContentValidationContext
Class for canvas writing content validation
C CryptoValidationContext
Class for crypto validation
C DuplicateIdEntryValidationContext
Class for duplicate ID entry in structure element tree validation
C ExtendedGStateValidationContext
Class for extended graphics state validation
C FillColorValidationContext
Class for fill canvas color canvas tag validation
C FontGlyphsGStateValidationContext
Class for canvas font glyphs validation context
C FontValidationContext
Class for font validation context
C IContentStreamValidationParameter
Interface for validation context classes which store content stream
C IGraphicStateValidationParameter
Interface for validation context classes which store graphics state
C InlineImageValidationContext
Class for inline image validation context
C PdfDocumentValidationContext
Class for iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument validation context
C PdfObjectValidationContext
Class for iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfObject validation context
C PdfPageValidationContext
Class for iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPage validation context
C RenderingIntentValidationContext
Class for rendering intent validation context
C SignatureValidationContext
Class for signature validation context
C SignTypeValidationContext
Class for sign type validation context
C StrokeColorValidationContext
Class for stroke canvas color validation context
C TagStructElementValidationContext
Class for tag structure element validation context
C XrefTableValidationContext
Class for iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfXrefTable validation context
C IValidationChecker
Used to check if a PDF document is compliant to a specific validation profile
C IValidationContext
Interface for classes that store some information which is required for validation
C ValidationContainer
This class is a container for one or more IValidationChecker implementations
► N Impl
► N XPath
Representates an XMP XMPPath with segment accessor methods
C XMPPathParser
Parser for XMP XPaths
C XMPPathSegment
A segment of a parsed XMPPath
C Base64
A utility class to perform base64 encoding and decoding as specified in RFC-1521
C ByteBuffer
Byte buffer container including length of valid data
C CountOutputStream
C FixASCIIControlsReader
C ISO8601Converter
Converts between ISO 8601 Strings and
C Latin1Converter
C ParseRdf
Parser for "normal" XML serialisation of RDF
C QName
C ReadOnlyDictionary
C Utils
Utility functions for the XMPToolkit implementation
C XMPDateTimeImpl
The implementation of
C XMPIteratorImpl
C XMPMetaImpl
Implementation for iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPMeta
C XMPMetaParser
This class replaces the
A node in the internally XMP tree, which can be a schema node, a property node, an array node, an array item, a struct node or a qualifier node (without '?')
C XMPNodeUtils
Utilities for XMPNode
C XMPNormalizer
Aug 18, 2006
C XMPSchemaRegistryImpl
The schema registry handles the namespaces, aliases and global options for the XMP Toolkit
C XMPSerializerHelper
Serializes the
C XMPSerializerRdf
Serializes the
C XMPUtilsImpl
► N Options
C AliasOptions
Options for XMPSchemaRegistryImpl::registerAlias
C IteratorOptions
Options for XMPIterator
C Options
The base class for a collection of 32 flag bits
C ParseOptions
Options for iText.Kernel.XMP.XMPMetaFactory.Parse(System.IO.Stream, ParseOptions)
C PropertyOptions
The property flags are used when properties are fetched from the XMPMeta
-object and provide more detailed information about the property
C SerializeOptions
Options for
► N Properties
C XMPAliasInfo
This interface is used to return info about an alias
C XMPProperty
This interface is used to return a text property together with its and options
C XMPPropertyInfo
This interface is used to return a property together with its path and namespace
C EncodingNoPreamble
A wrapper for an Encoding to suppress the preamble
C PdfConst
Class that contains several constants
C XMPCalendar
C XMPConst
Common constants for the XMP Toolkit
C XMPDateTime
The XMPDateTime
-class represents a point in time up to a resolution of nano seconds
C XMPDateTimeFactory
A factory to create
C XMPError
C XMPException
This exception wraps all errors that occur in the XMP Toolkit
C XMPIterator
Interface for the XMPMeta
iteration services
This class represents the set of XMP metadata as a DOM representation
C XMPMetaFactory
Creates XMPMeta
-instances from an InputStream
C XMPPathFactory
Utility services for the metadata object
C XMPSchemaRegistry
The schema registry keeps track of all namespaces and aliases used in the XMP metadata
C XMPUtils
Utility methods for XMP
C XMPVersionInfo
XMP Toolkit Version Information
► N Layout
► N Borders
C Border
Represents a border
C Border3D
Represents a border that is displayed using a 3D effect
C DashedBorder
Draws a border with dashes around the element it's been set to
C DottedBorder
Draws a dotted border around the element it has been set to
C DoubleBorder
Creates a double border around the element it's set to
C FixedDashedBorder
Draws a border with a specific dashes around the element it's been set to
C GrooveBorder
Represents a Border3D with a groove effect being applied
C InsetBorder
Represents a Border3D with an inset effect being applied
C OutsetBorder
Represents a Border3D with an outset effect being applied
C RidgeBorder
Represents a Border3D with a ridge effect being applied
C RoundDotsBorder
Draws a border with rounded dots around the element it's been set to
C SolidBorder
Draws a solid border around the element it's set to
► N Element
C AbstractElement
Defines the most common properties that most IElement implementations share
C AreaBreak
A layout object that terminates the current content area and creates a new one
C BlockElement
A BlockElement will try to take up as much horizontal space as available to it on the canvas or page
C Cell
A Cell is one piece of data in an enclosing grid, the Table
C Div
A Div is a container object that defines a section in a document, which will have some shared layout properties
C GridContainer
A GridContainer represents a container of the css grid object
C IAbstractElement
The interface represents abstract layout element and provides an access to its children
C IBlockElement
This class represents a block layout element with special margins, tabbing, and alignment
C IElement
This class represents a layout element, i.e. a piece of content that will take up 'physical' space on a canvas or document
C ILargeElement
A ILargeElement is a layout element which may get added to indefinitely, making the object prohibitively large
C ILeafElement
A marker subinterface of IElement that specifies that the layout object is, by definition, on the lowest tier in the object hierarchy
C Image
A layout element that represents an image for inclusion in the document model
C LineSeparator
This is a line separator element which is basically just a horizontal line with a style specified by iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Draw.ILineDrawer custom drawing interface instance
C Link
A clickable piece of Text which contains a link annotation dictionary
C List
A List is a layout element representing a series of objects that are vertically outlined with the same or very similar layout properties, giving it a sense of unity
C ListItem
A list item is a layout element that is one entry in a List
C MulticolContainer
represents a container of the column objects
C Paragraph
A layout element that represents a self-contained block of textual and graphical information
C Tab
This class represents the empty space from a Text to the following TabStop , if any
► C Table
A Table is a layout element that represents data in a two-dimensional grid
C RowRange
A simple object which holds the row numbers of a section of a table
C TabStop
A TabStop is the closest location on a line of text that the text will jump to if a Tab is inserted
C Text
A Text is a piece of text of any length
► N Exceptions
C LayoutExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Font
► N Selectorstrategy
C AbstractFontSelectorStrategy
The class defines complex implementation of IFontSelectorStrategy which based on the following algorithm: 1
► C BestMatchFontSelectorStrategy
The class implements strategy where the best font for each symbol is used if possible
C BestMatchFontSelectorStrategyFactory
The factory for BestMatchFontSelectorStrategy
► C FirstMatchFontSelectorStrategy
The class implements strategy where the first matched font is used to render as many glyphs as possible
C FirstMathFontSelectorStrategyFactory
The factory for FirstMatchFontSelectorStrategy
C IFontSelectorStrategy
The font selector strategy is responsible for splitting text into parts with one particular font
C IFontSelectorStrategyFactory
The factory for IFontSelectorStrategy
C FontCharacteristics
C FontInfo
Contains all font related data to create iText.IO.Font.FontProgram and iText.Kernel.Font.PdfFont
C FontProvider
Main entry point of font selector logic
C FontSelector
Sort given set of fonts according to font name and style
C FontSet
Reusable font set for FontProgram related data
C FontSetCollection
C Range
Class represents ordered list of SubRange
C RangeBuilder
Builder of Range
► N Hyphenation
C ByteVector
This class implements a simple byte vector with access to the underlying array
C CharVector
This class implements a simple char vector with access to the underlying array
C Hyphen
Represents a hyphen
C Hyphenation
This class represents a hyphenated word
C HyphenationConfig
This is the class used to configure hyphenation on layout level
C HyphenationConstants
Class containing constants to be used in hyphenation on layout level
C HyphenationException
A hyphenation exception
C HyphenationTree
This tree structure stores the hyphenation patterns in an efficient way for fast lookup
C HyphenationTreeCache
This is a cache for HyphenationTree instances
C Hyphenator
This class is the main entry point to the hyphenation package
C IPatternConsumer
This interface is used to connect the XML pattern file parser to the hyphenation tree
C PatternParser
A SAX document handler to read and parse hyphenation patterns from a XML file
C TernaryTree
► N Layout
C LayoutArea
Represents the area for content layouting
C LayoutContext
Represents the context for content layouting
C LayoutPosition
We use a simplified version of CSS positioning
C LayoutResult
Represents the result of content layouting
C LineLayoutContext
Represents the context for content of a line layouting
C LineLayoutResult
Represents the result of a line layouting
C MinMaxWidthLayoutResult
Represents the result of content layouting
C PositionedLayoutContext
Represents the result of positioning for layout context
C RootLayoutArea
Represents the root layout area
C TextLayoutResult
Represents the result of a text layout
► N Logs
C LayoutLogMessageConstant
Class containing constants to be used in layout
► N Margincollapse
C MarginsCollapseHandler
Rules of the margins collapsing are taken from Mozilla Developer Network: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Box_Model/Mastering_margin_collapsing See also: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html#collapsing-margins
C MarginsCollapseInfo
► N Minmaxwidth
C MinMaxWidth
C MinMaxWidthUtils
C RotationMinMaxWidth
Class for min-max-width of rotated elements
► N Properties
► N Grid
C AutoRepeatValue
This class represents an auto-repeat template value
C AutoValue
Represents an auto template value
C BreadthValue
Represents a breadth value on a grid
C FitContentValue
Represents fit content function template value
C FixedRepeatValue
This class represents an fixed-repeat template value
C FlexValue
Represents flexible template value
C FunctionValue
Abstract class representing function value on a grid
C GridValue
A specialized class that holds a value for grid-template-columns/rows and grid-auto-columns/rows properties and the type it is measured in
C LengthValue
Abstract class representing length value on a grid
C MaxContentValue
Represents max-content template value
C MinContentValue
Represents min-content template value
C MinMaxValue
Represents minmax function template value
C PercentValue
Represents percent template value
C PointValue
Represents point template value
C TemplateValue
A class that indicates its descendant class can be used as a grid template value
C Background
A specialized class holding configurable properties related to an iText.Layout.Element.IElement 's background
► C BackgroundImage
Class to hold background-image property
C Builder
BackgroundImage builder class
C BackgroundPosition
Class to hold background-position property
C BackgroundRepeat
Class to hold background-repeat property
C BackgroundSize
Class to hold background-size property
C BlendMode
Defines all possible blend modes and their mapping to pdf names
C BorderRadius
Represents a border radius
C ContinuousContainer
This class is used to store properties of the renderer that are needed to be removed/reapplied
C IListSymbolFactory
Interface for implementing custom symbols for lists
C InlineVerticalAlignment
A property corresponding to the css vertical-align property and used to set vertical alignment on inline blocks, it specifies the type of alignment and where needed a numerical value to complete it
C Leading
A specialized class that specifies the leading, "the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text" (ISO-32000-1, section 9.3.5)
C LineHeight
A property corresponding to the css line-height property and used to set the height of a line box in the HTML mode
C ParagraphOrphansControl
A specialized class holding configurable parameters related to iText.Layout.Element.Paragraph 's orphans restrictions
C ParagraphWidowsControl
A specialized class holding configurable parameters related to iText.Layout.Element.Paragraph 's widows restrictions
C Property
An enum of property names that are used for graphical properties of layout elements
► C Transform
This class is used to store and process multiple transform
css property before drawing
C SingleTransform
This class is used to store one transform
C TransparentColor
Represents a color with the specified opacity
C Underline
A POJO that describes the underline of a layout element
C UnitValue
A specialized class that holds a value and the unit it is measured in
► N Renderer
► N Objectfit
C ObjectFitApplyingResult
The class represents results of calculating of rendered image size after applying of the iText.Layout.Properties.ObjectFit property
C ObjectFitCalculator
Utility class which supports the iText.Layout.Properties.ObjectFit property
► N Typography
C AbstractTypographyApplier
C DefaultTypographyApplier
C AbstractRenderer
Defines the most common properties and behavior that are shared by most IRenderer implementations
C AbstractWidthHandler
C AccessibleAttributesApplier
Generates standard structure attributes for current tag based on the layout element properties and renderer layout results
C AreaBreakRenderer
Renderer for the iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak layout element
C BlockFormattingContextUtil
This class helps to identify whether we are dealing with a renderer that creates a new "Block formatting context" in terms of CSS
C BlockRenderer
Represents a renderer for block elements
C CanvasRenderer
Represents a renderer for the iText.Layout.Canvas layout element
C CellRenderer
Represents a renderer for the iText.Layout.Element.Cell layout element
C DivRenderer
Represents a renderer for the iText.Layout.Element.Div layout element
C DocumentRenderer
C DrawContext
This class holds instances which required for drawing on pdf document
C FlexContainerRenderer
C GridContainerRenderer
Represents a renderer for a grid
C ILeafElementRenderer
C ImageRenderer
C IRenderer
A renderer object is responsible for drawing a corresponding layout object on a document or canvas
► C LineRenderer
C RendererGlyph
C LineSeparatorRenderer
C LinkRenderer
C ListItemRenderer
C ListRenderer
C MaxMaxWidthHandler
C MetaInfoContainer
Class to store metaInfo that will be used for layout renderers
► C MulticolRenderer
Represents a renderer for columns
C ColumnHeightCalculator
Interface which used for additional height calculation
C LayoutInInfiniteHeightCalculator
C MulticolLayoutResult
Represents result of one iteration of MulticolRenderer layouting It contains split renderers which were lauded on a given height and overflow renderer for which height should be increased, so it can be lauded
C ParagraphRenderer
This class represents the renderer object for a iText.Layout.Element.Paragraph object
C RootRenderer
C TableRenderer
This class represents the renderer object for a iText.Layout.Element.Table object
C TabRenderer
C TargetCounterHandler
Handler to handle target-counter logic
C TextPreprocessingUtil
C TextRenderer
This class represents the renderer object for a iText.Layout.Element.Text object
C TypographyUtils
► N Splitting
C BreakAllSplitCharacters
The implementation of ISplitCharacters that allows breaking within words
C DefaultSplitCharacters
The default implementation of ISplitCharacters interface
C ISplitCharacters
Interface for customizing the split character
C KeepAllSplitCharacters
The implementation of ISplitCharacters that prevents breaking within words
► N Tagging
C IAccessibleElement
A layout element which has accessibility properties
C LayoutTaggingHelper
The class is a helper which is used to correctly create structure tree for layout element (with keeping right order for tags)
C TaggingDummyElement
Instances of the class are used for TaggingHintKey which don't have model element e.g. TR or THEAD in the table
C TaggingHintKey
TaggingHintKey instances are created in the scope of iText.Layout.Renderer.RootRenderer.AddChild(iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer) to preserve logical order of layout elements from model elements
► N Validation
► N Context
C LayoutValidationContext
Class for iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer validation context
C Canvas
This class is used for adding content directly onto a specified iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas
C ColumnDocumentRenderer
This class is used for convenient multi-column Document Layouting
C Document
Document is the default root element when creating a self-sufficient PDF
C ElementPropertyContainer
A generic abstract element that fits in a PDF layout object hierarchy
C IPropertyContainer
A generic Map-like interface that defines methods for storing and retrieving objects by an enum key of the iText.Layout.Properties.Property type
C RootElement
A generic abstract root element for a PDF layout object hierarchy
C Style
Container object for style properties of an element
► N Pdfa
► N Checker
C PdfA1Checker
PdfA1Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-1 standard and contains method implementations from the abstract PdfAChecker class
C PdfA2Checker
PdfA2Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-2 standard and contains a number of methods that override the implementations of its superclass PdfA1Checker
C PdfA3Checker
PdfA3Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-3 standard and contains a number of methods that override the implementations of its superclass PdfA2Checker
C PdfA4Checker
PdfA4Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-4 standard and contains a number of methods that override the implementations of its superclass PdfA3Checker
C PdfAChecker
An abstract class that will run through all necessary checks defined in the different PDF/A standards and levels
► N Exceptions
C PdfAConformanceException
Exception that is thrown when the PDF Document doesn't adhere to the PDF/A specification
C PdfaExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Logs
C PdfAConformanceLogMessageConstant
Class containing pdfa conformance constants to be used in logging
C PdfALogMessageConstant
Class containing constants to be used in logging
C PdfADefaultFontStrategy
The class presents default font strategy for PDF/A documents which doesn't provide default font because all used fonts must be embedded
C PdfADocument
This class extends iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument and is in charge of creating files that comply with the PDF/A standard
C PdfADocumentInfoHelper
The class is helper which used for PDF/A document to properly configure PDF document's info dictionary
C PdfAPageFactory
The class implements PDF page factory which is used for creating correct PDF/A documents
Utilities to construct an XMP for a PDF/A file
► N Pdfua
► N Checkers
► N Utils
► N Headings
► C HeadingsChecker
Utility class which performs headings check according to PDF/UA specification
C HeadingHandler
Handler class that checks heading tags while traversing the tag tree
► N Tables
► C TableCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of table elements
C TableHandler
Handler class that checks table tags
C TableStructElementIterator
Creates an iterator to iterate over the table structures
C ActionCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of actions
► C AnnotationCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of annotations
C AnnotationHandler
Helper class that checks the conformance of annotations while iterating the tag tree structure
C BCP47Validator
This class is a validator for IETF BCP 47 language tag (RFC 5646)
C ContextAwareTagTreeIteratorHandler
Class that holds the validation context while iterating the tag tree structure
► C FormCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of interactive form fields
C FormTagHandler
Handler for checking form field elements in the tag tree
► C FormulaCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of Formula elements
C FormulaTagHandler
Handler for checking Formula elements in the TagTree
► C GraphicsCheckUtil
Class that provides methods for checking PDF/UA compliance of graphics elements
C GraphicsHandler
Helper class that checks the conformance of graphics tags while iterating the tag tree structure
C LayoutCheckUtil
Utility class for delegating the layout checks to the correct checking logic
► C NoteCheckUtil
Utility class for delegating notes checks to the correct checking logic
C NoteTagHandler
Handler for checking Note elements in the TagTree
C PdfUAValidationContext
This class keeps track of useful information when validating a PdfUaDocument
C XfaCheckUtil
Utility class which performs XFA forms check according to PDF/UA specification
C PdfUA1Checker
The class defines the requirements of the PDF/UA-1 standard
► N Exceptions
C PdfUAConformanceException
Exception that is thrown when the PDF Document doesn't adhere to the PDF/UA specification
C PdfUAExceptionMessageConstants
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Logs
C PdfUALogMessageConstants
Class containing the log message constants
C PdfUAConfig
Class that holds the configuration for the PDF/UA document
C PdfUADocument
Creates a Pdf/UA document
► N Signatures
► N Cms
C AlgorithmIdentifier
This class represents algorithm identifier structure
C CmsAttribute
This class represents Attribute structure
C CMSContainer
The CMS container which represents SignedData structure from rfc5652 Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
C EncapsulatedContentInfo
This class represents the signed content
C SignerInfo
This class represents the SignerInfo structure from rfc5652 Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
► N Exceptions
C SignExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Logs
C SignLogMessageConstant
Class which contains constants to be used in logging inside sign module
► N Mac
C SignatureContainerGenerationEvent
Represents an event firing before creating signature container
C SignatureDocumentClosingEvent
Represents an event firing before embedding the signature into the document
C SignatureMacContainerLocator
iText.Kernel.Mac.IMacContainerLocator strategy, which should be used specifically in case of signature creation
► N Validation
► N Context
C CertificateSources
Container class, which contains set of single CertificateSource values
C TimeBasedContexts
Container class, which contains set of single TimeBasedContext values
C ValidationContext
Validation context class, which encapsulates specific context values, related to validation process
C ValidatorContexts
Container class, which contains set of single ValidatorContext values
► N Extensions
C CertificateExtension
Class representing certificate extension with all the information required for validation
C DynamicBasicConstraintsExtension
Class representing "Basic Constraints" certificate extension, which uses provided amount of certificates in chain during the comparison
C DynamicCertificateExtension
Certificate extension which is populated with additional dynamically changing validation related information
C ExtendedKeyUsageExtension
Class representing "Extended Key Usage" extension
C KeyUsageExtension
Class representing "Key Usage" extenstion
► N Report
C CertificateReportItem
Report item to be used for single certificate related failure or log message
C ReportItem
Report item to be used for single failure or log message
C ValidationReport
Validation report, which contains detailed validation results
C CertificateChainValidator
Validator class, which is expected to be used for certificates chain validation
C CRLValidator
Class that allows you to validate a certificate against a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Response
C DocumentRevisionsValidator
Validator, which is responsible for document revisions validation according to doc-MDP and field-MDP rules
C OCSPValidator
Class that allows you to validate a single OCSP response
► C RevocationDataValidator
Class that allows you to fetch and validate revocation data for the certificate
C CrlValidationInfo
Class which contains validation related information about CRL response
C OcspResponseValidationInfo
Class which contains validation related information about single OCSP response
C SignatureValidationProperties
Class which stores properties, which are related to signature validation process
C SignatureValidator
Validator class, which is expected to be used for signatures validation
C TrustedCertificatesStore
Trusted certificates storage class to be used to configure trusted certificates in a particular way
C ValidationCrlClient
CRL client which is expected to be used in case CRL responses shall be linked with generation date
C ValidationOcspClient
OCSP client which is expected to be used in case OCSP responses shall be linked with generation date
C ValidatorChainBuilder
A builder class to construct all necessary parts of a validation chain
C AsymmetricAlgorithmSignature
This class allows you to sign with either an RSACryptoServiceProvider/DSACryptoServiceProvider from a X509Certificate2, or from manually created RSACryptoServiceProvider/DSACryptoServiceProvider. Depending on the certificate's CSP, sometimes you will not be able to sign with SHA-256/SHA-512 hash algorithm with RSACryptoServiceProvider taken directly from the certificate. This class allows you to use a workaround in this case and sign with certificate's private key and SHA-256/SHA-512 anyway
C BouncyCastleDigest
Implementation for digests accessed directly from the BouncyCastle library
► C CertificateInfo
Class containing static methods that allow you to get information from an X509 Certificate: the issuer and the subject
C X500Name
Class that holds an X509 name
C X509NameTokenizer
Class for breaking up an X500 Name into it's component tokens, similar to iText.Commons.Utils.StringTokenizer
C CertificateUtil
This class contains a series of static methods that allow you to retrieve information from a Certificate
C CertificateVerification
This class consists of some methods that allow you to verify certificates
C CertificateVerifier
Superclass for a series of certificate verifiers that will typically be used in a chain
C CrlClientOffline
An implementation of the CrlClient that handles offline Certificate Revocation Lists
C CrlClientOnline
An implementation of the CrlClient that fetches the CRL bytes from an URL
C CRLVerifier
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more Certificate Revocation Lists
C ExternalBlankSignatureContainer
Produces a blank (or empty) signature
C IApplicableSignatureParams
Extension interface of ISignatureMechanismParams that also supports applying the parameters to a iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.ISigner
C ICrlClient
Interface that needs to be implemented if you want to embed Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) into your PDF
C IExternalDigest
ExternalDigest allows the use of implementations of iText.Commons.Digest.IMessageDigest other than BouncyCastleDigest
C IExternalSignature
Interface that needs to be implemented to do the actual signing
C IExternalSignatureContainer
Interface to sign a document
C IIssuingCertificateRetriever
Interface helper to support retrieving CAIssuers certificates from Authority Information Access (AIA) Extension in order to support certificate chains with missing certificates and getting CRL response issuer certificates
C IOcspClient
Interface for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Client
C ISignatureMechanismParams
Interface to encode the parameters to a signature algorithm for inclusion in a signature object
C IssuingCertificateRetriever
IIssuingCertificateRetriever default implementation
C ITSAClient
Time Stamp Authority client (caller) interface
C ITSAInfoBouncyCastle
Interface you can implement and pass to TSAClientBouncyCastle in case you want to do something with the information returned
C LtvVerification
Add verification according to PAdES-LTV (part 4)
C LtvVerifier
Verifies the signatures in an LTV document
C OcspClientBouncyCastle
OcspClient implementation using BouncyCastle
C OCSPVerifier
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more OCSP responses
C PadesTwoPhaseSigningHelper
Helper class to perform signing operation in two steps
C PdfPadesSigner
This class performs signing with PaDES related profiles using provided parameters
This class does all the processing related to signing and verifying a PKCS#7 / CMS signature
C PdfSignature
Represents the signature dictionary
C PdfSignatureApp
A dictionary that stores the name of the application that signs the PDF
C PdfSignatureBuildProperties
Dictionary that stores signature build properties
► C PdfSigner
Takes care of the cryptographic options and appearances that form a signature
C ISignatureEvent
An interface to retrieve the signature dictionary for modification
C PdfTwoPhaseSigner
Class that prepares document and adds the signature to it while performing signing operation in two steps (see PadesTwoPhaseSigningHelper for more info)
C PKCS7ExternalSignatureContainer
Implementation class for IExternalSignatureContainer
C PrivateKeySignature
Implementation of the IExternalSignature interface that can be used when you have a iText.Commons.Bouncycastle.Crypto.IPrivateKey object
C RootStoreVerifier
Verifies a certificate against a KeyStore
containing trusted anchors
C RSASSAPSSMechanismParams
Encode the signer's parameters for producing an RSASSA-PSS signature
C SignatureMechanisms
Class that contains OID mappings to extract a signature algorithm name from a signature mechanism OID, and conversely, to retrieve the appropriate signature mechanism OID given a signature algorithm and a digest function
► C SignaturePermissions
A helper class that tells you more about the type of signature (certification or approval) and the signature's DMP settings
C FieldLock
Class that contains a field lock action and an array of the fields that are involved
C SignaturePolicyInfo
Class that encapsulates the signature policy information
C SignatureUtil
Utility class that provides several convenience methods concerning digital signatures
C SignerProperties
Properties to be used in signing operations
C TimestampConstants
Timestamp constants util class for internal usage only
C TSAClientBouncyCastle
Time Stamp Authority Client interface implementation using Bouncy Castle org.bouncycastle.tsp package
C VerificationException
An exception that is thrown when something is wrong with a certificate
C VerificationOK
Class that informs you that the verification of a Certificate succeeded using a specific CertificateVerifier and for a specific reason
► N StyledXmlParser
► N Css
► N Font
► C CssFontFace
Class that will examine the font as described in the CSS, and store it in a form that the font provider will understand
C CssFontFaceSrc
Class that defines a font face source
► N Media
C CssMediaRule
The iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.CssNestedAtRule implementation for media rules
C MediaDeviceDescription
Class that bundles all the values of a media device description
C MediaExpression
Class that bundles all the media expression properties
C MediaFeature
Class that bundles all the media feature values
C MediaQuery
Class that bundles all the media query properties
C MediaQueryParser
Utilities class that parses System.String values into MediaQuery or MediaExpression values
C MediaRuleConstants
Class that bundles a series of media rule constants
C MediaType
Class that bundles all the media types and allows you to registered valid media types in a Java.Util.Set
► N Page
C CssMarginRule
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.CssNestedAtRule implementation for margins
C CssPageRule
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.CssNestedAtRule implementation for page rules
C PageContextConstants
Class that bundles a series of page context constants
C PageContextNode
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.CssContextNode implementation for page contexts
C PageMarginBoxContextNode
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.CssContextNode implementation for page margin box contexts
► N Parse
► N Syntax
C CssParserStateController
State machine that will parse content into a style sheet
► C CssDeclarationValueTokenizer
Tokenizer for CSS declaration values
C Token
The Token class
C CssPageSelectorParser
Utilities class to parse CSS page selectors
C CssRuleSetParser
Utilities class to parse CSS rule sets
C CssSelectorParser
Utilities class to parse a CSS selector
C CssStyleSheetParser
Utilities class to parse a CSS style sheet
► N Pseudo
C CssPseudoElementNode
iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IElementNode implementation for pseudo elements
C CssPseudoElementUtil
Utilities class for pseudo elements
► N Resolve
► N Shorthand
► N Impl
C AbstractBorderShorthandResolver
Abstract iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for borders
C AbstractBoxShorthandResolver
Abstract iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for box definitions
C AbstractCornersShorthandResolver
Abstract iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for corners definitions
C BackgroundPositionShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for background-position
C BackgroundShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for backgrounds
C BorderBottomShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for bottom borders
C BorderColorShorthandResolver
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border colors
C BorderLeftShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for left borders
C BorderRadiusShorthandResolver
AbstractCornersShorthandResolver implementation for border radius
C BorderRightShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for right borders
C BorderShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for borders
C BorderStyleShorthandResolver
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border styles
C BorderTopShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for top borders
C BorderWidthShorthandResolver
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border widths
C ColumnRuleShortHandResolver
Shorthand resolver for the column-rule property
C ColumnsShorthandResolver
Shorthand resolver for the column property
C FlexFlowShorthandResolver
C FlexShorthandResolver
C FontShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for fonts
C GapShorthandResolver
Shorthand resolver for gap shorthand properties, can be used for different gap properties like gap
or grid-gap
C GridColumnShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for grid-column shorthand
C GridItemShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for grid items column/row start and end positions
C GridRowShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for grid-row shorthand
C GridShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for grid shorthand
C GridTemplateShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for grid-template shorthand
C ListStyleShorthandResolver
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Resolve.Shorthand.IShorthandResolver implementation for list styles
C MarginShorthandResolver
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for margins
C OutlineShorthandResolver
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for outlines
C PaddingShorthandResolver
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for paddings
C PlaceItemsShorthandResolver
C TextDecorationShorthandResolver
C IShorthandResolver
Interface for shorthand resolvers
C ShorthandResolverFactory
A factory for creating ShorthandResolver objects
C AbstractCssContext
Container for CSS context properties that influence CSS resolution
C CssDefaults
Helper class that allows you to get the default values of CSS properties
C CssInheritance
Helper class that allows you to check if a property is inheritable
C CssPropertyMerger
Utilities class to merge CSS properties
C CssQuotes
Helper class to deal with quoted values in strings
C IStyleInheritance
Interface for attribute and style-inheritance logic
► N Selector
► N Item
C CssAttributeSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for attribute selectors
C CssClassSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for class selectors
C CssIdSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for id selectors
C CssPagePseudoClassSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for page pseudo classes selectors
C CssPageTypeSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for page type selectors
C CssPseudoClassSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for pseudo class selectors
C CssPseudoElementSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for pseudo element selectors
C CssSeparatorSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for separator selectors
C CssTagSelectorItem
ICssSelectorItem implementation for tag selectors
C ICssSelectorItem
Interface for CSS selector items
C AbstractCssSelector
Abstract superclass for CSS Selectors
C CssPageMarginBoxSelector
ICssSelector implementation for CSS page margin box selectors
C CssPageSelector
ICssSelector implementation for CSS page selectors
C CssSelector
ICssSelector implementation for CSS selectors
C CssSelectorComparator
Comparator class for CSS Selectors
C ICssSelector
Interface for CSS Selector classes
► N Util
C CssBackgroundUtils
Utilities class for CSS background parsing
C CssDimensionParsingUtils
Utilities class for CSS dimension parsing operations
C CssGradientUtil
Utilities class for CSS gradient functions parsing
C CssTypesValidationUtils
Utilities class for CSS types validating operations
C CssUtils
Utilities class for CSS operations
C EscapeGroup
Class to store escape characters and their processing logic
► N Validate
► N Impl
► N Datatype
C ArrayDataTypeValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDeclarationValidator implementation to validate an array of specified element types
C CssBackgroundValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for background properties
C CssBlendModeValidator
C CssCmykAwareColorValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for colors
C CssColorValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for colors
C CssEnumValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for elements in an enumeration
C CssIdentifierValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for identifiers
C CssIntegerNumberValueValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for integer numeric elements
C CssLengthValueValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements
C CssNumberValueValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements
C CssPercentageValueValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements
C CssQuotesValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for values for the CSS quotes key
C CssTransformValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for css transform property
► N Declaration
C MultiTypeDeclarationValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDeclarationValidator implementation in case multiple types have to be checked
C SingleTypeDeclarationValidator
iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Validate.ICssDeclarationValidator implementation to validate a single type
C CssDefaultValidator
Class that bundles all the CSS declaration validators
C CssDeviceCmykAwareValidator
Class that bundles all the CSS declaration validators
C CssDeclarationValidationMaster
Class that holds CSS declaration validator
C ICssDataTypeValidator
Interface for CSS data type validators
C ICssDeclarationValidator
Interface for CSS declaration validators
C CommonCssConstants
Class containing possible CSS property keys and values, pseudo element keys, units of measurement, and so on
C CssAtRule
Abstract superclass for all CSS at-rules (rules in CSS that start with an @ sign)
C CssContextNode
The CSS context node
C CssDeclaration
Class to store a CSS declaration
C CssFontFaceRule
Class to store a CSS font face At rule
C CssNestedAtRule
Class to store a nested CSS at-rule Nested at-rules are a subset of nested statements, which can be used as a statement of a style sheet as well as inside of conditional group rules
C CssNestedAtRuleFactory
A factory for creating CssNestedAtRule objects
C CssRuleName
Class containing possible CSS rule names
C CssRuleSet
Class to store a CSS rule set
C CssRuleSetComparator
Comparator class used to sort CSS rule set objects
C CssSemicolonAtRule
A CssAtRule implementation
C CssStatement
Abstract superclass for all kinds of CSS statements
C CssStyleSheet
Class that stores all the CSS statements, and thus acts as a CSS style sheet
C ICssResolver
Interface for CSS resolvers
► N Exceptions
C ReadingByteLimitException
Thrown when the limit on the number of bytes read was violated
C StyledXMLParserException
Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the HTML to PDF conversion
C StyledXmlParserExceptionMessage
Class containing constants to be used in exceptions in the SXP module
► N Logs
C StyledXmlParserLogMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
► N Node
► N Impl
► N Jsoup
► N Node
C JsoupAttribute
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IAttribute interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Attribute class
C JsoupAttributes
Implementation of the IAttributes interface; wrapper for the JSoup Attributes class
C JsoupDataNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IDataNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.DataNode class
C JsoupDocumentNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IDocumentNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Document class
C JsoupDocumentTypeNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IDocumentTypeNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.DocumentType class
C JsoupElementNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.IElementNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup JsoupNode class
C JsoupNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.INode interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.Node class
C JsoupTextNode
Implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.ITextNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup iText.StyledXmlParser.Jsoup.Nodes.TextNode class
C JsoupHtmlParser
Class that uses JSoup to parse HTML
C JsoupXmlParser
Class that uses JSoup to parse HTML
C IAttribute
Interface for HTML attributes
C IAttributes
Interface for a series of HTML attributes
C ICustomElementNode
Interface that serves as a marker indicating that this particular IElementNode is something non-standard
C IDataNode
Interface for data nodes
C IDocumentNode
Interface implemented by classes that are a top node, and as such represent a Document
C IDocumentTypeNode
Interface for the document type node
C IElementNode
Interface for node classes that have a parent and children, and for which styles can be defined; each of these nodes can also have a name and attributes
C INode
Interface for classes that describe a Node with a parent and children
C IStylesContainer
Interface for classes that can get and set styles
C ITextNode
Interface for text nodes
► N Resolver
► N Font
C BasicFontProvider
A basic iText.Layout.Font.FontProvider that allows configuring in the constructor which fonts are loaded by default
► N Resource
C DefaultResourceRetriever
Default implementation of the IResourceRetriever interface, which can set a limit on the size of retrieved resources using input stream with a limit on the number of bytes read
C IResourceRetriever
Interface for classes that can retrieve data from resources by URL
C ResourceResolver
Utilities class to resolve resources
C UriResolver
Utilities class to resolve URIs
► N Util
C FontFamilySplitterUtil
Split CSS 'font-family' string into list of font-families or generic-families
C StyleUtil
Utility class for resolving parent-inheritance of style and attribute declarations
C WhiteSpaceUtil
Utility class for white-space handling methods that are used both in pdfHTML and the iText-core SVG module
C CommonAttributeConstants
C CssRuleSetComparator
Comparator class used to sort CSS rule set objects
C IXmlParser
Interface for the XML parsing operations that accept XML and return a document node
► N Svg
► N Converter
C SvgConverter
This is the main container class for static methods that do high-level conversion operations from input to PDF, either by drawing on a canvas or by returning an XObject, which can then be used by the calling class for further processing and drawing operations
► N Css
► N Impl
C SvgAttributeInheritance
Helper class that allows you to check if a property is inheritable
C SvgNodeRendererInheritanceResolver
Style and attribute inheritance resolver for iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer objects
C SvgStyleResolver
Default implementation of SVG`s styles and attribute resolver
C SvgCssContext
Context necessary for evaluating certain Css statements whose final values depends on other statements e.g. relative font-size statements
► C SvgStrokeParameterConverter
This class converts stroke related SVG parameters and attributes into those from PDF specification
C PdfLineDashParameters
This class represents PDF dash parameters
► N Element
C SvgImage
A layout element that represents SVG image for inclusion in the document model
► N Exceptions
C SvgExceptionMessageConstant
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
C SvgProcessingException
Exception thrown by iText.Svg.Processors.ISvgProcessor when it cannot process an SVG
► N Logs
C SvgLogMessageConstant
Class that holds the logging and exception messages
► N Processors
► N Impl
► N Font
C SvgFontProcessor
Class that processes and add resolved css fonts to the FontProvider
C DefaultSvgProcessor
Default implementation of iText.Svg.Processors.ISvgProcessor
C ProcessorState
Internal ProcessorState representation for DefaultSvgProcessor
C SvgConverterProperties
Default and fallback implementation of iText.Svg.Processors.ISvgConverterProperties for DefaultSvgProcessor
C SvgProcessorContext
Context class with accessors to properties/objects used in processing Svg documents
C SvgProcessorResult
A wrapper class that encapsulates processing results of iText.Svg.Processors.ISvgProcessor objects
C ISvgConverterProperties
Interface for the configuration classes used by ISvgProcessor
C ISvgProcessor
Interface for SVG processors
C ISvgProcessorResult
Interface for SVG processors results
► N Renderers
► N Factories
C DefaultSvgNodeRendererFactory
The default implementation of ISvgNodeRendererFactory that will be used by default by the entry points defined by this project
C ISvgNodeRendererFactory
Interface for the factory used by iText.Svg.Processors.Impl.DefaultSvgProcessor
► N Impl
C AbstractBranchSvgNodeRenderer
Abstract class that will be the superclass for any element that can function as a parent
C AbstractContainerSvgNodeRenderer
C AbstractGradientSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer abstract implementation for gradient tags (, )
C AbstractSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer abstract implementation
C CircleSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C ClipPathSvgNodeRenderer
This renderer represents a collection of elements (simple shapes and paths)
C DefsSvgNodeRenderer
C EllipseSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C GroupSvgNodeRenderer
This renderer represents a branch in an SVG tree
C ImageSvgNodeRenderer
Responsible for drawing Images to the canvas
C ISvgTextNodeRenderer
C LinearGradientSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C LineSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C MarkerSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C PathSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C PatternSvgNodeRenderer
Implementation for the svg tag
C PdfRootSvgNodeRenderer
Root renderer responsible for applying the initial axis-flipping transform
C PolygonSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C PolylineSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C RectangleSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C StopSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the gradient tag
C SvgTagSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag
C SymbolSvgNodeRenderer
C TextLeafSvgNodeRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for drawing text to a canvas
C TextSvgBranchRenderer
iText.Svg.Renderers.ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the and tag
C TextSvgTSpanBranchRenderer
C UseSvgNodeRenderer
Renderer implementing the use tag
► N Path
► N Impl
C AbstractPathShape
This class handles common behaviour in IPathShape implementations
C ClosePath
Implements closePath(Z) attribute of SVG's path element
C CurveTo
Implements curveTo(C) attribute of SVG's path element
C EllipticalCurveTo
Implements elliptical curveTo (A) segment of SVG's path element
C HorizontalLineTo
Implements lineTo(H) attribute of SVG's path element
C IControlPointCurve
Interface that describes a Path object which is defined by control points
C IOperatorConverter
A locally used strategy for converting relative coordinates to absolute coordinates (in the current SVG coordinate space)
C LineTo
Implements lineTo(L) attribute of SVG's path element
C MoveTo
Implements moveTo(M) attribute of SVG's path element
C PathShapeMapper
The implementation of iText.Svg.Renderers.Path.IPathShapeMapper that will be used by sub classes of iText.Svg.Renderers.Impl.PathSvgNodeRenderer To map the path-data instructions(moveto, lineto, corveto ...) to their respective implementations
C QuadraticCurveTo
Implements quadratic Bezier curveTo(Q) attribute of SVG's path element
C QuadraticSmoothCurveTo
Implements shorthand/smooth quadraticCurveTo (T) attribute of SVG's path element
C SmoothSCurveTo
Implements shorthand/smooth curveTo (S) attribute of SVG's path element
C VerticalLineTo
Implements lineTo(V) attribute of SVG's path element
C IPathShape
Interface for IPathShape , which draws the Path-data's d element instructions
C IPathShapeMapper
Interface that will provide a mapping from path element-data instruction names to IPathShape
C SvgPathShapeFactory
A factory for creating IPathShape objects
C IBranchSvgNodeRenderer
Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure
C IMarkerCapable
Interface implemented by elements that support marker drawing
C INoDrawSvgNodeRenderer
Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure that will not draw on its own
C ISvgNodeRenderer
Interface for SvgNodeRenderer, the renderer draws the SVG to its Pdf-canvas passed in SvgDrawContext , applying styling (CSS and attributes)
C ISvgPaintServer
Interface for working with paint servers
C SvgDrawContext
The SvgDrawContext keeps a stack of iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas instances, which represent all levels of XObjects that are added to the root canvas
C SvgImageRenderer
Represents a renderer for the iText.Svg.Element.SvgImage layout element
► N Utils
C DrawUtils
Utility class for drowing shapes on iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas
C SvgCssUtils
Utility class that facilitates parsing values from CSS
C SvgTextUtil
Class containing utility methods for text operations in the context of SVG processing
C TextRectangle
A rectangle adapted for working with text elements
C TransformUtils
Utility class responsible for converting Strings containing transformation declarations into AffineTransform objects
► N Xobject
C SvgImageXObject
A wrapper for Form XObject for SVG images
C MarkerVertexType
Defines a property of markable elements (, , or ) which is used to determine at which verticies a marker should be drawn
► C SvgConstants
A class containing constant values signifying the proeprty names of tags, attribute, CSS-style and certain values in SVG XML
C Attributes
Class containing the constant property names for the attributes of tags in the SVG spec
C Tags
Class containing the constant property names for the tags in the SVG spec
C Values
Class containing the constants for values appearing in SVG tags and attributes