virtual T |
Add (IBlockElement element) |
Adds an element to the root. More...
virtual T |
Add (Image image) |
Adds an image to the root. More...
virtual FontProvider |
GetFontProvider () |
Gets iText.Layout.Font.FontProvider if presents. More...
virtual void |
SetFontProvider (FontProvider fontProvider) |
Sets iText.Layout.Font.FontProvider. More...
override bool |
HasProperty (int property) |
Checks if this entity has the specified property. More...
override bool |
HasOwnProperty (int property) |
Checks if this entity has the specified property, i.e. if it was set to this very element earlier More...
override T1 |
GetProperty< T1 > (int property) |
Gets the property from this entity. More...
override T1 |
GetOwnProperty< T1 > (int property) |
Gets own property from this entity. More...
override T1 |
GetDefaultProperty< T1 > (int property) |
Gets the default property from this entity. More...
override void |
DeleteOwnProperty (int property) |
Deletes the own property of this entity. More...
override void |
SetProperty (int property, Object value) |
Sets a property for this entity. More...
virtual RootRenderer |
GetRenderer () |
Gets the rootRenderer attribute, a specialized iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer that acts as the root object that other renderers descend from. More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (String text, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (String text, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign, float angle) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (String text, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign, VerticalAlignment? vertAlign, float angle) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAlignedKerned (String text, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign, VerticalAlignment? vertAlign, float radAngle) |
Convenience method to write a kerned text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (Paragraph p, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (Paragraph p, float x, float y, TextAlignment? textAlign, VerticalAlignment? vertAlign) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
virtual T |
ShowTextAligned (Paragraph p, float x, float y, int pageNumber, TextAlignment? textAlign, VerticalAlignment? vertAlign, float radAngle) |
Convenience method to write a text aligned about the specified point More...
abstract void |
Close () |
virtual T |
SetRelativePosition (float left, float top, float right, float bottom) |
Sets values for a relative repositioning of the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFixedPosition (float left, float bottom, float width) |
Sets values for a absolute repositioning of the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFixedPosition (float left, float bottom, UnitValue width) |
Sets values for an absolute repositioning of the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFixedPosition (int pageNumber, float left, float bottom, float width) |
Sets values for a absolute repositioning of the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFixedPosition (int pageNumber, float left, float bottom, UnitValue width) |
Sets values for a absolute repositioning of the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetHorizontalAlignment (HorizontalAlignment? horizontalAlignment) |
Sets the horizontal alignment of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFont (PdfFont font) |
Sets the font of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFontFamily (params String[] fontFamilyNames) |
Sets the preferable font families for this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFontFamily (IList< String > fontFamilyNames) |
Sets the preferable font families for this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFontColor (Color fontColor) |
Sets the font color of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetFontColor (Color fontColor, float opacity) |
Sets the font color of this Element and the opacity of the text. More...
virtual T |
SetFontColor (TransparentColor transparentColor) |
virtual T |
SetFontSize (float fontSize) |
Sets the font size of this Element, measured in points. More...
virtual T |
SetTextAlignment (TextAlignment? alignment) |
Sets the text alignment of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetCharacterSpacing (float charSpacing) |
Defines a custom spacing distance between all characters of a textual element. More...
virtual T |
SetWordSpacing (float wordSpacing) |
Defines a custom spacing distance between words of a textual element. More...
virtual T |
SetFontKerning (FontKerning fontKerning) |
Enable or disable kerning. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundColor (Color backgroundColor) |
Specifies a background color for the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundColor (Color backgroundColor, float opacity) |
Specifies a background color for the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundColor (Color backgroundColor, float extraLeft, float extraTop, float extraRight, float extraBottom) |
Specifies a background color for the Element, and extra space that must be counted as part of the background and therefore colored. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundColor (Color backgroundColor, float opacity, float extraLeft, float extraTop, float extraRight, float extraBottom) |
Specifies a background color for the Element, and extra space that must be counted as part of the background and therefore colored. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundImage (BackgroundImage image) |
Specifies a background image for the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBackgroundImage (IList< BackgroundImage > imagesList) |
Specifies a list of background images for the Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBorder (Border border) |
Sets a border for all four edges of this Element with customizable color, width, pattern type. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderTop (Border border) |
Sets a border for the upper limit of this Element with customizable color, width, pattern type. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderRight (Border border) |
Sets a border for the right limit of this Element with customizable color, width, pattern type. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderBottom (Border border) |
Sets a border for the bottom limit of this Element with customizable color, width, pattern type. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderLeft (Border border) |
Sets a border for the left limit of this Element with customizable color, width, pattern type. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderRadius (BorderRadius borderRadius) |
Sets a border radius for all four edges of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderBottomLeftRadius (BorderRadius borderRadius) |
Sets a border radius for the bottom left corner of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderBottomRightRadius (BorderRadius borderRadius) |
Sets a border radius for the bottom right corner of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderTopLeftRadius (BorderRadius borderRadius) |
Sets a border radius for the top left corner of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetBorderTopRightRadius (BorderRadius borderRadius) |
Sets a border radius for the top right corner of this Element. More...
virtual T |
SetSplitCharacters (ISplitCharacters splitCharacters) |
Sets a rule for splitting strings when they don't fit into one line. More...
virtual ISplitCharacters |
GetSplitCharacters () |
Gets a rule for splitting strings when they don't fit into one line. More...
virtual ? int |
GetTextRenderingMode () |
Gets the text rendering mode, a variable that determines whether showing text causes glyph outlines to be stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three. More...
virtual T |
SetTextRenderingMode (int textRenderingMode) |
Sets the text rendering mode, a variable that determines whether showing text causes glyph outlines to be stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three. More...
virtual Color |
GetStrokeColor () |
Gets the stroke color for the current element. More...
virtual TransparentColor |
GetTransparentStrokeColor () |
Gets the stroke color for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SetStrokeColor (Color strokeColor) |
Sets the stroke color for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SetStrokeColor (Color strokeColor, float opacity) |
Sets the stroke color for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SetStrokeColor (TransparentColor transparentColor) |
Sets the stroke color for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SetDashPattern (float[] dashArray, float dashPhase) |
Sets the stroke dash pattern for the current text. More...
virtual ? float |
GetStrokeWidth () |
Gets the stroke width for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SetStrokeWidth (float strokeWidth) |
Sets the stroke width for the current element. More...
virtual T |
SimulateBold () |
Simulates bold style for a font. More...
virtual T |
SimulateItalic () |
Simulates italic style for a font. More...
virtual T |
SetLineThrough () |
Sets default line-through attributes for text. More...
virtual T |
SetUnderline () |
Sets default underline attributes for text. More...
virtual T |
SetUnderline (float thickness, float yPosition) |
Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. More...
virtual T |
SetUnderline (Color color, float thickness, float thicknessMul, float yPosition, float yPositionMul, int lineCapStyle) |
Sets an horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. More...
virtual T |
SetUnderline (Color color, float opacity, float thickness, float thicknessMul, float yPosition, float yPositionMul, int lineCapStyle) |
Sets horizontal line that can be an underline or a strikethrough. More...
virtual T |
SetUnderline (Underline underline) |
Sets horizontal line that can be an underline, overline or a strikethrough. More...
virtual T |
SetBaseDirection (BaseDirection? baseDirection) |
This attribute specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text (i.e., text that doesn't have inherent directionality as defined in Unicode) in an element's content and attribute values. More...
virtual T |
SetHyphenation (HyphenationConfig hyphenationConfig) |
Sets a custom hyphenation configuration which will hyphenate words automatically accordingly to the language and country. More...
virtual T |
SetFontScript (UnicodeScript? script) |
Sets the writing system for this text element. More...
virtual T |
SetDestination (String destination) |
Sets a destination name that will be created when this element is drawn to content. More...
virtual T |
SetOpacity (float? opacity) |
Sets an opacity of the given element. More...