class |
CompressionConstants |
Compression constants for PdfStream. More...
class |
CountOutputStream |
An OutputStream that counts the written bytes. More...
class |
DefaultFontStrategy |
The class defines a default font strategy for PdfDocument which is used in the scope of PdfDocument.GetDefaultFont(). More...
class |
DestinationResolverCopyFilter |
A copy filter that will handle goto annotations and actions separately. More...
class |
DocumentInfoHelper |
The class is helper which used inside PdfDocument to properly configure PDF document's info dictionary. More...
class |
DocumentProperties |
Class with additional properties for PdfDocument processing. More...
class |
DocumentRevision |
Class which stores information about single PDF document revision. More...
class |
EncryptionConstants |
Encryption constants for WriterProperties.SetStandardEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int). More...
class |
EncryptionProperties |
Allows configuration of output PDF encryption. More...
class |
FingerPrint |
Data container for debugging information. More...
class |
GenericNameTree |
Abstract representation of a name tree structure, as used in PDF for various purposes such as the Dests tree, the ID tree of structure elements and the embedded file tree. More...
interface |
IPdfNameTreeAccess |
Abstract access interface to a PDF name tree. More...
interface |
IPdfPageExtraCopier |
This interface defines logic which can be used to perform a custom copying operation of a PdfPage. More...
interface |
IPdfPageFactory |
Interface used to create instances of PdfPage. More...
interface |
IPdfPageFormCopier |
This interface extends the logic of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier} interface to copy AcroForm fields to a new page. More...
class |
MemoryLimitsAwareFilter |
Handles memory limits aware processing. More...
class |
MemoryLimitsAwareHandler |
A MemoryLimitsAwareHandler handles memory allocation and prevents decompressed pdf streams from occupation of more space than allowed. More...
class |
PageContentRotationHelper |
Helper class to specify or check whether inverse matrix is already applied to the page content stream in case page rotation is applied and PdfPage.SetIgnorePageRotationForContent(bool) is set to true . More...
class |
PageFlushingHelper |
This class allows to free the memory taken by already processed pages when handling big PDF files. More...
class |
PdfAConformance |
PDF/A is a special variant of PDF designed specifically for long-term document preservation (the “A” stands for archive). More...
class |
PdfAnnotationBorder |
Specifying the characteristics of the annotation’s border. More...
class |
PdfArray |
A representation of an array as described in the PDF specification. More...
class |
PdfBoolean |
class |
PdfCatalog |
The root of a document’s object hierarchy. More...
class |
PdfConformance |
The class represents possible PDF document conformance. More...
class |
PdfDashPattern |
Represents the line dash pattern. More...
class |
PdfDate |
PdfDate is the PDF date object. PDF defines a standard date format. The PDF date format closely follows the format defined by the international standard ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One, defined in CCITT X.208 or ISO/IEC 8824). A date is a PdfString of the form: (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm') See also ISO-320001 7.9.4, "Dates". More...
class |
PdfDeveloperExtension |
Beginning with BaseVersion 1.7, the extensions dictionary lets developers designate that a given document contains extensions to PDF. More...
class |
PdfDictionary |
A representation of a Dictionary as described by the PDF Specification. More...
class |
PdfDocument |
Main enter point to work with PDF document. More...
class |
PdfDocumentInfo |
class |
PdfEncryptedPayload |
class |
PdfEncryptedPayloadDocument |
class |
PdfEncryption |
class |
PdfEncryptor |
This class takes any PDF and returns exactly the same but encrypted. More...
class |
PdfExtensions |
class |
PdfIndirectReference |
class |
PdfLiteral |
class |
PdfName |
class |
PdfNameTree |
class |
PdfNull |
Representation of the null object in the PDF specification. More...
class |
PdfNumber |
A PdfNumber -class is the PDF-equivalent of a Double -object. More...
class |
PdfNumTree |
class |
PdfObject |
class |
PdfObjectWrapper |
class |
PdfOutline |
Document outline object See ISO-320001, 12.3.3 Document Outline. More...
class |
PdfOutputIntent |
Specify the colour characteristics of output devices on which the document might be rendered See ISO 32000-1 14.11.5: Output Intents. More...
class |
PdfOutputStream |
class |
PdfPage |
class |
PdfPrimitiveObject |
class |
PdfReader |
Reads a PDF document. More...
class |
PdfResources |
Wrapper class that represent resource dictionary - that define named resources used by content streams operators. More...
class |
PdfRevisionsReader |
Class to retrieve important information about PDF document revisions. More...
class |
PdfStream |
Representation of a stream as described in the PDF Specification. More...
class |
PdfString |
A PdfString -class is the PDF-equivalent of a JAVA- String -object. More...
class |
PdfTextArray |
PdfTextArray defines an array with displacements and PdfString -objects. More...
class |
PdfUAConformance |
PDF/UA is a conformance for PDF files that ensures the files are accessible to all users. More...
class |
PdfVersion |
This class represents all official PDF versions. More...
class |
PdfViewerPreferences |
class |
PdfWriter |
class |
PdfXrefTable |
A representation of a cross-referenced table of a PDF document. More...
class |
ReaderProperties |
The class representing various properties used to read PDF documents. More...
class |
StampingProperties |
class |
VersionConforming |
class |
WriterProperties |