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com.itextpdf.signatures Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package com.itextpdf.signatures as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this , and additions are shown like this.
If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The new HTML tags are shown in the differences. If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.
Note that an HTML error in the new documentation may cause the display of other documentation changes to be presented incorrectly. For instance, failure to close a tag will cause all subsequent paragraphs to be displayed differently.

Class DigestAlgorithms, String getDigest(String)

Gets the digest name for a certain id id. @param oid an oid an id (for instance "1.2.840.113549.2.5") @ return a return a digest name (for instance "MD5")

Class PdfPKCS7, Collection getCRLs()

Get the X.509 certificate revocation lists associated with this PKCS#7 object object (stored in Signer Info). @return the X.509 certificate revocation lists associated with this PKCS#7 object.
Class PdfPKCS7, IBasicOCSPResponse getOcsp()

Gets the OCSP basic response from the SignerInfo if there is one. @return the OCSP basic response or null.

Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfFormXObject getLayer0()

Get Layer 0 of the appearance.

The size of the layer is determined by the rectangle set via PdfSignatureAppearance.setPageRect(Rectangle) @return layer 0. @deprecated will be deleted in the next major release. See PdfSignatureFormField.setBackgroundLayer(PdfFormXObject). Note that it should be called for the field retrieved with PdfSigner.getSignatureField() method.

Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfFormXObject getLayer2()

Get Layer 2 of the appearance.

The size of the layer is determined by the rectangle set via PdfSignatureAppearance.setPageRect(Rectangle) @return layer 2. @deprecated will be deleted in the next major release. See PdfSignatureFormField.setSignatureAppearanceLayer(PdfFormXObject). Note that it should be called for the field retrieved with PdfSigner.getSignatureField() method.

Class PdfSignatureAppearance, String getLocation()

Returns the signing location. @return signing location. @deprecated in won't favour of be public SignedAppearanceText in that should be the next major used release. for Use SignatureFieldAppearance PdfSigner.getLocation() instead.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, String getReason()

Returns the signing reason. @return reason for signing. @deprecated in won't favour of be public SignedAppearanceText in that should be the next major used release. for Use SignatureFieldAppearance PdfSigner.getReason() instead.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, Calendar getSignDate()

Returns the signature date. @return the signature date. @deprecated in use favour of SignedAppearanceText PdfSigner.getSignDate() that should be used for SignatureFieldAppearance instead.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfSignatureAppearance setLocation(String)

Sets the signing location. @param location A new signing location. @return this instance to support fluent interface. @deprecated in won't favour of be public SignedAppearanceText in that should be the next major used release. for Use SignatureFieldAppearance PdfSigner.setLocation instead.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfSignatureAppearance setReason(String)

Sets the signing reason. @param reason signing reason. @return this instance to support fluent interface. @deprecated in won't favour of be public SignedAppearanceText in that should be the next major used release. for Use SignatureFieldAppearance PdfSigner.setReason instead.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfSignatureAppearance setReuseAppearance(boolean)

Indicates that the existing appearances needs to be reused as a background layer. @param reuseAppearance is an appearances reusing flag value to set. @return this instance to support fluent interface. @deprecated in favour of PdfSignatureFormField.setReuseAppearance(boolean). Note that it should be called for the field retrieved with PdfSigner.getSignatureField() method.
Class PdfSignatureAppearance, PdfSignatureAppearance setSignDate(Calendar)

Sets the signature date. @param signDate A new signature date. @return this instance to support fluent interface. @deprecated in use favour of SignedAppearanceText PdfSigner.setSignDate(Calendar) that should be used for SignatureFieldAppearance instead.

Class PdfSigner, void preClose(Map)

This is the first method to be called when using external signatures. The general sequence is: preClose(), getDocumentBytes() and close().

exclusionSizes must contain at least the PdfName.CONTENTS key with the size that it will take in the document. Note that due to the hex string coding this size should be byte_size*2+2. @param exclusionSizes Map with names and sizes to be excluded in the signature calculation. The key is a PdfName and the value an Integer. At least the /Contents must be present @throws IOException on error

Class PdfSigner, void timestamp(ITSAClient, String)

Signs a document with a PAdES-LTV Timestamp. The document is closed at the end.

NOTE: This method closes the underlying pdf document. This means, that current instance of PdfSigner cannot be used after this method call. @param tsa the timestamp generator @param signatureName the signature name or null to have a name generated automatically @throws IOException if some I/O problem occurs occurs or estimation for timestamp signature, provided with ITSAClient.getTokenSizeEstimate(), is not big enough @throws GeneralSecurityException if some problem during apply security algorithms occurs

Class SignerProperties, String getFieldName()

Gets the field name. @return the field name.
Class SignerProperties, Calendar getSignDate()

Gets the signature date. @return Calendar set to the signature date.
Class SignerProperties, SignatureFieldAppearance getSignatureAppearance()

Gets signature field layout element, which customizes the appearance of a signature. @return SignatureFieldAppearance layout element.
Class SignerProperties, SignerProperties setCertificationLevel(int)

Sets the document's certification level. @param certificationLevel a new certification level for a document. Possible values are: @return this instance to support fluent interface.
Class SignerProperties, SignerProperties setFieldLockDict(PdfSigFieldLock)

Setter for the field lock dictionary.

Be aware: if a signature is created on an existing signature field, then its /Lock dictionary takes the precedence (if it exists). @param fieldLock Field lock dictionary. @return this instance to support fluent interface.

Class SignerProperties, SignerProperties setFieldName(String)

Sets the name indicating the field to be signed. The field can already be presented in the document but shall not be signed. If the field is not presented in the document, it will be created. @param fieldName The name indicating the field to be signed. @return this instance to support fluent interface.
Class SignerProperties, SignerProperties setSignDate(Calendar)

Sets the signature date. @param signDate the signature date. @return this instance to support fluent interface.
Class SignerProperties, SignerProperties setSignatureAppearance(SignatureFieldAppearance)

Sets the signature field layout element to customize the appearance of the signature. Signer's sign date will be set. @param appearance the SignatureFieldAppearance layout element. @return this instance to support fluent interface.

Class TSAClientBouncyCastle, int DEFAULTTOKENSIZE

The default value for the hash token size algorithm estimation.