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Class com.itextpdf.signatures.PdfSignatureAppearance

Changed Methods
PdfFormXObject  getLayer0() Documentation changed from old to new.
will be deleted in the next major release.
PdfFormXObject  getLayer2() Documentation changed from old to new.
will be deleted in the next major release.
String  getLocation() Documentation changed from old to new.
won't be public in the next major release.
String  getReason() Documentation changed from old to new.
won't be public in the next major release.
Calendar  getSignDate() Documentation changed from old to new.
use {@link PdfSigner#getSignDate()} instead.
PdfSignatureAppearance  setLocation( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
won't be public in the next major release.
PdfSignatureAppearance  setReason( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
won't be public in the next major release.
PdfSignatureAppearance  setReuseAppearance( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
in favour of {@link PdfSignatureFormField#setReuseAppearance(boolean)}.
PdfSignatureAppearance  setSignDate( Calendar) Documentation changed from old to new.
use {@link PdfSigner#setSignDate(Calendar)} instead.