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Class com.itextpdf.signatures.PdfPKCS7

Added Methods
Collection  getSignedDataCRLs() Get the X.509 certificate revocation lists associated with this PKCS#7 Signed Data object.
Collection  getSignedDataOcsps() Gets the OCSP basic response collection retrieved from SignedData structure.
Certificate[]  getTimestampCertificates() Get all X.509 certificates associated with this PKCS#7 object timestamp in no particular order.

Changed Methods
Collection  getCRLs() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the X.509 certificate revocation lists associated with this PKCS#7 object (stored in Signer Info).
IBasicOCSPResponse  getOcsp() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the OCSP basic response from the SignerInfo if there is one.