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Class com.itextpdf.pdfa.PdfADocument

Removed Methods
void  checkIsoConformance( Object, IsoKey ) {@inheritDoc}
void  checkIsoConformance( Object, IsoKey , PdfResources , PdfStream ) {@inheritDoc}

Added Methods
void  setChecker( PdfAChecker)  

Changed Methods
void  flushFonts() Documentation changed from old to new.
Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from PdfDocument.
Flushes all newly added or loaded fonts.
IConformanceLevel  getConformanceLevel() Change in return type from PdfAConformanceLevel to IConformanceLevel.
Documentation changed from old to new.
PdfFont  getDefaultFont() Documentation changed from old to new.
Method was inherited from PdfDocument, but is now defined locally.
No default font for PDF/A documents.
void  checkIsoConformance( Object, IsoKey , PdfResources , PdfStream , Object ) Documentation changed from old to new.
@param obj an object to conform.