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Class com.itextpdf.barcodes.BarcodeDataMatrix

Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Constructors
BarcodeDataMatrix( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates an instance of BarcodeDataMatrix
BarcodeDataMatrix( String, String ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates an instance of BarcodeDataMatrix

Changed Methods
String  getEncoding() Documentation changed from old to new.
getting encoding for data matrix code
PdfFormXObject  createFormXObject( Color, PdfDocument ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Rectangle  getBarcodeSize() Documentation changed from old to new.
Rectangle  placeBarcode( PdfCanvas, Color ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Rectangle  placeBarcode( PdfCanvas, Color , float ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Places the barcode in a PdfCanvas