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Creates a new ClippingPathInfo instance. @paramClass ClippingPathInfo, Path getClippingPath()pathgsThepathtothebecanvasrendered.graphics state @paramctmpath theThePathpath to bewhich represents currentrendered.clipping path @param ctm the current transformation matrix
Gets the Path which represents current clipping path. @returnClass ClippingPathInfo, Matrix getCtm()Thethe Path which represents current clipping path.
Gets the current transformation matrix. @returnCurrentthe current transformation matrix.
Represents image data from a PDF.Class ImageRenderInfo, constructor ImageRenderInfo(Stack
Class ImageRenderInfo, float getArea()CreateCreates anImageRenderInfoImageRenderInfo. @param canvasTagHierarchy the hierarchy of nested canvas tags for the text from the most inner (nearest to text) tag to the most outer @param gs the canvas graphics state @param ctm the coordinate transformation matrix at the time the image is rendered @param imageStream the image stream object @paramresourceNameresourceName the name of the image resource @param colorSpaceDictionary the color space dictionary from resources which are associated with the image @param isInline defines if the encountered image was inline
Gets the size of the image in User space units. @return the size of the image, in User space unitsClass ImageRenderInfo, PdfDictionary getColorSpaceDictionary()
Gets the color space dictionary of the image. @return the color space dictionary from resources which are associated with the imageClass ImageRenderInfo, PdfImageXObject getImage()
GetsClass ImageRenderInfo, Matrix getImageCtm()anthe image wrapped in ImageXObject. You can:@return the image
- get image bytes with PdfImageXObject.getImageBytes(boolean), these image bytes represent native image, i.e you can write these bytes to disk and get just an usual image;
- obtain PdfStream object which contains image dictionary with PdfImageXObject.getPdfObject() method;
- convert image to java.awt.image.BufferedImage with PdfImageXObject.getBufferedImage();
Class ImageRenderInfo, Vector getStartPoint()@returnGetsThethe coordinate transformation matrix in User space which was active when this image was rendered.Coordinates@return the coordinate transformationarematrix in User space.which was active when this image was rendered
Gets the vector in User space representing the start point of the image. @returnClass ImageRenderInfo, boolean isInline()athe vector in User space representing the start point of the image
Gets the inline flag. @return {@code true} if image was inlined in original stream.
If the operation is .NO_OP then the rule is ignored, otherwise FillingRule.NONZERO_WINDING is used by default. With this constructor path is considered as not modifying clipping path.Class PathRenderInfo, constructor PathRenderInfo(StackSee .PathRenderInfo(Stack, CanvasGraphicsState, Path, int, int, boolean, int) @param canvasTagHierarchy the canvas tag hierarchy @param gs the graphics state @param path the path to be rendered @param operation one of the possible combinations of .STROKE and .FILL values or .NO_OP
Creates the new PathRenderInfo instance. @param canvasTagHierarchy the canvas tag hierarchy @param gsClass PathRenderInfo, ListThethe graphicsstate.state @param pathThethe path to berendered.rendered @param operationOneone of the possible combinations of .STROKEandand .FILL values or .NO_OP @param ruleEithereither FillingRule.NONZERO_WINDING or FillingRule.EVEN_ODD.@param isClipTrue{@code true} indicates that current path modifies the clippingpath,pathfalse@param-clipRuleifnot.@paramclipRuleEithereither FillingRule.NONZERO_WINDING or FillingRule.EVEN_ODD.
Gets hierarchy of the canvas tags that wraps given text. @return list of the wrapping canvas tags. The first tag is the innermost (nearest to the text)Class PathRenderInfo, int getClippingRule().
Class PathRenderInfo, Matrix getCtm()@returnGetsEithereither FillingRule.NONZERO_WINDING or FillingRule.EVEN_ODD. @return the clipping rule value
Gets the current transformation matrix. @returnClass PathRenderInfo, int getOperation()Currentthe current transformation matrix.
Gets the {@Class PathRenderInfo, Path getPath()returncode int} value which is either .NO_OP or one of possible combinations of .STROKE and .FILL. @return the operation value
Gets the Path to be rendered @returnClass PathRenderInfo, int getRule()Thethe Path to be rendered.
Class PathRenderInfo, boolean hasMcid(int)@returnGetsEithereither FillingRule.NONZERO_WINDING or FillingRule.EVEN_ODD. @return the rule value
Checks if the text belongs to a marked content sequence with a given mcid. @param mcid a marked content id @return {@code true} if the text is marked with this idClass PathRenderInfo, boolean hasMcid(int, boolean)
Checks if the text belongs to a marked content sequence with a given mcid. @param mcid a marked content id @param checkTheTopmostLevelOnly indicates whether to check the topmost level of marked content stack only @return {@code true} if the text is marked with this idClass PathRenderInfo, boolean isPathModifiesClippingPath()
Gets the clipping path flag. @return {@code true} indicates that current path modifies the clipping path, false - if not.