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Class com.itextpdf.layout.layout.TextLayoutResult

Changed Constructors
TextLayoutResult( int, LayoutArea , IRenderer , IRenderer ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates the result of {@link com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.TextRenderer#layout(LayoutContext) layouting}.
TextLayoutResult( int, LayoutArea , IRenderer , IRenderer , IRenderer ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates the result of {@link com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.TextRenderer#layout(LayoutContext) layouting}.

Added Methods
float  getLeftMinWidth() Gets min width of the leftmost unbreakable part of the TextRenderer#line after layout.
float  getRightMinWidth() Gets min width of the rightmost unbreakable part of the TextRenderer#line after layout.
boolean  isContainsPossibleBreak() Indicates whether split renderer contains possible break.
boolean  isEndsWithSplitCharacter() Indicates whether TextRenderer#line ends with a splitCharacter.
boolean  isStartsWithSplitCharacterWhiteSpace() Indicates whether TextRenderer#line starts with a whitespace.
TextLayoutResult  setContainsPossibleBreak( boolean) Sets .isContainsPossibleBreak().
TextLayoutResult  setEndsWithSplitCharacter( boolean) Sets .isEndsWithSplitCharacter().
TextLayoutResult  setLeftMinWidth( float) Sets min width of the leftmost unbreakable part of the TextRenderer#line after layout.
TextLayoutResult  setRightMinWidth( float) Sets min width of the rightmost unbreakable part of the TextRenderer#line after layout.
TextLayoutResult  setStartsWithSplitCharacterWhiteSpace( boolean) Sets .isStartsWithSplitCharacterWhiteSpace().

Changed Methods
boolean  isWordHasBeenSplit() Documentation changed from old to new.
Indicates whether some word in a rendered text was split during layout.
TextLayoutResult  setWordHasBeenSplit( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets .wordHasBeenSplit

Added Fields
boolean  containsPossibleBreak  
boolean  endsWithSplitCharacter  
float  leftMinWidth  
float  rightMinWidth  
boolean  startsWithSplitCharacterWhiteSpace  

Changed Fields
boolean  wordHasBeenSplit Documentation changed from old to new.
Indicates whether some word was split during layout.