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Package com.itextpdf.signatures

Changed Classes and Interfaces
CRLVerifier Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more Certificate Revocation Lists.
CertificateUtil This class contains a series of static methods that allow you to retrieve information from a Certificate.
CrlClientOnline An implementation of the CrlClient that fetches the CRL bytes from an URL.
DigestAlgorithms Class that contains a map with the different message digest algorithms.
IExternalSignature Interface that needs to be implemented to do the actual signing.
IExternalSignatureContainer Interface to sign a document.
ITSAClient Time Stamp Authority client (caller) interface.
LtvVerification Add verification according to PAdES-LTV (part 4).
LtvVerifier Verifies the signatures in an LTV document.
PdfSignatureBuildProperties Dictionary that stores signature build properties.
PdfSigner Takes care of the cryptographic options and appearances that form a signature.