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Class com.itextpdf.signatures.PdfSigner

Changed Constructors
PdfSigner( PdfReader, OutputStream , boolean ) Documentation changed from old to new.
will be removed in next major release.
PdfSigner( PdfReader, OutputStream , StampingProperties ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a PdfSigner instance.
PdfSigner( PdfReader, OutputStream , String , boolean ) Documentation changed from old to new.
will be removed in next major release.
PdfSigner( PdfReader, OutputStream , String , StampingProperties ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a PdfSigner instance.

Changed Methods
void  addFieldMDP( PdfSignature, PdfSigFieldLock ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Adds keys to the signature dictionary that define the field permissions.
InputStream  getRangeStream() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the document bytes that are hashable when using external signatures.
IRandomAccessSource  getUnderlyingSource() Documentation changed from old to new.
Returns the underlying source.
void  signDeferred( PdfDocument, String , OutputStream , IExternalSignatureContainer ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Signs a PDF where space was already reserved.
void  signExternalContainer( IExternalSignatureContainer, int ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sign the document using an external container, usually a PKCS7.
void  timestamp( ITSAClient, String ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Signs a document with a PAdES-LTV Timestamp.
void  signDetached( IExternalDigest, IExternalSignature , Certificate[] , Collection , IOcspClient , ITSAClient , int , CryptoStandard ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Signs the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
void  signDetached( IExternalDigest, IExternalSignature , Certificate[] , Collection , IOcspClient , ITSAClient , int , CryptoStandard , SignaturePolicyIdentifier ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Signs the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.
void  signDetached( IExternalDigest, IExternalSignature , Certificate[] , Collection , IOcspClient , ITSAClient , int , CryptoStandard , SignaturePolicyInfo ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Signs the document using the detached mode, CMS or CAdES equivalent.