Class ImageRenderInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImageRenderInfo extends AbstractRenderInfo
Represents image data from a PDF.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageRenderInfo

      public ImageRenderInfo (Stack<CanvasTag> canvasTagHierarchy, CanvasGraphicsState gs, Matrix ctm, PdfStream imageStream, PdfName resourceName, PdfDictionary colorSpaceDictionary, boolean isInline)
      Creates an ImageRenderInfo.
      canvasTagHierarchy - the hierarchy of nested canvas tags for the text from the most inner (nearest to text) tag to the most outer
      gs - the canvas graphics state
      ctm - the coordinate transformation matrix at the time the image is rendered
      imageStream - the image stream object
      resourceName - the name of the image resource
      colorSpaceDictionary - the color space dictionary from resources which are associated with the image
      isInline - defines if the encountered image was inline
  • Method Details

    • getImage

      public PdfImageXObject getImage()
      Gets the image wrapped in ImageXObject. You can:
      the image
    • getImageResourceName

      public PdfName getImageResourceName()
      Gets the name of the image resource.
      the name of the image resource
    • getStartPoint

      public Vector getStartPoint()
      Gets the vector in User space representing the start point of the image.
      the vector in User space representing the start point of the image
    • getImageCtm

      public Matrix getImageCtm()
      Gets the coordinate transformation matrix in User space which was active when this image was rendered.
      the coordinate transformation matrix in User space which was active when this image was rendered
    • getArea

      public float getArea()
      Gets the size of the image in User space units.
      the size of the image, in User space units
    • isInline

      public boolean isInline()
      Gets the inline flag.
      true if image was inlined in original stream
    • getColorSpaceDictionary

      public PdfDictionary getColorSpaceDictionary()
      Gets the color space dictionary of the image.
      the color space dictionary from resources which are associated with the image
    • getCanvasTagHierarchy

      public List<CanvasTag> getCanvasTagHierarchy()
      Gets hierarchy of the canvas tags that wraps given text.
      list of the wrapping canvas tags. The first tag is the innermost (nearest to the text).
    • getMcid

      public int getMcid()
      Gets the marked-content identifier associated with this ImageRenderInfo instance.
      associated marked-content identifier or -1 in case content is unmarked
    • hasMcid

      public boolean hasMcid (int mcid)
      Checks if this ImageRenderInfo instance is associated with a marked content sequence with a given mcid.
      mcid - a marked content id
      true if the image is marked with this id, false otherwise
    • hasMcid

      public boolean hasMcid (int mcid, boolean checkTheTopmostLevelOnly)
      Checks if this ImageRenderInfo instance is associated with a marked content sequence with a given mcid.
      mcid - a marked content id
      checkTheTopmostLevelOnly - indicates whether to check the topmost level of marked content stack only
      true if this ImageRenderInfo instance is marked with this id, false otherwise