All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract IShorthandResolver implementation for borders.
Abstract IShorthandResolver implementation for box definitions.
Abstract class that will be the superclass for any element that can function as a parent.
This class represents the wrapper for CertIOException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This class represents the wrapper for CMSException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Base class for events handling depending on the context.
Represents a context-based event.
Class is recommended for internal usage.
Abstract IShorthandResolver implementation for corners definitions.
Container for CSS context properties that influence CSS resolution.
Abstract superclass for CSS Selectors.
Defines the most common properties that most IElement implementations share.
Base class to wrap events.
Abstract BlockRenderer for form fields.
ISvgNodeRenderer abstract implementation for gradient tags (, ).
The class allows to make any element identifiable so that it is possible to store some metadata for it.
Abstract class which represents system configuration events.
Abstract class which defines events only for internal usage.
Abstract class with some standard functionality for product event processing.
Base class for linear gradient builders implementations.
This class represents the wrapper for OCSPException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Abstract AbstractTextFieldRenderer for a single line of text content in a form field.
This class represents the wrapper for OperatorCreationException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This class handles common behaviour in IPathShape implementations
This class represents a single field or field group in an AcroForm.
The abstract PdfFunction class that represents the Function Dictionary or Stream PDF object.
This class represents the wrapper for PEMException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This class represents the wrapper for PKCSException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Abstract class which defines general product events by encapsulating ProductData of the product which generated event.
Abstract class which defines product process event.
Defines the most common properties and behavior that are shared by most IRenderer implementations.
An abstract class for fields that represents a control for selecting one or several of the provided options.
Abstract BlockRenderer for select form fields.
Abstract class for statistics aggregation.
Abstract class which defines statistics event.
ISvgNodeRenderer abstract implementation.
Abstract AbstractFormFieldRenderer for form fields with text content.
This class represents the wrapper for TSPException that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
The accessibility properties are used to define properties of structure elements in Tagged PDF documents via TagTreePointer API.
Generates standard structure attributes for current tag based on the layout element properties and renderer layout results.
Functional interface which takes 0 parameters and returns nothing.
Represent Action tag in xfdf document structure.
Creates an AES Cipher with CBC and padding PKCS5/7.
Creates an AES Cipher with CBC and no padding.
Composite exception class.
Wrapper class for AlgorithmIdentifier.
Wrapper class for AlgorithmIdentifier.
Options for XMPSchemaRegistryImpl#registerAlias.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.ALIGN_ITEMS and Property.ALIGN_SELF.
This is a general class for alphabet numbering.
Helper class for setting annotation default appearance.
Represents annotation, a child element of annots tag in Xfdf document structure.
Represent annots tag in xfdf document structure.
A layout object that terminates the current content area and creates a new one.
Renderer for the AreaBreak layout element.
The possible values for the type of break that is executed by an AreaBreak.
This class can produce String combinations representing an armenian numeral.
ICssDeclarationValidator implementation to validate an array of specified element types.
Direct path item (see ObjectPath, which describes transition to the PdfArray element which is now a currently comparing direct object.
Handles ASCII85Decode filter
Handles ASCIIHexDecode filter
Wrapper class for ASN1BitString.
Wrapper class for ASN1BitString.
Wrapper class for ASN1Dump.
Wrapper class for ASN1Dump.
Wrapper class for ASN1Encodable.
Wrapper class for ASN1Encodable.
Wrapper class for ASN1EncodableVector.
Wrapper class for ASN1EncodableVector.
Wrapper class for ASN1Encoding.
Wrapper class for ASN1Encoding.
Wrapper class for ASN1Enumerated.
Wrapper class for ASN1Enumerated.
Wrapper class for ASN1GeneralizedTime.
Wrapper class for ASN1GeneralizedTime.
Wrapper class for ASN1InputStream.
Wrapper class for ASN1InputStream.
Wrapper class for ASN1Integer.
Wrapper class for ASN1Integer.
Wrapper class for ASN1ObjectIdentifier.
Wrapper class for ASN1ObjectIdentifier.
Wrapper class for ASN1OctetString.
Wrapper class for ASN1OctetString.
Wrapper class for ASN1OutputStream.
Wrapper class for ASN1OutputStream.
Wrapper class for ASN1Primitive.
Wrapper class for ASN1Primitive.
Wrapper class for ASN1Sequence.
Wrapper class for ASN1Sequence.
Wrapper class for ASN1Set.
Wrapper class for ASN1Set.
Wrapper class for ASN1String.
Wrapper class for ASN1String.
Wrapper class for ASN1TaggedObject.
Wrapper class for ASN1TaggedObject.
Wrapper class for ASN1UTCTime.
Wrapper class for ASN1UTCTime.
Utilities class for assertion operation.
Wrapper class for Attribute.
Wrapper class for Attribute.
Represents the attribute of any XFDF element.
Wrapper class for AttributeTable.
Wrapper class for AttributeTable.
Wrapper class for AuthorityKeyIdentifier.
Wrapper class for AuthorityKeyIdentifier.
A specialized class holding configurable properties related to an IElement's background.
Enum with boxes that can be used as a value in background-clip and background-origin properties.
Class to hold background-image property.
BackgroundImage builder class.
Class to hold background-position property.
A specialized enum containing positions in x-dimension (horizontal positions).
A specialized enum containing positions in y-dimension (vertical positions).
IShorthandResolver implementation for background-position.
Class to hold background-repeat property.
Defines all possible background repeat values for one axis.
IShorthandResolver implementation for backgrounds.
Class to hold background-size property.
Bad password exception.
Implements the code interleaved 2 of 5.
Implements the MSI Barcode.
A QRCode implementation based on the zxing code.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
A utility class to perform base64 encoding and decoding as specified in RFC-1521.
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
A specialized enum holding the possible values for a text IElement's base direction.
A functional interface for providing conversion of raw input to an array of double values.
Wrapper class for BasicConstraints.
Wrapper class for BasicConstraints.
A basic FontProvider that allows configuring in the constructor which fonts are loaded by default.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPResp.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPResp.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPRespBuilder.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPRespBuilder.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPResponse.
Wrapper class for BasicOCSPResponse.
Represents a Bezier curve.
BiMap<K, V>
A simple bi-directional map.
Defines all possible blend modes and their mapping to pdf names.
A BlockElement will try to take up as much horizontal space as available to it on the canvas or page.
This class helps to identify whether we are dealing with a renderer that creates a new "Block formatting context" in terms of CSS.
Represents a renderer for block elements.
Represents a border.
Enumerates the different sides of the rectangle.
Represents a border that is displayed using a 3D effect.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for bottom borders.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE.
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border colors.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for left borders.
Represents a border radius.
AbstractCornersShorthandResolver implementation for border radius.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for right borders.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for borders.
Represents the BorderStyleAlt element, a child of the link element.
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border styles.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for top borders.
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for border widths.
Implementation for digests accessed directly from the BouncyCastle library bypassing any provider definition.
This class implements IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle classes instances.
This class provides the ability to create IBouncyCastleFactory instance.
This class implements IBouncyCastleFactory and creates bouncy-castle FIPS classes instances.
Integration tests which need to be run with several different bouncy-castle dependencies.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Unit tests which need to be run with several different bouncy-castle dependencies.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.BOX_SIZING.
The implementation of ISplitCharacters that allows breaking within words.
Extension of the FormField class representing a button in html.
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for buttons.
Byte buffer container including length of valid data.
A class which wraps a 2D array of bytes.
This class implements a simple byte vector with access to the underlying array.
This class is used for adding content directly onto a specified PdfCanvas.
A subclass of CanvasTag for Artifacts.
This class is designed for internal usage.
Represents a renderer for the Canvas layout element.
This class represents a single tag on a single piece of marked content.
A specialized enum containing the potential caption side values for a Table's caption.
Handles CCITTFaxDecode filter
Encodes data in the CCITT G4 FAX format.
A Cell is one piece of data in an enclosing grid, the Table.
Represents a renderer for the Cell layout element.
Wrapper class for CertificateID.
Wrapper class for CertificateID.
Class containing static methods that allow you to get information from an X509 Certificate: the issuer and the subject.
Class that holds an X509 name.
Class for breaking up an X500 Name into it's component tokens, similar to StringTokenizer.
Wrapper class for CertificateStatus.
Wrapper class for CertificateStatus.
This class contains a series of static methods that allow you to retrieve information from a Certificate.
This class consists of some methods that allow you to verify certificates.
Superclass for a series of certificate verifiers that will typically be used in a chain.
Wrapper class for CertIOException.
Wrapper class for CertIOException.
A dictionary number on the list.
an unknown offset in a dictionary for the list.
An index-offset item for the list.
List items for the linked list that builds the new CID font.
An offset-marker item for the list.
A range item.
A SID or Card16 item.
Card24 item.
Card32 item.
A Card8 item.
This Class subsets a CFF Type Font.
This class represents a single character and its bounding box
This class implements a simple char vector with access to the underlying array.
Extension of the FormField class representing a checkbox so that a CheckBoxRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields.
Builder for checkbox form field.
The AbstractFormFieldRenderer implementation for checkboxes.
Enum representing possible values for check box mark drawing.
Builder for choice form field.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.CLEAR.
This renderer represents a collection of elements (simple shapes and paths).
This class contains variety of methods allowing to convert iText abstractions into the abstractions of the Clipper library and vise versa.
Represents the clipping path data.
Implements closePath(Z) attribute of SVG's path element
Class represents real codepoint-CID mapping without any additional manipulation.
This class represents a CMap file.
Wrapper class for CMSEnvelopedData.
Wrapper class for CMSEnvelopedData.
Wrapper class for CMSException.
Wrapper class for CMSException.
Represents a color
Class containing predefined DeviceRgb colors.
This class is used for convenient multi-column Document Layouting
Shorthand resolver for the column-rule property.
Shorthand resolver for the column property.
A field that represents a control for selecting one of the provided options.
Class containing possible CSS property keys and values, pseudo element keys, units of measurement, and so on.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Stores an instance of ProductData related to iText commons module.
This class provides means to compare two PDF files both by content and visually and gives the report on their differences.
Class containing results of the comparison of two documents.
Exceptions thrown when errors occur during generation and comparison of images obtained on the basis of pdf files.
Complex FontSelectorStrategy split text based on Character.UnicodeScript.
Compression constants for PdfStream.
Concurrent weak hash map implementation.
A wrapper for a AbstractProductProcessITextEvent storing additional data about the event.
Used to confirm that process associated with some AbstractProductProcessITextEvent ended successfully.
Wrapper class for ContentInfo.
Wrapper class for ContentInfo.
Wrapper class for ContentSigner.
Wrapper class for ContentSigner.
Wrapper class for ContentVerifierProvider.
Wrapper class for ContentVerifierProvider.
The class that retrieves context of its invocation.
This class is used to store properties of the renderer that are needed to be removed/reapplied.
An OutputStream that counts the written bytes.
An OutputStream that counts the written bytes.
An implementation of the CrlClient that handles offline Certificate Revocation Lists.
An implementation of the CrlClient that fetches the CRL bytes from an URL.
Wrapper class for CRLDistPoint.
Wrapper class for CRLDistPoint.
Wrapper class for CRLReason.
Wrapper class for CRLReason.
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more Certificate Revocation Lists.
Abstract superclass for all CSS at-rules (rules in CSS that start with an @ sign).
ICssSelectorItem implementation for attribute selectors.
Utilities class for CSS background parsing.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for background properties.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for class selectors.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for colors.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for colors.
The CSS context node.
Class to store a CSS declaration.
Class that holds CSS declaration validator.
Tokenizer for CSS declaration values.
The Token class.
Enumeration of the different token types.
Helper class that allows you to get the default values of CSS properties.
Class that bundles all the CSS declaration validators.
Class that bundles all the CSS declaration validators.
Utilities class for CSS dimension parsing operations.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for elements in an enumeration.
Class that will examine the font as described in the CSS, and store it in a form that the font provider will understand.
Class that defines a font face source.
The Enum FontFormat.
Class to store a CSS font face At rule.
Utilities class for CSS gradient functions parsing.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for identifiers.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for id selectors.
Helper class that allows you to check if a property is inheritable.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for integer numeric elements.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements.
CssNestedAtRule implementation for margins.
The CssNestedAtRule implementation for media rules.
Class to store a nested CSS at-rule Nested at-rules are a subset of nested statements, which can be used as a statement of a style sheet as well as inside of conditional group rules.
A factory for creating CssNestedAtRule objects.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements.
ICssSelector implementation for CSS page margin box selectors.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for page pseudo classes selectors.
CssNestedAtRule implementation for page rules.
ICssSelector implementation for CSS page selectors.
Utilities class to parse CSS page selectors.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for page type selectors.
State machine that will parse content into a style sheet.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for numeric elements.
Utilities class to merge CSS properties.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for pseudo class selectors.
IElementNode implementation for pseudo elements.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for pseudo element selectors.
Utilities class for pseudo elements.
Helper class to deal with quoted values in strings.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for values for the CSS quotes key.
Class containing possible CSS rule names.
Class to store a CSS rule set.
Comparator class used to sort CSS rule set objects.
Comparator class used to sort CSS rule set objects.
Utilities class to parse CSS rule sets.
ICssSelector implementation for CSS selectors.
Comparator class for CSS Selectors.
Utilities class to parse a CSS selector.
A CssAtRule implementation.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for separator selectors.
Abstract superclass for all kinds of CSS statements.
Class that stores all the CSS statements, and thus acts as a CSS style sheet.
Utilities class to parse a CSS style sheet.
ICssSelectorItem implementation for tag selectors.
ICssDataTypeValidator implementation for css transform property .
Utilities class for CSS types validating operations.
Utilities class for CSS operations.
Implements curveTo(C) attribute of SVG's path element
Draws a border with dashes around the element it's been set to.
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a dashed horizontal line over the middle of the specified rectangle.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
Handles a DCTDecode filter.
The class represents a basic implementation of AccessibilityProperties that preserves specified accessibility properties.
Defines a default strategy of product event processing.
This class acts as a default implementation of IPdfTextLocation
Default factory class to construct ITextProductEventProcessor instance.
Default implementation of the IResourceRetriever interface, which can set a limit on the size of retrieved resources using input stream with a limit on the number of bytes read.
Implementation of IXmlParserFactory for creating safe xml parser objects.
The default implementation of ISplitCharacters interface.
The default implementation of ISvgNodeRendererFactory that will be used by default by the entry points defined by this project.
Default implementation of ISvgProcessor.
Wrapper class for DERIA5String.
Wrapper class for DERIA5String.
Wrapper class for DERNull.
Wrapper class for DERNull.
Wrapper class for DEROctetString.
Wrapper class for DEROctetString.
Wrapper class for DERSequence.
Wrapper class for DERSequence.
Wrapper class for DERSet.
Wrapper class for DERSet.
Wrapper class for DERTaggedObject.
Wrapper class for DERTaggedObject.
A copy filter that will handle goto annotations and actions separately.
Represents Dest element, a child of the link, GoTo, and GoToR elements.
Color space to specify colors according to CMYK color model.
Color space to specify shades of gray color.
Color space to specify colors according to RGB color model.
Direct path item (see ObjectPath, which describes transition to the PdfDictionary entry which value is now a currently comparing direct object.
Class that contains a map with the different message digest algorithms.
Wrapper class for DigestCalculator.
Wrapper class for DigestCalculator.
Wrapper class for DigestCalculatorProvider.
Wrapper class for DigestCalculatorProvider.
Wrapper class for DistributionPoint.
Wrapper class for DistributionPoint.
Wrapper class for DistributionPointName.
Wrapper class for DistributionPointName.
A Div is a container object that defines a section in a document, which will have some shared layout properties.
Represents a renderer for the Div layout element.
Document is the default root element when creating a self-sufficient PDF.
Class with additional properties for PdfDocument processing.
A filter that doesn't modify the stream at all
Draws a dotted border around the element it has been set to.
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a dotted horizontal line along the bottom edge of the specified rectangle.
Creates a double border around the element it's set to.
Utility class to draw form fields PdfFormField.
Utility class for drowing shapes on PdfCanvas
Represents encoding attribute of data or resource elements (children of fileattachment and sound elements).
A generic abstract element that fits in a PDF layout object hierarchy.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
Implements elliptical curveTo (A) segment of SVG's path element.
These are a set of hints that you may pass to Writers to specify their behavior.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
Wrapper class for EncryptedContentInfo.
Wrapper class for EncryptedContentInfo.
Allows configuration of output PDF encryption.
This class is responsible for converting integer numbers to their English alphabet letter representations.
Wrapper class for EnvelopedData.
Wrapper class for EnvelopedData.
See ISO 18004:2006, 6.5.1.
Class to store escape characters and their processing logic.
Wrapper class for ESSCertID.
Wrapper class for ESSCertID.
Wrapper class for ESSCertIDv2.
Wrapper class for ESSCertIDv2.
Describes abstract event.
Defines the strategy of AbstractProductProcessITextEvent confirming.
IEventDispatcher implementation that forwards Events to registered IEventHandler implementations.
Entry point for event handling mechanism.
Specifies different types of events where a callback should be notified.
Class containing the exception messages.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
This class define a functional interface which executes some code and return nothing.
Extended annotation fonts that are supported only by Acrobat
This class is used for testing when logger output should be tested as well.
Wrapper class for ExtendedKeyUsage.
Wrapper class for ExtendedKeyUsage.
Wrapper class for Extension.
Wrapper class for Extension.
Wrapper class for Extensions.
Wrapper class for Extensions.
Produces a blank (or empty) signature.
Represents the field element, a child of the fields and field elements.
Represents the fields element, a child of the xfdf element and is the container for form field elements.
A RandomAccessSource that is based on an underlying FileChannel.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
An event listener which filters events on the fly before passing them on to the delegate.
A text event listener which filters events on the fly before passing them on to the delegate.
Encapsulates filter behavior for PDF streams.
Data container for debugging information.
Represent Fit, a child of the Dest element.
Draws a border with a specific dashes around the element it's been set to.
Handles FlateDecode filter.
Handles strict FlateDecode filter.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.FLEX_DIRECTION.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.FLEX_WRAP.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.FLOAT.
Class represents events notifying that PdfDocument was flushed.
Represents f element, child of the xfdf element.
Font descriptor flags
Split CSS 'font-family' string into list of font-families or generic-families
Contains all font related data to create FontProgram and PdfFont.
A specialized enum holding the possible values for a text IElement's kerning property.
Represents Open Type head.macStyle bits.
Base font descriptor.
Provides methods for creating various types of fonts.
Main entry point of font selector logic.
Sort given set of fonts according to font name and style.
FontSelectorStrategy is responsible for splitting text into sub texts with one particular font.
Reusable font set for FontProgram related data.
IShorthandResolver implementation for fonts.
Utility class for font size calculations.
A factory for creating AbstractFormBorder implementations.
Implementation of the AbstractElement class for form fields.
Builder for form field.
Set of constants that will be used as keys to get and set properties.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class containing constants to be used in logging in forms module.
Class to store meta info that will be used in forms module in static context.
Wrapper class for GeneralName.
Wrapper class for GeneralName.
Wrapper class for GeneralNames.
Wrapper class for GeneralNames.
Generic context that allows AbstractContextBasedITextEvent based on the whitelist of supported events.
Abstract representation of a name tree structure, as used in PDF for various purposes such as the Dests tree, the ID tree of structure elements and the embedded file tree.
This class can produce String combinations representing a georgian numeral.
A utility class that is used as an interface to run 3rd-party tool Ghostscript.
Exceptions thrown when errors occur during generation and comparison of images obtained on the basis of pdf files.
This class expands each TextRenderInfo for EventType.RENDER_TEXT event types into multiple TextRenderInfo instances for each glyph occurred.
Parses an OpenTypeFont file and reads the Glyph Substitution Table.
Parses an OpenTypeFont file and reads the Glyph Substitution Table.
This class expands each TextRenderInfo for EventType.RENDER_TEXT event types into multiple TextRenderInfo instances for each glyph occurred.
Lookup Type 1: Single Adjustment Positioning Subtable
Lookup Type 2: Pair Adjustment Positioning Subtable
Lookup Type 4: MarkToBase Attachment Positioning Subtable
Lookup Type 5: MarkToLigature Attachment Positioning Subtable
Lookup Type 6: MarkToMark Attachment Positioning Subtable
Lookup Type 7: Contextual Positioning Subtables
Lookup Type 8: Chaining Contextual Positioning Subtable
The gradient stop color structure representing the stop color configuration.
Represents the possible hint offset type
Represents the possible offset type
Represents possible spreading methods for gradient color outside of the coordinates vector
This class is responsible for converting integer numbers to their Greek alphabet letter representations.
Represents a Border3D with a groove effect being applied.
This renderer represents a branch in an SVG tree.
LookupType 1: Single Substitution Subtable
LookupType 2: Multiple Substitution Subtable
LookupType 3: Alternate Substitution Subtable
LookupType 4: Ligature Substitution Subtable
LookupType 5: Contextual Substitution Subtable
LookupType 6: Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT.
Implements lineTo(H) attribute of SVG's path element
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in HTML mode.
Represents a hyphen.
This class represents a hyphenated word.
This is the class used to configure hyphenation on layout level
Class containing constants to be used in hyphenation on layout level.
A hyphenation exception.
This tree structure stores the hyphenation patterns in an efficient way for fast lookup.
This is a cache for HyphenationTree instances.
This class is the main entry point to the hyphenation package.
The interface represents abstract layout element and provides an access to its children.
A layout element which has accessibility properties.
This interface represents the wrapper for AlgorithmIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Extension interface of ISignatureMechanismParams that also supports applying the parameters to a Signature.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1BitString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Dump that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Encodable that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1EncodableVector that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Encoding that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Enumerated that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1GeneralizedTime that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1InputStream that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Integer that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1ObjectIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1OctetString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1OutputStream that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Primitive that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Sequence that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1Set that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1String that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1TaggedObject that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ASN1UTCTime that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for Attribute that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for HTML attributes.
Interface for a series of HTML attributes.
This interface represents the wrapper for AttributeTable that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for AuthorityKeyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicConstraints that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicOCSPResp that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicOCSPRespBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for BasicOCSPResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This class represents a block layout element with special margins, tabbing, and alignment.
IBouncyCastleFactory contains methods required for bouncy-classes objects creation.
IBouncyCastleTestConstantsFactory contains methods for constants creation required in tests.
Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure.
Class used to represented the International Color Consortium profile
This interface represents the wrapper for CertificateID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for CertificateStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface is used to draw a checkBox icon.
This interface represents the wrapper for CMSEnvelopedData that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ContentInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Root interface for a series of handlers for content stream operators.
This interface represents the wrapper for ContentSigner that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ContentVerifierProvider that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
The class that determines weather event should be processed or not.
Interface that describes a Path object which is defined by control points.
A filter class to be used while copying pdf components.
Interface that needs to be implemented if you want to embed Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) into your PDF.
This interface represents the wrapper for CRLDistPoint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for CRLReason that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for CSS data type validators.
Interface for CSS declaration validators.
Interface for CSS resolvers.
Interface for CSS Selector classes.
Interface for CSS selector items.
Interface that serves as a marker indicating that this particular IElementNode is something non-standard.
Interface for data nodes.
This interface represents the wrapper for DERIA5String that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DERNull that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DEROctetString that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DERSequence that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DERSet that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DERTaggedObject that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DigestCalculator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DigestCalculatorProvider that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DistributionPoint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for DistributionPointName that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface implemented by classes that are a top node, and as such represent a Document.
Interface for the document type node.
Represents ids element, child of the xfdf element.
This class represents a layout element, i.e.
Interface for node classes that have a parent and children, and for which styles can be defined; each of these nodes can also have a name and attributes.
This interface represents the wrapper for EncryptedContentInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for EnvelopedData that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ESSCertID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ESSCertIDv2 that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Base marker interface for any generated event of any source.
Marker interface for the set of classes used to combine parameters required for different types of events.
Event dispatcher interface.
This is an interface which helps to filter events.
The interface for an event handler.
Interface for handling events.
A callback interface that receives notifications from the PdfCanvasProcessor as various events occur (see EventType).
This interface represents the wrapper for ExtendedKeyUsage that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for Extension that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for Extensions that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface to externalize the retrieval of the CMS recipient info.
ExternalDigest allows the use of implementations of MessageDigest other than BouncyCastleDigest.
Interface that needs to be implemented to do the actual signing.
Interface to sign a document.
Classes implementing this interface can create custom encodings or replace existing ones.
The main interface for creating a new FilterHandler
Common interface for HTML form elements.
This interface represents the wrapper for GeneralName that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for GeneralNames that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for InputDecryptorProvider that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for IssuerAndSerialNumber that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaCertStore that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaContentSignerBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaPEMKeyConverter that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaSignerInfoGeneratorBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaX509CertificateConverter that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaX509CertificateHolder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JceKeyAgreeEnvelopedRecipient that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for JceOpenSSLPKCS8DecryptorProviderBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyPurposeId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyTransRecipientInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for KeyUsage that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
A ILargeElement is a layout element which may get added to indefinitely, making the object prohibitively large.
A marker subinterface of IElement that specifies that the layout object is, by definition, on the lowest tier in the object hierarchy.
The ILineDrawer defines a drawing operation on a PdfCanvas
This interface allows to customize the 'empty' space in a com.itextpdf.layout.element.TabStop through a Strategy design pattern
Interface for implementing custom symbols for lists
This is a special interface for IEventFilter that returns a collection of rectangles as result of its work.
A layout element that represents an image for inclusion in the document model.
A helper data class, which aggregates true/false result of ImageMagick comparing as well as the number of different pixels.
A utility class that is used as an interface to run 3rd-party tool ImageMagick.
Represents image data from a PDF.
Responsible for drawing Images to the canvas.
Helper class that detects image type by magic bytes
Interface implemented by elements that support marker drawing.
This interface represents the wrapper for MessageImprint that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
The meta info that can holds information about instance that throws the event.
A RandomAccessSource that is wraps another RandomAccessSource but does not propagate close().
An item in the indirect path (see ObjectPath.
Utility methods to help with processing of inline images
Simple class in case users need to differentiate an exception from processing inline images vs other exceptions
A property corresponding to the css vertical-align property and used to set vertical alignment on inline blocks, it specifies the type of alignment and where needed a numerical value to complete it.
The possible values for InlineVerticalAlignment.getType().
Interface for classes that describe a Node with a parent and children.
Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure that will not draw on its own.
Wrapper class for InputDecryptorProvider.
Wrapper class for InputDecryptorProvider.
Extension of the FormField class representing a button so that a InputFieldRenderer is used.
The AbstractOneLineTextFieldRenderer implementation for input fields.
Helper class to read nt, short, words, etc.
Represents a Border3D with an inset effect being applied.
Tests that cover more functionality than a simple Unit Test.
Exception class for invalid prev pointer in xref structure.
Interface for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Client.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPObjectIdentifiers that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPReq that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPReqBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPResp that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPRespBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OCSPResponseStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Exception class for exceptions in io module.
Class containing constants to be used in exceptions in the IO module.
Class containing constants to be used in logging.
A locally used strategy for converting relative coordinates to absolute coordinates (in the current SVG coordinate space).
This interface represents the wrapper for OriginatorInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for OtherHashAlgAndValue that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for IPathShape, which draws the Path-data's d element instructions.
Interface that will provide a mapping from path element-data instruction names to IPathShape.
This interface is used to connect the XML pattern file parser to the hyphenation tree.
Interface represents a factory for AbstractPdfFunction objects.
Abstract access interface to a PDF name tree.
The interface generalizing the layer types (PdfLayer, PdfLayerMembership).
This interface defines logic which can be used to perform a custom copying operation of a PdfPage.
Interface used to create instances of PdfPage.
This interface extends the logic of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier} interface to copy AcroForm fields to a new page.
Instances of this interface represent a piece of text, somewhere on a page in a pdf document.
This interface represents the wrapper for PEMParser that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for PKCS8EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for PKCSObjectIdentifiers that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for PKIFailureInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
A marker interface that specifies that the layout object has placeholder.
This interface represents the wrapper for PrivateKeyInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Class represents a factory for ITextProductEventProcessor objects.
A generic Map-like interface that defines methods for storing and retrieving objects by an enum key of the Property type.
Represents an abstract source that bytes can be read from.
This interface represents the wrapper for Recipient that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInformation that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RecipientInformationStore that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
A renderer object is responsible for drawing a corresponding layout object on a document or canvas.
This interface represents the wrapper for Req that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for classes that can retrieve data from resources by URL.
This interface represents the wrapper for RespID that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for ResponseBytes that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for RevokedStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
A helper interface that facilitates roles mapping resolving for the tag structures that are defined for different PDF document specification versions.
Wrapper interface for BouncyCastle's representation of RSASSA-PSS parameters in ASN.1.
Represents segment from a PDF path.
Interface for shorthand resolvers.
Interface to encode the parameters to a signature algorithm for inclusion in a signature object.
This interface represents the wrapper for SignaturePolicyId that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SignaturePolicyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SignerInfoGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SignerInformationVerifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SigningCertificate that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SigningCertificateV2 that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SigPolicyQualifierInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SingleResp that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Converts between ISO 8601 Strings and Calendar with millisecond resolution.
Type of object to conform.
Interface for customizing the split character.
Wrapper class for IssuerAndSerialNumber.
Wrapper class for IssuerAndSerialNumber.
Interface for attribute and style-inheritance logic
Interface for classes that can get and set styles.
This interface represents the wrapper for SubjectKeyIdentifier that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for SubjectPublicKeyInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for the configuration classes used by ISvgProcessor
Interface for SvgNodeRenderer, the renderer draws the SVG to its Pdf-canvas passed in SvgDrawContext, applying styling (CSS and attributes).
Interface for the factory used by DefaultSvgProcessor.
Interface for working with paint servers.
Interface for SVG processors.
Interface for SVG processors results.
This interface represents the wrapper for TBSCertificate that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Options for XMPIterator construction.
Stores an instance of ProductData related to iText core module.
Class represents events registered in iText core module.
General iText exception.
This is a special interface for IEventFilter that returns text as result of its work.
Interface for text nodes.
Interface for product event processors.
This is a generic class for testing.
This interface represents the wrapper for Time that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampRequest that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampRequestGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampResponse that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampResponseGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampToken that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampTokenGenerator that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for TimeStampTokenInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Time Stamp Authority client (caller) interface.
Interface you can implement and pass to TSAClientBouncyCastle in case you want to do something with the information returned
This interface represents the wrapper for TSTInfo that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for UnknownStatus that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
An initialization vector generator for a CBC block encryption.
This interface represents the wrapper for X500Name that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for X509CertificateHolder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for X509CRLHolder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for X509ExtensionUtils that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
This interface represents the wrapper for X509v2CRLBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
Interface for the XML parsing operations that accept XML and return a document node.
The interface in which methods for creating xml parsers are declared.
Class to read a JBIG2 file at a basic level: understand all the segments, understand what segments belong to which pages, how many pages there are, what the width and height of each page is, and global segments if there are any.
Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 page.
Inner class that holds information about a JBIG2 segment.
Wrapper class for JcaCertStore.
Wrapper class for JcaCertStore.
Wrapper class for JcaContentSignerBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaContentSignerBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaPEMKeyConverter.
Wrapper class for JcaPEMKeyConverter.
Wrapper class for JcaSignerInfoGeneratorBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaSignerInfoGeneratorBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaX509CertificateConverter.
Wrapper class for JcaX509CertificateConverter.
Wrapper class for JcaX509CertificateHolder.
Wrapper class for JcaX509CertificateHolder.
Wrapper class for JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder.
Wrapper class for JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder.
Wrapper class for JceKeyAgreeEnvelopedRecipient.
Wrapper class for JceKeyAgreeEnvelopedRecipient.
Wrapper class for JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient.
Wrapper class for JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient.
Wrapper class for JceOpenSSLPKCS8DecryptorProviderBuilder.
Wrapper class for JceOpenSSLPKCS8DecryptorProviderBuilder.
Handles a JPXDecode filter.
Utility class for JSON serialization and deserialization operations.
Implementation of the IAttribute interface; wrapper for the JSoup Attribute class.
Implementation of the IAttributes interface; wrapper for the JSoup Attributes class.
Implementation of the IDataNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup DataNode class.
Implementation of the IDocumentNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup Document class.
Implementation of the IDocumentTypeNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup DocumentType class.
Implementation of the IElementNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup JsoupNode class.
Class that uses JSoup to parse HTML.
Implementation of the INode interface; wrapper for the JSoup Node class.
Implementation of the ITextNode interface; wrapper for the JSoup TextNode class.
Class that uses JSoup to parse HTML.
A enum containing potential property values for Property.JUSTIFY_CONTENT.
The implementation of ISplitCharacters that prevents breaking within words.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Wrapper class for KeyPurposeId.
Wrapper class for KeyPurposeId.
Utility class with some KeyStore related methods.
Wrapper class for KeyTransRecipientInfo.
Wrapper class for KeyTransRecipientInfo.
Wrapper class for KeyUsage.
Wrapper class for KeyUsage.
Constants corresponding to language tags in the OTF specification.
Represents the area for content layouting.
Represents the context for content layouting.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class containing constants to be used in layout.
We use a simplified version of CSS positioning.
Represents the result of content layouting.
A specialized class that specifies the leading, "the vertical distance between the baselines of adjacent lines of text" (ISO-32000-1, section 9.3.5).
Represents a line.
The linear gradient builder implementation with direct target gradient vector and shading transformation (more info)
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
A property corresponding to the css line-height property and used to set the height of a line box in the HTML mode.
Represents the context for content of a line layouting.
Represents the result of a line layouting.
Represents a line segment in a particular coordinate system.
This is a line separator element which is basically just a horizontal line with a style specified by ILineDrawer custom drawing interface instance.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
Implements lineTo(L) attribute of SVG's path element
A clickable piece of Text which contains a link annotation dictionary.
An event allows to associated some SequenceId with PdfDocument.
A List is a layout element representing a series of objects that are vertically outlined with the same or very similar layout properties, giving it a sense of unity.
A field that represents a control for selecting one or several of the provided options.
A list item is a layout element that is one entry in a List.
A specialized enum holding the possible values for a list List's entry prefix.
IShorthandResolver implementation for list styles.
A specialized enum containing alignment properties for list symbols.
A specialized enum containing position properties for list symbols.
An abstract class for the items in the direct path (see ObjectPath.
Class with constants for log levels
An annotation to be used in a LogMessages wrapper, which signifies a particular log message that must appear in a test a specific number of times.
Container annotation for LogMessage objects.
Add verification according to PAdES-LTV (part 4).
Certificate inclusion in the DSS and VRI dictionaries in the CERT and CERTS keys.
Options for how many certificates to include.
What type of verification to include.
Verifies the signatures in an LTV document.
Modified from original LZWCompressor to change interface to passing a buffer of data to be compressed.
Handles LZWDECODE filter
A class for performing LZW decoding.
General purpose LZW String Table.
Utility class for work with collections.
Rules of the margins collapsing are taken from Mozilla Developer Network: See also:
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for margins.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
Defines a property of markable elements (, , or ) which is used to determine at which verticies a marker should be drawn.
Keeps all the values of a 3 by 3 matrix and allows you to do some math with matrices.
Class that bundles all the values of a media device description.
Class that bundles all the media expression properties.
Class that bundles all the media feature values.
Class that bundles all the media query properties.
Utilities class that parses String values into MediaQuery or MediaExpression values.
Class that bundles a series of media rule constants.
Class that bundles all the media types and allows you to registered valid media types in a Set.
Exception class for exceptions occurred during decompressed pdf streams processing.
Handles memory limits aware processing.
A MemoryLimitsAwareHandler handles memory allocation and prevents decompressed pdf streams from occupation of more space than allowed.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
Wrapper class for MessageImprint.
Wrapper class for MessageImprint.
A Brush bject that holds information about the style, the hatch and the color of the brush.
A class to process WMF files.
A Meta Font.
Class to store metaInfo that will be used for layout renderers.
A meta object.
A Pen object of the WMF format.
Class to keep the state.
Represents the result of content layouting.
Represents the mode attribute of data and resource elements.
Implements moveTo(M) attribute of SVG's path element
represents a container of the column objects.
Represents a renderer for columns.
Interface which used for additional height calculation
Represents result of one iteration of MulticolRenderer layouting It contains split renderers which were lauded on a given height and overflow renderer for which height should be increased, so it can be lauded.
ICssDeclarationValidator implementation in case multiple types have to be checked.
Class that stores namespaces of iText open source products.
Builder for non-terminal form field.
A simple container that can hold a value.
A no-op ICopyFilter instance, used as default.
Statistics aggregator which aggregates number of pages in PDF documents.
Class which represents event for counting the number of pages in a PDF document.
A specialized enum holding the possible values for an object-fit property which define the way of fitting the image into the content box with different size.
The class represents results of calculating of rendered image size after applying of the ObjectFit property.
Utility class which supports the ObjectFit property.
Class that helps to find two corresponding objects in the compared documents and also keeps track of the already met during comparing process parent indirect objects.
OcspClient implementation using BouncyCastle.
Wrapper class for OCSPException.
Wrapper class for OCSPException.
Wrapper class for OCSPObjectIdentifiers.
Wrapper class for OCSPObjectIdentifiers.
Wrapper class for OCSPReq.
Wrapper class for OCSPReq.
Wrapper class for OCSPReqBuilder.
Wrapper class for OCSPReqBuilder.
Wrapper class for OCSPResp.
Wrapper class for OCSPResp.
Wrapper class for OCSPRespBuilder.
Wrapper class for OCSPRespBuilder.
Wrapper class for OCSPResponse.
Wrapper class for OCSPResponse.
Wrapper class for OCSPResponseStatus.
Wrapper class for OCSPResponseStatus.
Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more OCSP responses.
Direct path item (see ObjectPath, which describes transition to the specific position in PdfStream.
Class containing all the OID values used by iText.
Contains all OIDs used by iText in the context of Certificate Extensions.
Wrapper class for OperatorCreationException.
Wrapper class for OperatorCreationException.
The base class for a collection of 32 flag bits.
Wrapper class for OriginatorInfo.
Wrapper class for OriginatorInfo.
Wrapper class for OtherHashAlgAndValue.
Wrapper class for OtherHashAlgAndValue.
AbstractBorderShorthandResolver implementation for outlines.
Represents a Border3D with an outset effect being applied.
The possible values for the type of overflow of BlockElement.
The possible values for the overflow wrap property.
AbstractBoxShorthandResolver implementation for paddings.
Class that bundles a series of page context constants.
CssContextNode implementation for page contexts.
This class allows to free the memory taken by already processed pages when handling big PDF files.
Page label numbering style constants for PdfPage.setPageLabel(PageLabelNumberingStyle, String).
CssContextNode implementation for page margin box contexts.
Class representing a page range, for instance a page range can contain pages 5, then pages 10 through 15, then page 18, then page 21 and so on.
Inner interface for range parts definition
Class for range part containing a range of pages for all pages after a given start page
Class for range part based on several range parts.
Class for range part for all even or odd pages.
Class for range part containing a range of pages represented by a start and an end page
Class for range part containing a single page
A layout element that represents a self-contained block of textual and graphical information.
A specialized class holding configurable parameters related to Paragraph's orphans restrictions.
This class represents the renderer object for a Paragraph object.
A specialized class holding configurable parameters related to Paragraph's widows restrictions.
Parser for "normal" XML serialisation of RDF.
Internal class which is essentially a CanvasGraphicsState which supports tracking of clipping path state and changes.
Paths define shapes, trajectories, and regions of all sorts.
A pure convenience class to avoid writing List everywhere.
Contains information relating to painting current path.
A pure convenience class to avoid writing List everywhere.
The implementation of IPathShapeMapper that will be used by sub classes of PathSvgNodeRenderer To map the path-data instructions(moveto, lineto, corveto ...) to their respective implementations.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
A SAX document handler to read and parse hyphenation patterns from a XML file.
Implementation for the svg tag.
This class represents 3D annotations by which 3D artwork shall be represented in a PDF document.
PdfA1Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-1 standard and contains method implementations from the abstract PdfAChecker class.
PdfA2Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-2 standard and contains a number of methods that override the implementations of its superclass PdfA1Checker.
PdfA3Checker defines the requirements of the PDF/A-3 standard and contains a number of methods that override the implementations of its superclass PdfA2Checker.
This class extends PdfADocument and serves as PdfADocument for PDF/A compliant documents and as PdfDocument for non PDF/A documents.
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in PDF/A mode.
An abstract class that will run through all necessary checks defined in the different PDF/A standards and levels.
Exception that is thrown when the PDF Document doesn't adhere to the PDF/A specification.
Enumeration of all the PDF/A conformance levels.
Class containing pdfa conformance constants to be used in logging.
This class represents the static form technology AcroForm on a PDF file.
A wrapper for action dictionaries (ISO 32000-1 section 12.6).
This is a helper class for optional content states use in Set-OCG-State actions.
This class extends PdfDocument and is in charge of creating files that comply with the PDF/A standard.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class containing constants to be used in logging.
This is a super class for the annotation dictionary wrappers.
A wrapper for annotations additional actions dictionaries.
Specifying the characteristics of the annotation’s border.
A representation of an array as described in the PDF specification.
Utilities to construct an XMP for a PDF/A file.
An interactive control on the screen that raises events and/or can retain data.
PdfCanvas class represents an algorithm for writing data into content stream.
A container for constants defined in the PDF specification (ISO 32000-1).
Rule for determining which points lie inside a path.
The line cap style specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked.
The line join style specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths that are stroked.
The text rendering mode determines whether showing text causes glyph outlines to be stroked, filled, used as a clipping boundary, or some combination of the three.
Parses the page or form XObject content.
Processor for a PDF content stream.
A handler that implements operator (Q).
The root of a document’s object hierarchy.
This class is used to draw a checkBox icon in PDF mode this is the default strategy for drawing a checkBox.
An AcroForm field type representing any type of choice field.
Represents the most common properties of color spaces.
Class that contains several constants.
Represents the line dash pattern.
PdfDate is the PDF date object.
Beginning with BaseVersion 1.7, the extensions dictionary lets developers designate that a given document contains extensions to PDF.
A representation of a Dictionary as described by the PDF Specification.
Main enter point to work with PDF document.
A utility class that makes it cleaner to process content from pages of a PdfDocument through a specified RenderListener.
Event dispatched by PdfDocument.
This class takes any PDF and returns exactly the same but encrypted.
Exception class for exceptions in kernel module.
This class shall be used for creation of destinations, associated with outline items, annotations or actions within current document.
This class shall be used for creation of destinations, associated Remote Go-To and Embedded Go-To actions only, i.e.
Graphics state parameter dictionary wrapper.
This class provides helpful methods for creating fonts ready to be used in a PdfDocument
Enum values for font embedding strategies.
This class represents a single annotation in form fields hierarchy in an AcroForm.
Utility class to work with widget annotations PdfFormAnnotation and its dictionaries.
Creator which shall be used in order to create all form related instances.
Default factory for form related instances creation.
This class represents a single field or field group in an AcroForm.
Utility class to merge form fields PdfFormField with the same names.
A wrapper for Form XObject.
A wrapper for Image XObject.
An optional content group is a dictionary representing a collection of graphics that can be made visible or invisible dynamically by users of viewer applications.
Content typically belongs to a single optional content group, and is visible when the group is ON and invisible when it is OFF.
The purpose of a line annotation is to display a single straight line on the page.
A link annotation represents either a hypertext link to a destination elsewhere in the document or an PdfAction to be performed.
This is a super class for the annotations which are defined as markup annotations because they are used primarily to mark up PDF documents.
Represents Marked Content Reference (MCR) object wrapper.
This class is a wrapper of media clip data dictionary that defines the data for a media object that can be played.
A wrapper for namespace dictionaries (ISO 32000-2 section 14.7.4).
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
Representation of the null object in the PDF specification.
A PdfNumber-class is the PDF-equivalent of a Double-object.
This class represents /OCProperties entry if pdf catalog and manages the layers of the pdf document.
Document outline object See ISO-320001, 12.3.3 Document Outline.
Specify the colour characteristics of output devices on which the document might be rendered See ISO 32000-1 14.11.5: Output Intents.
A sample implementation of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier} interface which copies only AcroForm fields to a new page.
Dictionary wrapper that represent special type of color space, that uses pattern objects as the equivalent of colour values instead of the numeric component values used with other spaces.
Shading pattern provides a smooth transition between colors across an area to be painted, independent of the resolution of any particular output device and without specifying the number of steps in the color transition.
Wrapper that represents tiling pattern of color space.
A code that determines how the colour of the pattern cell shall be specified
A code that controls adjustments to the spacing of tiles relative to the device pixel grid
A PdfCanvas instance with an inherent tiling pattern.
This class does all the processing related to signing and verifying a PKCS#7 / CMS signature.
Reads a PDF document.
Enumeration representing the strictness level for reading.
This a wrapper around a rendition dictionary.
This class can be used to count the number of bytes needed when copying pages from an existing PDF into a newly created PDF.
Wrapper class that represent resource dictionary - that define named resources used by content streams operators.
Root renderer responsible for applying the initial axis-flipping transform
The abstract PdfShading class that represents the Shading Dictionary PDF object.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with axial type, that define a colour blend that varies along a linear axis between two endpoints and extends indefinitely perpendicular to that axis.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with Coons Patch mesh type.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with function-based type, that defines color at every point in the domain by a specified mathematical function.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with radial type, that define a colour blend that varies between two circles.
The class that extends PdfShading class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with Tensor-Product Patch mesh type.
A signature field lock dictionary.
Enumerates the different actions of a signature field lock.
Enumerates the different levels of access permissions granted for the document when the corresponding signature field is signed: PdfSigFieldLock.LockPermissions.NO_CHANGES_ALLOWED - no changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature, PdfSigFieldLock.LockPermissions.FORM_FILLING - permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature, PdfSigFieldLock.LockPermissions.FORM_FILLING_AND_ANNOTATION - permitted changes are the same as for the previous, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.
Represents the signature dictionary.
A dictionary that stores the name of the application that signs the PDF.
Provides convenient methods to make a signature appearance.
Signature rendering modes.
Dictionary that stores signature build properties.
An AcroForm field containing signature data.
Takes care of the cryptographic options and appearances that form a signature.
Enum containing the Cryptographic Standards.
An interface to retrieve the signature dictionary for modification.
Representation of a stream as described in the PDF Specification.
A PdfString-class is the PDF-equivalent of a JAVA-String-object.
A wrapper for structure element dictionaries (ISO-32000 14.7.2 "Structure Hierarchy").
Models the tree of structure element IDs.
Represents a wrapper-class for structure tree root dictionary.
A target dictionary locates the target in relation to the source, in much the same way that a relative path describes the physical relationship between two files in a file system.
PdfTextArray defines an array with displacements and PdfString-objects.
An AcroForm field containing textual data.
A PdfTrapNetworkAnnotation may be used to define the trapping characteristics for a page of a PDF document.
This class represents Pdf type 2 function that defines an exponential interpolation of one input value to n output values.
Low-level API class for Type 3 fonts.
This class represents Pdf type 3 function that defines a stitching of the subdomains of several 1-input functions to produce a single new 1-input function.
This class represents all official PDF versions.
An array specifying a visibility expression, used to compute visibility of content based on a set of optional content groups.
This class is a wrapper around a Windows launch parameter dictionary.
An abstract wrapper for supported types of XObject.
A representation of a cross-referenced table of a PDF document.
Wrapper class for PEMException.
Wrapper class for PEMException.
Wrapper class for PEMParser.
Wrapper class for PEMParser.
Performance Tests generate performance metrics: speed, memory usage, disk space,...
Converts a PFM file into an AFM file.
This class doesn't support bouncy-castle FIPS so it shall not be used in itextcore.
Wrapper class for PKCS8EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.
Wrapper class for PKCS8EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.
Wrapper class for PKCSException.
Wrapper class for PKCSException.
Wrapper class for PKCSObjectIdentifiers.
Wrapper class for PKCSObjectIdentifiers.
Wrapper class for PKIFailureInfo.
Wrapper class for PKIFailureInfo.
This class is used to generate placeholder text for the examples and tests.
The enum Place holder text by.
Writes a PNG image.
Point<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
Represents the result of positioning for layout context.
Chaining Context Positioning Format 1: Simple Glyph Contexts
Chained Contexts Positioning Format 2: Class-based Glyph Contexts
Chained Contexts Positioning Format 3: Coverage-based Glyph Contexts
Wrapper class for PrivateKeyInfo.
Wrapper class for PrivateKeyInfo.
Implementation of the IExternalSignature interface that can be used when you have a PrivateKey object.
Class contains a process information, such as process exit code and process output.
Internal ProcessorState representation for DefaultSvgProcessor
Class is used for producer line building.
Class is used to describe used product information.
The class represents a signal to the event handler that it is necessary to repeat the handling of the current event.
An enum of property names that are used for graphical properties of layout elements.
The property flags are used when properties are fetched from the XMPMeta-object and provide more detailed information about the property.
This class will return the MessageDigest associated with a certain hashing algorithm returned by the specified provider.
Builder for push button form field.
This object renders a QR Code as a ByteMatrix 2D array of greyscale values.
Implements quadratic Bezier curveTo(Q) attribute of SVG's path element
Implements shorthand/smooth quadraticCurveTo (T) attribute of SVG's path element
Extension of the FormField class representing a radio button so that a RadioRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields.
Builder for radio form field.
The AbstractFormFieldRenderer implementation for radio buttons.
Class that is used to unify reading from random access files and arrays.
Factory to create IRandomAccessSource objects based on various types of sources
Class represents ordered list of Range.SubRange.
Builder of Range.
An input stream that uses a IRandomAccessSource as its underlying source.
Thrown when the limit on the number of bytes read was violated.
Wrapper class for Recipient.
Wrapper class for Recipient.
Wrapper class for RecipientId.
Wrapper class for RecipientId.
Wrapper class for RecipientIdentifier.
Wrapper class for RecipientIdentifier.
Wrapper class for RecipientInfo.
Wrapper class for RecipientInfo.
Wrapper class for RecipientInformation.
Wrapper class for RecipientInformation.
Wrapper class for RecipientInformationStore.
Wrapper class for RecipientInformationStore.
Class that represent rectangle object.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
This class is designed to search for the occurrences of a regular expression and return the resultant rectangles.
Enum of rendering modes that can be used in layout logic.
Wrapper class for Req.
Wrapper class for Req.
Utilities class to resolve resources.
Wrapper class for RespID.
Wrapper class for RespID.
Wrapper class for ResponseBytes.
Wrapper class for ResponseBytes.
In current implementation it has no specified retries count
This class is used for flaky test retry after failure.
Wrapper class for RevokedStatus.
Wrapper class for RevokedStatus.
Represents a Border3D with a ridge effect being applied.
This class can produce String combinations representing a roman number.
A generic abstract root element for a PDF layout object hierarchy.
Represents the root layout area.
Verifies a certificate against a KeyStore containing trusted anchors.
Class for min-max-width of rotated elements.
Draws a border with rounded dots around the element it's been set to.
Encode the signer's parameters for producing an RSASSA-PSS signature.
BC wrapper implementation for IRSASSAPSSParams.
BC-FIPS wrapper implementation for IRSASSAPSSParams.
Handles RunLengthDecode filter.
Sample Tests give a Short, Self Contained, Correct, Example and can be used as documentation for end users.
A list of IDs that are used by the security classes
The SelectFieldComboBoxRenderer implementation for select field renderer.
A field that represents a control for selecting one of the provided options.
The SelectFieldListBoxRenderer implementation for select field renderer.
The class represents unique numeric identifier with autoincrement strategy of generation.
Util class which is responsible for marking of AbstractIdentifiableElement with appropriate SequenceId.
Public helper class for transforming segments and paths.
A factory for creating ShorthandResolver objects.
Builder for signature form field.
Class that contains OID mappings to extract a signature algorithm name from a signature mechanism OID, and conversely, to retrieve the appropriate signature mechanism OID given a signature algorithm and a digest function.
A helper class that tells you more about the type of signature (certification or approval) and the signature's DMP settings.
Wrapper class for SignaturePolicyId.
Wrapper class for SignaturePolicyId.
Wrapper class for SignaturePolicyIdentifier.
Wrapper class for SignaturePolicyIdentifier.
Class that encapsulates the signature policy information
Utility class that provides several convenience methods concerning digital signatures.
Wrapper class for SignerInfoGenerator.
Wrapper class for SignerInfoGenerator.
Wrapper class for SignerInformationVerifier.
Wrapper class for SignerInformationVerifier.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Wrapper class for SigningCertificate.
Wrapper class for SigningCertificate.
Wrapper class for SigningCertificateV2.
Wrapper class for SigningCertificateV2.
Class which contains constants to be used in logging inside sign module.
Wrapper class for SigPolicyQualifierInfo.
Wrapper class for SigPolicyQualifierInfo.
Wrapper class for SingleResp.
Wrapper class for SingleResp.
ICssDeclarationValidator implementation to validate a single type.
Statistics aggregator which aggregates size of PDF documents.
Class which represents event related to size of the PDF document.
Tests that can take longer than a couple of milliseconds to run.
Implements shorthand/smooth curveTo (S) attribute of SVG's path element
Draws a solid border around the element it's set to.
Implementation of ILineDrawer which draws a solid horizontal line along the bottom edge of the specified rectangle.
Standard fonts that can be used in pdf annotation
Class containing families for StandardFonts.
This class encapsulates information about the standard structure namespaces and provides some utility methods connected to them.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the gradient tag.
The linear gradient builder with automatic coordinates vector evaluation for the target filled area based on configured strategy
Specifies the predefined strategies
Container object for style properties of an element.
Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the HTML to PDF conversion.
Class containing constants to be used in exceptions in the SXP module.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Utility class for resolving parent-inheritance of style and attribute declarations.
Wrapper class for SubjectKeyIdentifier.
Wrapper class for SubjectKeyIdentifier.
Wrapper class for SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
Wrapper class for SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
As subpath is a part of a path comprising a sequence of connected segments.
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Simple context glyph substitution
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Class-based context glyph substitution
Contextual Substitution Subtable: Coverage-based context glyph substitution
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Simple Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Class-based Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
Chaining Contextual Substitution Subtable: Coverage-based Chaining Context Glyph Substitution
Helper class that allows you to check if a property is inheritable.
A class containing constant values signifying the proeprty names of tags, attribute, CSS-style and certain values in SVG XML.
Class containing the constant property names for the attributes of tags in the SVG spec
Class containing the constant property names for the tags in the SVG spec
Class containing the constants for values appearing in SVG tags and attributes
This is the main container class for static methods that do high-level conversion operations from input to PDF, either by drawing on a canvas or by returning an XObject, which can then be used by the calling class for further processing and drawing operations.
Default and fallback implementation of ISvgConverterProperties for DefaultSvgProcessor.
Context necessary for evaluating certain Css statements whose final values depends on other statements e.g.
Utility class that facilitates parsing values from CSS.
The SvgDrawContext keeps a stack of PdfCanvas instances, which represent all levels of XObjects that are added to the root canvas.
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants.
Class that processes and add resolved css fonts to the FontProvider
Class that holds the logging and exception messages.
Style and attribute inheritance resolver for ISvgNodeRenderer objects.
A factory for creating IPathShape objects.
Exception thrown by ISvgProcessor when it cannot process an SVG
Context class with accessors to properties/objects used in processing Svg documents
A wrapper class that encapsulates processing results of ISvgProcessor objects.
Default implementation of SVG`s styles and attribute resolver .
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the tag.
Class containing utility methods for text operations in the context of SVG processing
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
This class represents the empty space from a Text to the following TabStop, if any.
A specialized enum holding the possible values for a Tab's alignment.
A Table is a layout element that represents data in a two-dimensional grid.
A simple object which holds the row numbers of a section of a table.
This class represents the renderer object for a Table object.
A TabStop is the closest location on a line of text that the text will jump to if a Tab is inserted.
Converts a tagged PDF document into an XML file.
The class is used to provide connection between structure element of Tagged PDF document and marked content sequence in PDF stream.
TagStructureContext class is used to track necessary information of document's tag structure.
TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree.
Handler to handle target-counter logic.
Wrapper class for TBSCertificate.
Wrapper class for TBSCertificate.
Builder for terminal form field.
Ternary Search Tree.
A Text is a piece of text of any length.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.TEXT_ALIGNMENT.
Extension of the FormField class representing a button so that a TextAreaRenderer is used instead of the default renderer for fields.
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for text area fields.
Represents a chunk of text, it's orientation, and location relative to the orientation vector
Builder for text form field.
Represents the result of a text layout.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for drawing text to a canvas.
This class allows you to find the rectangle which contains all the text in the given content stream.
A rectangle adapted for working with text elements.
This IEventFilter implementation only accepts text render events within the specified rectangular region.
This class represents the renderer object for a Text object.
Provides information and calculations needed by render listeners to display/evaluate text render operations.
ISvgNodeRenderer implementation for the and tag.
A list of constants used in class TIFFImage.
A class representing an Image File Directory (IFD) from a TIFF 6.0 stream.
Class that can decode TIFF files.
Class that can decompress TIFF files.
A class representing a field in a TIFF 6.0 Image File Directory.
A class for performing LZW decoding.
Exports images as TIFF.
Inner class containing info about an ASCII field.
Inner class class containing information about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Inner class containing info about a field.
Wrapper class for Time.
Wrapper class for Time.
Wrapper class for TimeStampRequest.
Wrapper class for TimeStampRequest.
Wrapper class for TimeStampRequestGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampRequestGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampResponse.
Wrapper class for TimeStampResponse.
Wrapper class for TimeStampResponseGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampResponseGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampToken.
Wrapper class for TimeStampToken.
Wrapper class for TimeStampTokenGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampTokenGenerator.
Wrapper class for TimeStampTokenInfo.
Wrapper class for TimeStampTokenInfo.
This class is used to store and process multiple transform css property before drawing.
This class is used to store one transform function.
Utility class responsible for converting Strings containing transformation declarations into AffineTransform objects.
Represents a color with the specified opacity.
The code pages possible for a True Type font.
Use this class for working with true type collection font (*.ttc)
Time Stamp Authority Client interface implementation using Bouncy Castle org.bouncycastle.tsp package.
Wrapper class for TSPException.
Wrapper class for TSPException.
Wrapper class for TSTInfo.
Wrapper class for TSTInfo.
FontProgram class for Type 3 font.
The content where Type3 glyphs are written to.
The class defines an under APGL strategy of product event processing.
Factory class to construct ITextProductEventProcessor instance under AGPL license.
A POJO that describes the underline of a layout element.
Unit Tests are used to check individual units of source code.
A specialized class that holds a value and the unit it is measured in.
The fallback IContext.
An exception notifies that unknown product was found in iText ecosystem.
Wrapper class for UnknownStatus.
Wrapper class for UnknownStatus.
Utilities class to resolve URIs.
Renderer implementing the use tag.
Utility functions for the XMPToolkit implementation.
Represents a vector (i.e.
An exception that is thrown when something is wrong with a certificate.
Class that informs you that the verification of a Certificate succeeded using a specific CertificateVerifier and for a specific reason.
A specialized enum containing potential property values for Property.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT.
Implements lineTo(V) attribute of SVG's path element
This class is used to manage waiting tags state.
This class is a HashMap that contains the names of colors as a key and the corresponding RGB color as value.
Utility class for white-space handling methods that are used both in pdfHTML and the iText-core SVG module
A RandomAccessSource that wraps another RandomAccessSource and provides a window of it at a specific offset and over a specific length.
Image implementation for WMF, Windows Metafile.
Helper class for the WmfImage implementation.
A base class which covers the range of exceptions which may occur when encoding a barcode using the Writer framework.
Wrapper class for X500Name.
Wrapper class for X500Name.
Wrapper class for X509CertificateHolder.
Wrapper class for X509CertificateHolder.
Wrapper class for X509CRLHolder.
Wrapper class for X509CRLHolder.
Wrapper class for X509ExtensionUtils.
Wrapper class for X509ExtensionUtils.
Wrapper class for X509v2CRLBuilder.
Wrapper class for X509v2CRLBuilder.
Processes XFA forms.
Class containing constants to be used in XFDF processing.
Represents xfdf element, the top level element in an xfdf document.
This class writes the DOM structure of the XML to the specified output.
Utility class for creating XML processors.
This file is a helper class for internal usage only.
This interface is used to return info about an alias.
Common constants for the XMP Toolkit.
The XMPDateTime-class represents a point in time up to a resolution of nano seconds.
A factory to create XMPDateTime-instances from a Calendar or an ISO 8601 string or for the current time.
The implementation of XMPDateTime.
This exception wraps all errors that occur in the XMP Toolkit.
Interface for the XMPMeta iteration services.
The XMPIterator implementation.
This class represents the set of XMP metadata as a DOM representation.
Creates XMPMeta-instances from an InputStream
Implementation for XMPMeta.
This class replaces the ExpatAdapter.cpp and does the XML-parsing and fixes the prefix.
Utilities for XMPNode.
Representates an XMP XMPPath with segment accessor methods.
Utility services for the metadata object.
Parser for XMP XPaths.
A segment of a parsed XMPPath.
This interface is used to return a text property together with its and options.
This interface is used to return a property together with its path and namespace.
The schema registry keeps track of all namespaces and aliases used in the XMP metadata.
The schema registry handles the namespaces, aliases and global options for the XMP Toolkit.
Serializes the XMPMeta-object to an OutputStream according to the SerializeOptions.
Serializes the XMPMeta-object using the standard RDF serialization format.
Utility methods for XMP.
XMP Toolkit Version Information.
Exception class for infinite loop in xref structure.
Allows reading entries from a zip file.
Allows writing entries into a zip file.