Class PdfFormAnnotation

public class PdfFormAnnotation extends AbstractPdfFormField
This class represents a single annotation in form fields hierarchy in an AcroForm.

To be able to be wrapped with this PdfObjectWrapper the PdfObject must be indirect.

  • Field Details

    • HIDDEN

      public static final int HIDDEN
      See Also:

      public static final int VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT
      See Also:

      public static final int HIDDEN_BUT_PRINTABLE
      See Also:

      public static final int VISIBLE
      See Also:

      public static final String OFF_STATE_VALUE
      Value which represents "off" state of form field.
      See Also:

      public static final String ON_STATE_VALUE
      Value which represents "on" state of form field.
      See Also:
    • borderWidth

      protected float borderWidth
    • backgroundColor

      protected Color backgroundColor
    • borderColor

      protected Color borderColor
  • Constructor Details

    • PdfFormAnnotation

      protected PdfFormAnnotation (PdfWidgetAnnotation widget, PdfDocument pdfDocument)
      Creates a form field annotation as a wrapper of a PdfWidgetAnnotation.
      widget - The widget which will be a kid of the PdfFormField
      pdfDocument - The PdfDocument instance.
    • PdfFormAnnotation

      protected PdfFormAnnotation (PdfDictionary pdfObject)
      Creates a form field annotation as a wrapper object around a PdfDictionary. This PdfDictionary must be an indirect object.
      pdfObject - the dictionary to be wrapped, must have an indirect reference.
  • Method Details

    • makeFormAnnotation

      public static PdfFormAnnotation makeFormAnnotation (PdfObject pdfObject, PdfDocument document)
      Creates a PdfFormAnnotation object.
      pdfObject - assumed to be either a PdfDictionary, or a PdfIndirectReference to a PdfDictionary.
      document - the PdfDocument to create the field in.
      a new PdfFormAnnotation, or null if pdfObject is not a widget annotation.
    • getWidget

      public PdfWidgetAnnotation getWidget()
      Gets PdfWidgetAnnotation that this form field refers to.
    • getDefaultAppearance

      public PdfString getDefaultAppearance()
      Gets default appearance string containing a sequence of valid page-content graphics or text state operators that define such properties as the field's text size and color.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultAppearance in class AbstractPdfFormField
      the default appearance graphics, as a PdfString.
    • regenerateField

      public boolean regenerateField()
      This method regenerates appearance stream of the field. Use it if you changed any field parameters and didn't use setValue method which generates appearance by itself.
      Specified by:
      regenerateField in class AbstractPdfFormField
      whether or not the regeneration was successful.
    • getAppearanceStates

      public String[] getAppearanceStates()
      Gets the appearance state names.
      Specified by:
      getAppearanceStates in class AbstractPdfFormField
      an array of Strings containing the names of the appearance states.
    • setBackgroundColor

      public PdfFormAnnotation setBackgroundColor (Color backgroundColor)
      Basic setter for the backgroundColor property. Regenerates the field appearance after setting the new value.
      backgroundColor - The new color to be set or null if no background needed.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setCaption

      public PdfFormAnnotation setCaption (String caption)
      Basic setter for the push button caption. Regenerates the field appearance after setting the new caption.
      caption - button caption to be set.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setCaption

      public PdfFormAnnotation setCaption (String caption, boolean regenerateField)
      Basic setter for the push button caption. Regenerates the field appearance after setting the new caption if corresponding parameter is specified.
      caption - button caption to be set.
      regenerateField - true if field should be regenerated, false otherwise.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • getRotation

      public int getRotation()
      Get rotation property specified in this form annotation.
      int value which represents field's rotation
    • setRotation

      public PdfFormAnnotation setRotation (int degRotation)
      Basic setter for the degRotation property. Regenerates the field appearance after setting the new value.
      degRotation - The new degRotation to be set
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setAction

      public PdfFormAnnotation setAction (PdfAction action)
      Sets the action on widget of this annotation form field.
      action - The action.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setVisibility

      public PdfFormAnnotation setVisibility (int visibility)
      Set the visibility flags of the form field annotation. Options are: HIDDEN, HIDDEN_BUT_PRINTABLE, VISIBLE, VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT.
      visibility - visibility option.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • getBorderWidth

      public float getBorderWidth()
      Gets the border width for the field.
      the current border width.
    • setBorderWidth

      public PdfFormAnnotation setBorderWidth (float borderWidth)
      Sets the border width for the field.
      borderWidth - The new border width.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • getBorder

      public Border getBorder()
      Get border object specified in the widget annotation dictionary.
      Border specified in the widget annotation dictionary
    • setBorderStyle

      public PdfFormAnnotation setBorderStyle (PdfDictionary style)
      Sets the border style for the field.
      style - the new border style.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setBorderColor

      public PdfFormAnnotation setBorderColor (Color color)
      Sets the Border Color.
      color - the new value for the Border Color.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setPage

      public PdfFormAnnotation setPage (int pageNum)
      Specifies on which page the form field's widget must be shown.
      pageNum - the page number.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setFormFieldElement

      public PdfFormAnnotation setFormFieldElement (IFormField element)
      This method sets the model element associated with the current annotation and can be useful to take into account when drawing those properties that the annotation does not have. Note that annotation properties will take precedence, so such properties cannot be overridden by using this method (e.g. background, text color, etc.).

      Also note that the model element won't be used for annotations for choice form field.

      element - model element to set.
      this PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setAppearance

      public PdfFormAnnotation setAppearance (PdfName appearanceType, String appearanceState, PdfStream appearanceStream)
      Sets an appearance for (the widgets related to) the form field.
      appearanceType - the type of appearance stream to be added
      • PdfName.N: normal appearance
      • PdfName.R: rollover appearance
      • PdfName.D: down appearance
      appearanceState - the state of the form field that needs to be true for the appearance to be used. Differentiates between several streams of the same type.
      appearanceStream - the appearance instructions, as a PdfStream.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • setCheckBoxAppearanceOnStateName

      public PdfFormAnnotation setCheckBoxAppearanceOnStateName (String onStateName)
      Sets on state name for the checkbox annotation normal appearance and regenerates widget.
      onStateName - the new appearance name representing on state.
      The edited PdfFormAnnotation.
    • getRect

      protected Rectangle getRect (PdfDictionary field)
      Gets a Rectangle that matches the current size and position of this form field.
      field - current form field.
      a Rectangle that matches the current size and position of this form field annotation.
    • drawBorder

      protected void drawBorder (PdfCanvas canvas, PdfFormXObject xObject, float width, float height)
      Draws a border using the borderWidth and borderColor of the form field.
      canvas - The PdfCanvas on which to draw
      xObject - The PdfFormXObject
      width - The width of the rectangle to draw
      height - The height of the rectangle to draw
    • drawPushButtonFieldAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawPushButtonFieldAndSaveAppearance()
      Draws the appearance of a push button and saves it into an appearance stream.
    • drawRadioButtonAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawRadioButtonAndSaveAppearance (String value)
      Draws the appearance of a radio button with a specified value and saves it into an appearance stream.
      value - the value of the radio button.
    • drawListFormFieldAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawListFormFieldAndSaveAppearance()
      Draws the appearance of a list box form field and saves it into an appearance stream.
    • drawTextFormFieldAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawTextFormFieldAndSaveAppearance()
      Draws the appearance of a text form field and saves it into an appearance stream.
    • drawComboBoxAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawComboBoxAndSaveAppearance()
      Draws the appearance of a Combo box form field and saves it into an appearance stream.
    • drawCheckBoxAndSaveAppearance

      protected void drawCheckBoxAndSaveAppearance (String onStateName)
      Draw a checkbox and save its appearance.
      onStateName - the name of the appearance state for the checked state