Interface IPropertyContainer

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAbstractElement, IBlockElement, IElement, IFormField, ILargeElement, ILeafElement, ILeafElementRenderer, IRenderer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractElement, AbstractFormFieldRenderer, AbstractOneLineTextFieldRenderer, AbstractRenderer, AbstractSelectField, AbstractSelectFieldRenderer, AbstractTextFieldRenderer, AreaBreak, AreaBreakRenderer, BlockElement, BlockRenderer, Button, ButtonRenderer, Canvas, CanvasRenderer, Cell, CellRenderer, CheckBox, CheckBoxRenderer, CheckBoxRenderer.FlatParagraphRenderer, ColumnDocumentRenderer, ComboBoxField, Div, DivRenderer, Document, DocumentRenderer, ElementPropertyContainer, FlexContainerRenderer, FormField, Image, ImageRenderer, InputField, InputFieldRenderer, LineRenderer, LineSeparator, LineSeparatorRenderer, Link, LinkRenderer, List, ListBoxField, ListItem, ListItemRenderer, ListRenderer, MulticolContainer, MulticolRenderer, Paragraph, ParagraphRenderer, Radio, RadioRenderer, RootElement, RootRenderer, SelectFieldComboBoxRenderer, SelectFieldListBoxRenderer, Style, Tab, Table, TableRenderer, TabRenderer, TaggingDummyElement, Text, TextArea, TextAreaRenderer, TextRenderer

public interface IPropertyContainer
A generic Map-like interface that defines methods for storing and retrieving objects by an enum key of the Property type.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    deleteOwnProperty(int property)
    Deletes the own property of this entity.
    getDefaultProperty(int property)
    Gets the default property from this entity.
    getOwnProperty(int property)
    Gets own property from this entity.
    getProperty(int property)
    Gets the property from this entity.
    hasOwnProperty(int property)
    Checks if this entity has the specified property, i.e.
    hasProperty(int property)
    Checks if this entity has the specified property.
    setProperty(int property, Object value)
    Sets a property for this entity.
  • Method Details

    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty (int property)
      Checks if this entity has the specified property. Compared to hasOwnProperty(int), this method can check parent's properties, styles, etc, depending on the origin of the instance
      property - the property to be checked
      true if this instance has given property, false otherwise
    • hasOwnProperty

      boolean hasOwnProperty (int property)
      Checks if this entity has the specified property, i.e. if it was set to this very element earlier
      property - the property to be checked
      true if this instance has given own property, false otherwise
    • getProperty

       T1 getProperty (int property)
      Gets the property from this entity. Compared to getOwnProperty(int), this method can check parent's properties, styles, etc, depending on the origin of the instance
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - the return type associated with the property
      property - the property to be retrieved
      the value of the given property. null will be returned if the property value was not found
    • getOwnProperty

       T1 getOwnProperty (int property)
      Gets own property from this entity. The property must have been set earlier to this entity. If the property is not found, null will be returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - the return type associated with the property
      property - the property to be retrieved
      the value of the given own property. null will be returned if the property value was not found
    • getDefaultProperty

       T1 getDefaultProperty (int property)
      Gets the default property from this entity.
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - the return type associated with the property
      property - the property to be retrieved
      the default property value. If the default property is not defined, null will be returned
    • setProperty

      void setProperty (int property, Object value)
      Sets a property for this entity.
      property - the property to be set
      value - the value of the property
    • deleteOwnProperty

      void deleteOwnProperty (int property)
      Deletes the own property of this entity.
      property - the property to be deleted