iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer Class Reference

TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree. More...

Public Member Functions

  TagTreePointer (PdfDocument document)
  Creates TagTreePointer instance. More...
  TagTreePointer (iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer tagPointer)
  A copy constructor. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  SetPageForTagging (PdfPage page)
  Sets a page which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer. More...
virtual PdfPage  GetCurrentPage ()
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  SetContentStreamForTagging (PdfStream contentStream)
  Sometimes, tags are desired to be connected with the content that resides not in the page's content stream, but rather in the some appearance stream or in the form xObject stream. More...
virtual PdfStream  GetCurrentContentStream ()
virtual TagStructureContext  GetContext ()
virtual PdfDocument  GetDocument ()
the document, at which tag structure this instance points.

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  SetNamespaceForNewTags (PdfNamespace @namespace)
  Sets a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which will be set to every new tag created by this TagTreePointer instance if this tag doesn't explicitly define namespace by the means of DefaultAccessibilityProperties.SetNamespace(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace). More...
virtual PdfNamespace  GetNamespaceForNewTags ()
  Gets a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which will be set to every new tag created by this TagTreePointer instance. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  AddTag (String role)
  Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  AddTag (int index, String role)
  Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  AddTag (AccessibilityProperties properties)
  Adds a new tag to the tag structure. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  AddTag (int index, AccessibilityProperties properties)
  Adds a new tag to the tag structure. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  AddAnnotationTag (PdfAnnotation annotation)
  Adds a new content item for the given PdfAnnotation under the current tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  SetNextNewKidIndex (int nextNewKidIndex)
  Sets index of the next added to the current tag kid, which could be another tag or content item. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  RemoveTag ()
  Removes the current tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  RelocateKid (int kidIndex, iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer pointerToNewParent)
  Moves kid of the current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  Relocate (iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer pointerToNewParent)
  Moves current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points. More...
virtual TagReference  GetTagReference ()
  Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag. More...
virtual TagReference  GetTagReference (int index)
  Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToRoot ()
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the document root tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToParent ()
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the parent of the current tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToKid (int kidIndex)
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the kid of the current tag. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToKid (String role)
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the first descendant of the current tag which has the given role. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToKid (int n, String role)
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the nth descendant of the current tag which has the given role. More...
virtual IList< String >  GetKidsRoles ()
  Gets current tag kids roles. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  FlushTag ()
  Flushes current tag and all it's descendants. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  FlushParentsIfAllKidsFlushed ()
  For current tag and all of it's parents consequentially checks if the following constraints apply, and flushes the tag if they do or stops if they don't:

  • tag is not already flushed;
  • tag is not in waiting state (see WaitingTagsManager );
  • tag is not the root tag;
  • tag has no kids or all of the kids are either flushed themselves or (if they are a marked content reference) belong to the flushed page.
virtual AccessibilityProperties  GetProperties ()
  Gets accessibility properties of the current tag. More...
virtual String  GetRole ()
  Gets current tag role. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  SetRole (String role)
  Sets new role to the current tag. More...
virtual int  GetIndexInParentKidsList ()
  Defines index of the current tag in the parent's kids list. More...
virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  MoveToPointer (iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer tagTreePointer)
  Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the tag at which given TagTreePointer instance is pointing. More...
virtual bool  IsPointingToSameTag (iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer otherPointer)
  Checks if this TagTreePointer is pointing at the same tag as the giving TagTreePointer. More...
virtual void  ApplyProperties (AccessibilityProperties properties)
  Applies properties to the current tag. More...

Detailed Description

TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree.

TagTreePointer class is used to modify the document's tag tree. At any given moment, instance of this class 'points' at the specific position in the tree (at the specific tag), however every instance can be freely moved around the tree primarily using MoveToKid(int) and MoveToParent() methods. For the current tag you can add new tags, modify it's role and properties, etc. Also, using instance of this class, you can change tag position in the tag structure, you can flush current tag or remove it.

There could be any number of the instances of this class, simultaneously pointing to different (or the same) parts of the tag structure. Because of this, you can for example remove the tag at which another instance is currently pointing. In this case, this another instance becomes invalid, and invocation of any method on it will result in exception. To make given instance valid again, use MoveToRoot() method.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagTreePointer() [1/2]

iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.TagTreePointer ( PdfDocument  document )

Creates TagTreePointer instance.

Creates TagTreePointer instance. After creation TagTreePointer points at the root tag.

The iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace for the new tags, which don't explicitly define namespace by the means of DefaultAccessibilityProperties.SetNamespace(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace) , is set to the value returned by TagStructureContext.GetDocumentDefaultNamespace() on TagTreePointer creation. See also SetNamespaceForNewTags(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace).

document the document, at which tag structure this instance will point.

◆ TagTreePointer() [2/2]

iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.TagTreePointer ( iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  tagPointer )

A copy constructor.

tagPointer the TagTreePointer from which current position and page are copied.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAnnotationTag()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.AddAnnotationTag ( PdfAnnotation  annotation )

Adds a new content item for the given PdfAnnotation under the current tag.

Adds a new content item for the given PdfAnnotation under the current tag.

By default, when annotation is added to the page it is automatically tagged with auto tagging pointer (see TagStructureContext.GetAutoTaggingPointer() ). If you want to add annotation tag manually, be sure to use iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPage.AddAnnotation(int, iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfAnnotation, bool) method with false for boolean flag.


PdfAnnotation to be tagged.

this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ AddTag() [1/4]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.AddTag ( AccessibilityProperties  properties )

Adds a new tag to the tag structure.

Adds a new tag to the tag structure. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the added kid.
New tag will have a role and attributes defined by the given AccessibilityProperties.

properties accessibility properties which define a new tag role and other properties.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ AddTag() [2/4]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.AddTag ( int  index,
AccessibilityProperties  properties 

Adds a new tag to the tag structure.

Adds a new tag to the tag structure. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the added kid.
New tag will have a role and attributes defined by the given AccessibilityProperties. This call is equivalent of calling sequentially SetNextNewKidIndex(int) and AddTag(AccessibilityProperties).

index zero-based index in kids array of parent tag at which new tag will be added.
properties accessibility properties which define a new tag role and other properties.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ AddTag() [3/4]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.AddTag ( int  index,
String  role 

Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure.

Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the added kid.
This call is equivalent of calling sequentially SetNextNewKidIndex(int) and AddTag(System.String).

index zero-based index in kids array of parent tag at which new tag will be added.
role role of the new tag.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ AddTag() [4/4]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.AddTag ( String  role )

Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure.

Adds a new tag with given role to the tag structure. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the added kid.

role role of the new tag.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ ApplyProperties()

virtual void iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.ApplyProperties ( AccessibilityProperties  properties )

Applies properties to the current tag.

Applies properties to the current tag.

properties the properties to be applied to the current tag.

◆ FlushParentsIfAllKidsFlushed()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.FlushParentsIfAllKidsFlushed ( )

For current tag and all of it's parents consequentially checks if the following constraints apply, and flushes the tag if they do or stops if they don't:

  • tag is not already flushed;
  • tag is not in waiting state (see WaitingTagsManager );
  • tag is not the root tag;
  • tag has no kids or all of the kids are either flushed themselves or (if they are a marked content reference) belong to the flushed page.

For current tag and all of it's parents consequentially checks if the following constraints apply, and flushes the tag if they do or stops if they don't:

  • tag is not already flushed;
  • tag is not in waiting state (see WaitingTagsManager );
  • tag is not the root tag;
  • tag has no kids or all of the kids are either flushed themselves or (if they are a marked content reference) belong to the flushed page.

It makes sense to use this method in conjunction with TagStructureContext.FlushPageTags(iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPage) for the tags which have just lost their waiting state and might be not flushed only because they had one. This helps to eliminate hanging (not flushed) tags when they don't have waiting state anymore.

this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ FlushTag()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.FlushTag ( )

Flushes current tag and all it's descendants.

Flushes current tag and all it's descendants. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the current tag parent.

If some of the descendant tags of the current tag have waiting state (see WaitingTagsManager ), then these tags are considered as not yet finished ones, and they won't be flushed immediately, but they will be flushed, when waiting state is removed.

this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ GetContext()

virtual TagStructureContext iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetContext ( )
the TagStructureContext associated with the document to which this pointer belongs.

◆ GetCurrentContentStream()

virtual PdfStream iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetCurrentContentStream ( )
the content stream which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer.

◆ GetCurrentPage()

virtual PdfPage iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetCurrentPage ( )
a page which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer.

◆ GetIndexInParentKidsList()

virtual int iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetIndexInParentKidsList ( )

Defines index of the current tag in the parent's kids list.

returns index of the current tag in the parent's kids list, or -1 if either current tag is a root tag, parent is flushed or it wasn't possible to define index.

◆ GetKidsRoles()

virtual IList iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetKidsRoles ( )

Gets current tag kids roles.

Gets current tag kids roles. If certain kid is already flushed, at its position there will be a null. If kid is a content item, at it's position there will be "MCR" string literal (stands for Marked Content Reference).

current tag kids roles

◆ GetNamespaceForNewTags()

virtual PdfNamespace iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetNamespaceForNewTags ( )

Gets a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which will be set to every new tag created by this TagTreePointer instance.

a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which is to be set for the new tags created, or null if one is not defined.
See also

◆ GetProperties()

virtual AccessibilityProperties iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetProperties ( )

Gets accessibility properties of the current tag.

accessibility properties of the current tag.

◆ GetRole()

virtual String iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetRole ( )

Gets current tag role.

current tag role.

◆ GetTagReference() [1/2]

virtual TagReference iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetTagReference ( )

Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag.

Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag. See iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas.OpenTag(TagReference) and SetPageForTagging(iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPage).

the reference to the current tag.

◆ GetTagReference() [2/2]

virtual TagReference iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.GetTagReference ( int  index )

Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag.

Creates a reference to the current tag, which could be used to associate a content on the PdfCanvas with current tag. See iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas.OpenTag(TagReference) and SetPageForTagging(iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPage).

index zero-based index in kids array of tag. These indexes define the logical order of the content on the page.
the reference to the current tag.

◆ IsPointingToSameTag()

virtual bool iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.IsPointingToSameTag ( iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  otherPointer )

Checks if this TagTreePointer is pointing at the same tag as the giving TagTreePointer.

otherPointer a TagTreePointer which is checked against this instance on whether they point at the same tag.
true if both TagTreePointer instances point at the same tag, false otherwise.

◆ MoveToKid() [1/3]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToKid ( int  kidIndex )

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the kid of the current tag.

kidIndex zero-based index of the current tag kid to which pointer will be moved.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ MoveToKid() [2/3]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToKid ( int  n,
String  role 

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the nth descendant of the current tag which has the given role.

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the nth descendant of the current tag which has the given role. If there are no direct kids of the tag with such role, further descendants are checked in BFS order.

n if there are several descendants with the given role, pointer will be moved to the descendant which has zero-based index n if you count only the descendants with the given role in BFS order.
role role of the current tag descendant to which pointer will be moved.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ MoveToKid() [3/3]

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToKid ( String  role )

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the first descendant of the current tag which has the given role.

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the first descendant of the current tag which has the given role. If there are no direct kids of the tag with such role, further descendants are checked in BFS order.

role role of the current tag descendant to which pointer will be moved. If there are several descendants with this role, pointer will be moved to the first kid with such role in BFS order.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ MoveToParent()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToParent ( )

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the parent of the current tag.

this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ MoveToPointer()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToPointer ( iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  tagTreePointer )

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the tag at which given TagTreePointer instance is pointing.

tagTreePointer a TagTreePointer that points at the tag which will become the current tag of this instance.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ MoveToRoot()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.MoveToRoot ( )

Moves this TagTreePointer instance to the document root tag.

this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ Relocate()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.Relocate ( iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  pointerToNewParent )

Moves current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points.

Moves current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points. This method doesn't change either this instance or pointerToNewParent position.

pointerToNewParent the TagTreePointer which is positioned at the tag which will become current tag new parent.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ RelocateKid()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.RelocateKid ( int  kidIndex,
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer  pointerToNewParent 

Moves kid of the current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points.

Moves kid of the current tag to the tag at which given TagTreePointer points. This method doesn't change neither this instance nor pointerToNewParent position.

kidIndex zero-based index of the current tag's kid to be relocated.
pointerToNewParent the TagTreePointer which is positioned at the tag which will become kid's new parent.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ RemoveTag()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.RemoveTag ( )

Removes the current tag.

Removes the current tag. If it has kids, they will become kids of the current tag parent. This method call moves this TagTreePointer to the current tag parent.

You cannot remove root tag, and also you cannot remove the tag if it's parent is already flushed; in this two cases an exception will be thrown.

this TagStructureContext instance.

◆ SetContentStreamForTagging()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.SetContentStreamForTagging ( PdfStream  contentStream )

Sometimes, tags are desired to be connected with the content that resides not in the page's content stream, but rather in the some appearance stream or in the form xObject stream.

Sometimes, tags are desired to be connected with the content that resides not in the page's content stream, but rather in the some appearance stream or in the form xObject stream. In that case, to have a valid tag structure, one shall set not only the page, on which the content will be rendered, but also the content stream in which the tagged content will reside.

NOTE: It's important to set a null for this value, when tagging of this stream content is finished.

contentStream the content stream which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer or null if content stream tagging is finished
current TagTreePointer instance

◆ SetNamespaceForNewTags()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.SetNamespaceForNewTags ( PdfNamespace namespace )

Sets a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which will be set to every new tag created by this TagTreePointer instance if this tag doesn't explicitly define namespace by the means of DefaultAccessibilityProperties.SetNamespace(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace).

Sets a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace which will be set to every new tag created by this TagTreePointer instance if this tag doesn't explicitly define namespace by the means of DefaultAccessibilityProperties.SetNamespace(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace).

This value has meaning only for the PDF documents of version 2.0 and higher.

It's highly recommended to acquire iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace class instances via TagStructureContext.FetchNamespace(System.String).

namespace a iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagging.PdfNamespace to be set for the new tags created. If set to null - new tags will have a namespace set only if it is defined in the corresponding AccessibilityProperties.
this TagTreePointer instance.
See also

◆ SetNextNewKidIndex()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.SetNextNewKidIndex ( int  nextNewKidIndex )

Sets index of the next added to the current tag kid, which could be another tag or content item.

Sets index of the next added to the current tag kid, which could be another tag or content item. By default, new tag is added at the end of the parent kids array. This property affects only the next added tag, all tags added after will be added with the default behaviour.

This method could be used with any overload of AddTag(System.String) method, with RelocateKid(int, TagTreePointer) and AddAnnotationTag(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Annot.PdfAnnotation).
Keep in mind, that this method set property to the TagTreePointer and not to the tag itself, which means that if you would move the pointer, this property would be applied to the new current tag.

nextNewKidIndex index of the next added kid.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ SetPageForTagging()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.SetPageForTagging ( PdfPage  page )

Sets a page which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer.

Sets a page which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer. To tag page content:

  1. Set pointer position to the tag which will be the parent of the page content item;
  2. Call GetTagReference() to obtain the reference to the current tag;
  3. Pass TagReference to the iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas.OpenTag(TagReference) method of the page's iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas to start marked content item;
  4. Draw content on PdfCanvas ;
  5. Use iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas.CloseTag() to finish marked content item.
page the page which content will be tagged with this instance of TagTreePointer.
this TagTreePointer instance.

◆ SetRole()

virtual iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer iText.Kernel.Pdf.Tagutils.TagTreePointer.SetRole ( String  role )

Sets new role to the current tag.

role new role to be set.
this TagTreePointer instance.