iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Kernel.Pdf Namespace Reference


class   CompressionConstants
  Compression constants for PdfStream. More...
class   CountOutputStream
  An OutputStream that counts the written bytes. More...
class   DestinationResolverCopyFilter
  A copy filter that will handle goto annotations and actions separately. More...
class   DocumentProperties
  Class with additional properties for PdfDocument processing. More...
class   DocumentRevision
  Class which stores information about single PDF document revision. More...
class   EncryptionConstants
  Encryption constants for WriterProperties.SetStandardEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int). More...
class   EncryptionProperties
  Allows configuration of output PDF encryption. More...
class   FingerPrint
  Data container for debugging information. More...
class   GenericNameTree
  Abstract representation of a name tree structure, as used in PDF for various purposes such as the Dests tree, the ID tree of structure elements and the embedded file tree. More...
interface   IConformanceLevel
  Interface for PDF conformance level. More...
interface   IPdfNameTreeAccess
  Abstract access interface to a PDF name tree. More...
interface   IPdfPageExtraCopier
  This interface defines logic which can be used to perform a custom copying operation of a PdfPage. More...
interface   IPdfPageFactory
  Interface used to create instances of PdfPage. More...
interface   IPdfPageFormCopier
  This interface extends the logic of the {#link IPdfPageExtraCopier} interface to copy AcroForm fields to a new page. More...
class   MemoryLimitsAwareFilter
  Handles memory limits aware processing. More...
class   MemoryLimitsAwareHandler
  A MemoryLimitsAwareHandler handles memory allocation and prevents decompressed pdf streams from occupation of more space than allowed. More...
class   PageFlushingHelper
  This class allows to free the memory taken by already processed pages when handling big PDF files. More...
class   PdfAConformanceLevel
  Enumeration of all the PDF/A conformance levels. More...
class   PdfAnnotationBorder
  Specifying the characteristics of the annotation’s border. More...
class   PdfArray
  A representation of an array as described in the PDF specification. More...
class   PdfBoolean
class   PdfCatalog
  The root of a document’s object hierarchy. More...
class   PdfDashPattern
  Represents the line dash pattern. More...
class   PdfDate
  PdfDate is the PDF date object. PDF defines a standard date format. The PDF date format closely follows the format defined by the international standard ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One, defined in CCITT X.208 or ISO/IEC 8824). A date is a PdfString of the form: (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm') See also ISO-320001 7.9.4, "Dates". More...
class   PdfDeveloperExtension
  Beginning with BaseVersion 1.7, the extensions dictionary lets developers designate that a given document contains extensions to PDF. More...
class   PdfDictionary
  A representation of a Dictionary as described by the PDF Specification. More...
class   PdfDocument
  Main enter point to work with PDF document. More...
class   PdfDocumentInfo
class   PdfEncryptedPayload
class   PdfEncryptedPayloadDocument
class   PdfEncryption
class   PdfEncryptor
  This class takes any PDF and returns exactly the same but encrypted. More...
class   PdfExtensions
class   PdfIndirectReference
class   PdfLiteral
class   PdfName
class   PdfNameTree
class   PdfNull
  Representation of the null object in the PDF specification. More...
class   PdfNumber
  A PdfNumber -class is the PDF-equivalent of a Double -object. More...
class   PdfNumTree
class   PdfObject
class   PdfObjectWrapper
class   PdfOutline
  Document outline object See ISO-320001, 12.3.3 Document Outline. More...
class   PdfOutputIntent
  Specify the colour characteristics of output devices on which the document might be rendered See ISO 32000-1 14.11.5: Output Intents. More...
class   PdfOutputStream
class   PdfPage
class   PdfPrimitiveObject
class   PdfReader
  Reads a PDF document. More...
class   PdfResources
  Wrapper class that represent resource dictionary - that define named resources used by content streams operators. More...
class   PdfRevisionsReader
  Class to retrieve important information about PDF document revisions. More...
class   PdfStream
  Representation of a stream as described in the PDF Specification. More...
class   PdfString
  A PdfString -class is the PDF-equivalent of a JAVA- String -object. More...
class   PdfTextArray
  PdfTextArray defines an array with displacements and PdfString -objects. More...
class   PdfUAConformanceLevel
  Implementation of IConformanceLevel interface for PDF/UA conformance level. More...
class   PdfVersion
  This class represents all official PDF versions. More...
class   PdfViewerPreferences
class   PdfWriter
class   PdfXrefTable
  A representation of a cross-referenced table of a PDF document. More...
class   ReaderProperties
class   StampingProperties
class   VersionConforming
class   WriterProperties


enum   IsoKey {
  Type of object to conform. More...
enum   PageLabelNumberingStyle {
  Page label numbering style constants for PdfPage.SetPageLabel(PageLabelNumberingStyle, String). More...


virtual void  AddObject (PdfObject @object)
  Adds object to the object stream. More...
virtual int  GetSize ()
  Gets object stream size (number of objects inside). More...
virtual PdfOutputStream  GetIndexStream ()
override void  ReleaseContent ()
  PdfPagesTree (PdfCatalog pdfCatalog)
  Creates a PdfPages tree. More...
virtual PdfPage  GetPage (int pageNum)
  Returns the PdfPage at the specified position in this list. More...
virtual PdfPage  GetPage (PdfDictionary pageDictionary)
  Returns the PdfPage by page's PdfDictionary. More...
virtual int  GetNumberOfPages ()
  Gets total number of More...
virtual int  GetPageNumber (PdfPage page)
  Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified page in this tree, or 0 if this tree does not contain the page. More...
virtual int  GetPageNumber (PdfDictionary pageDictionary)
  Returns the index of the first occurrence of the page in this tree specified by it's PdfDictionary, or 0 if this tree does not contain the page. More...
virtual void  AddPage (PdfPage pdfPage)
  Appends the specified PdfPage to the end of this tree. More...
virtual void  AddPage (int index, PdfPage pdfPage)
  Inserts PdfPage into specific one-based position. More...
virtual PdfPage  RemovePage (int pageNum)
  Removes the page at the specified position in this tree. More...
virtual PdfObject  GenerateTree ()
  Generate PdfPages tree. More...
virtual void  ClearPageRefs ()
virtual IList< PdfPages >  GetParents ()
virtual PdfPages  GetRoot ()
virtual PdfPages  FindPageParent (PdfPage pdfPage)
void System.IDisposable.  Dispose ()
int  Compare (PdfString o1, PdfString o2)
override bool  Equals (Object obj)
override int  GetHashCode ()
virtual void  SaveSerializedObject (SerializedObjectContent serializedContent, PdfIndirectReference objectReference)
virtual PdfIndirectReference  GetSavedSerializedObject (SerializedObjectContent serializedContent)
virtual SerializedObjectContent  SerializeObject (PdfObject obj)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IsoKey

Type of object to conform.

◆ PageLabelNumberingStyle

Page label numbering style constants for PdfPage.SetPageLabel(PageLabelNumberingStyle, String).


1, 2, 3, 4...


I, II, III, IV...


i, ii, iii, iv...


A, B, C, D...


a, b, c, d...

Function Documentation

◆ AddObject()

virtual void iText.Kernel.Pdf.AddObject ( PdfObject object )

Adds object to the object stream.

object object to add.

◆ AddPage() [1/2]

virtual void iText.Kernel.Pdf.AddPage ( int  index,
PdfPage  pdfPage 

Inserts PdfPage into specific one-based position.

index one-base index of the page

PdfPage to insert.

◆ AddPage() [2/2]

virtual void iText.Kernel.Pdf.AddPage ( PdfPage  pdfPage )

Appends the specified PdfPage to the end of this tree.

pdfPage a PdfPage to be added

◆ GenerateTree()

virtual PdfObject iText.Kernel.Pdf.GenerateTree ( )

Generate PdfPages tree.

root PdfPages

◆ GetNumberOfPages()

virtual int iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetNumberOfPages ( )

Gets total number of

See also
total number of pages

◆ GetPage() [1/2]

virtual PdfPage iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetPage ( int  pageNum )

Returns the PdfPage at the specified position in this list.

pageNum one-based index of the element to return
the PdfPage at the specified position in this list

◆ GetPage() [2/2]

virtual PdfPage iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetPage ( PdfDictionary  pageDictionary )

Returns the PdfPage by page's PdfDictionary.

pageDictionary page's PdfDictionary
the PdfPage object, that wraps pageDictionary .

◆ GetPageNumber() [1/2]

virtual int iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetPageNumber ( PdfDictionary  pageDictionary )

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the page in this tree specified by it's PdfDictionary, or 0 if this tree does not contain the page.

◆ GetPageNumber() [2/2]

virtual int iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetPageNumber ( PdfPage  page )

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified page in this tree, or 0 if this tree does not contain the page.

◆ GetSize()

virtual int iText.Kernel.Pdf.GetSize ( )

Gets object stream size (number of objects inside).

object stream size.

◆ PdfPagesTree()

iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfPagesTree ( PdfCatalog  pdfCatalog )

Creates a PdfPages tree.

pdfCatalog a PdfCatalog which will be used to create the tree

◆ RemovePage()

virtual PdfPage iText.Kernel.Pdf.RemovePage ( int  pageNum )

Removes the page at the specified position in this tree.

Removes the page at the specified position in this tree. Shifts any subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their indices).

pageNum the one-based index of the PdfPage to be removed
the page that was removed from the list