iText 8.0.2 API
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.IPdfFunction Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.IPdfFunction:
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.AbstractPdfFunction< T >

Public Member Functions

int  GetFunctionType ()
bool  CheckCompatibilityWithColorSpace (PdfColorSpace alternateSpace)
int  GetInputSize ()
int  GetOutputSize ()
double[]  GetDomain ()
void  SetDomain (double[] value)
double[]  GetRange ()
void  SetRange (double[] value)
double[]  Calculate (double[] input)
  Calculates one set of input components to one set of output components. More...
byte[]  CalculateFromByteArray (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int wordSizeInputLength, int wordSizeOutputLength)
byte[]  CalculateFromByteArray (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int wordSizeInputLength, int wordSizeOutputLength, BaseInputOutPutConvertors.IInputConversionFunction inputConvertor, BaseInputOutPutConvertors.IOutputConversionFunction outputConvertor)
double[]  ClipInput (double[] input)
double[]  ClipOutput (double[] input)
PdfObject  GetAsPdfObject ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ Calculate()

double [] iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.IPdfFunction.Calculate ( double[]  input )

Calculates one set of input components to one set of output components.

input The input values size must contain GetInputSize() items
an array the size of GetOutputSize() items containing the result

Implemented in iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.AbstractPdfFunction< T >.