iText 8.0.2 API
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.PdfType4Function Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.PdfType4Function:
iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.AbstractPdfFunction< PdfStream >

Public Member Functions

  PdfType4Function (PdfStream dict)
  PdfType4Function (double[] domain, double[] range, byte[] code)
  PdfType4Function (float[] domain, float[] range, byte[] code)
override bool  CheckCompatibilityWithColorSpace (PdfColorSpace alternateSpace)
override double[]  Calculate (double[] input)
  Calculates one set of input components to one set of output components. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.AbstractPdfFunction< PdfStream >
virtual int  GetFunctionType ()
  The function type, (see ISO-320001 Table 38). More...
virtual bool  CheckCompatibilityWithColorSpace (PdfColorSpace alternateSpace)
  Chacks wether the output of the function matches in components with the passed by color space. More...
virtual int  GetInputSize ()
  The number of input components. More...
virtual int  GetOutputSize ()
  The number of output components. More...
virtual double[]  GetDomain ()
  The valid input domain, input will be clipped to this domain contains a min max pair per input component. More...
virtual void  SetDomain (double[] value)
  The valid input domain, input will be clipped to this domain contains a min max pair per input component. More...
virtual double[]  GetRange ()
  the valid output range, output will be clipped to this range contains a min max pair per output component. More...
virtual void  SetRange (double[] value)
  the valid output range, output will be clipped to this range contains a min max pair per output component. More...
virtual byte[]  CalculateFromByteArray (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int wordSizeInputLength, int wordSizeOutputLength)
  Performs the calculation in bulk on a set of raw data and returns a new set of raw data. More...
virtual byte[]  CalculateFromByteArray (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, int wordSizeInputLength, int wordSizeOutputLength, BaseInputOutPutConvertors.IInputConversionFunction inputConvertor, BaseInputOutPutConvertors.IOutputConversionFunction outputConvertor)
  Performs the calculation in bulk on a set of raw data and returns a new set of raw data. More...
virtual double[]  ClipInput (double[] input)
  Clip input values to the allowed domain. More...
virtual double[]  ClipOutput (double[] input)
  Clip output values to the allowed range, if there is a range. More...
virtual PdfObject  GetAsPdfObject ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ Calculate()

override double [] iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.PdfType4Function.Calculate ( double[]  arg1 )

Calculates one set of input components to one set of output components.

input The input values size must contain GetInputSize() items
an array the size of GetOutputSize() items containing the result

Implements iText.Kernel.Pdf.Function.AbstractPdfFunction< PdfStream >.