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com.itextpdf.pdfoptimizer.handlers.util Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package com.itextpdf.pdfoptimizer.handlers.util as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this , and additions are shown like this.
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Class MaskColors, MaskColors getConvertedColorMask(long, ColorConverter)

Converts maskArray from one color space to another according to provided ColorConverter. It is expected that source color space of the converter matches the color space of the mask. Otherwise exception will be thrown. @param maximumComponentValue is a maximum value of each component. Unlike double representing of the color components, long components depend on the color depth and may represent different colors when used with different bits per component. Maximum component value notifies the maximum possible value for each component which usually is calculated as 2 ^ (bitsPerComponent) - 1. However it is possible to use the method in another setting with any other maximum component value. It is expected that every value of the mask represented by this instance is not negative and does not exceed the maximumComponentValue @param converter is a color converter. It is expected that its source color space which can be identified via ColorConverter.getSourceColorspace() matches the color space of the mask (at least it has the same number of components as MaskColors.getMin() and MaskColors.getMax() arrays). Otherwise, exception will be thrown @return new instance of MaskColors representing the same mask in new color space. For converted arrays it is expected that each element of one of them is not greater then the corresponding element of the second one. @throws PdfException if maskColor and converted do not match