Generated by

Class com.itextpdf.pdfoptimizer.handlers.util.CsConverterUtil

Removed Methods
BitmapImagePixels  convertBitmapImage( BitmapImagePixels, ColorConverter ) Converts passed bitmap image bytes from one color space to another according with provided ColorConverter.

Added Methods
BitmapImagePixels  convertBitmapImage( BitmapImagePixels, ColorDecoder ) Converts passed bitmap image bytes from one color to another according to provided ColorDecoder.
BitmapImagePixels  convertBitmapImage( BitmapImagePixels, ColorConverter ) Converts passed bitmap image bytes from one color space to another according to provided ColorConverter.
BitmapImagePixels  convertBitmapImage( BitmapImagePixels, ColorConverter , ColorDecoder ) Converts passed bitmap image bytes from one color space to another according to provided ColorConverter and ColorDecoder.