▼NiText |
▼NHtml2pdf |
▼NActions |
▼NData |
CPdfHtmlProductData |
Stores an instance of iText.Commons.Actions.Data.ProductData related to iText pdfHTML module |
▼NEvents |
CPdfHtmlProductEvent |
Class represents events registered in iText pdfHTML module |
▼NAttach |
▼NImpl |
►NLayout |
CHtml2PdfProperty |
Set of constants that will be used as keys to get and set properties |
CHtmlDocument |
This class is a wrapper on iText.Layout.Document , which is the default root element while creating a self-sufficient PDF |
CHtmlDocumentRenderer |
The DocumentRenderer class for HTML |
CHtmlPageBreak |
The HTML implementation of an iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak |
CPageCountElement |
iText.Layout.Element.Text implementation to be used for the page count |
CPageTargetCountElement |
iText.Layout.Element.Text implementation to be used for the page target-counter |
CRunningElement |
An iText.Layout.Element.IElement that serves as a placeholder for removed running element from the normal flow |
CRunningElementContainer |
A wrapper for the running elements taken out of the normal flow |
►NTags |
CAbbrTagWorker |
Tag worker class for the abbr element |
CABlockTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a link block |
CATagWorker |
TagWorker class for the a element |
CBodyTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the body element |
CBrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the br element |
CButtonTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a button element |
CCaptionTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the caption element |
CColgroupTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a column group |
CColTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a column |
CDisplayFlexTagWorker |
iText.Html2pdf.Attach.ITagWorker implementation for elements with display: flex |
CDisplayGridTagWorker |
iText.Html2pdf.Attach.ITagWorker implementation for elements with display: grid |
CDisplayTableRowTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a table row element |
CDisplayTableTagWorker |
TagWorker class for a table element |
CDivTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the div element |
CHrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the hr element |
CHTagWorker |
CHtmlTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the html element |
CIDisplayAware |
Interface for those TagWorker implementations that deal with tags that can have a display value |
CImgTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the img element |
CInputTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the input element |
CLinkTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the link element |
CLiTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the li element |
CMetaTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the meta element |
CObjectTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the object element |
COptGroupTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the optgroup element |
COptionTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the option element |
CPageCountWorker |
TagWorker class for the page count |
CPageMarginBoxWorker |
TagWorker class for the page margin box |
CPlaceholderTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the input 's placeholder |
CPreTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the pre element |
CPTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the p element |
CRunningElementTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the running elements taken out of the normal flow |
CSelectTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the select element |
CSpanTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the span tag |
CSvgTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the svg element |
CTableFooterTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the footer of a table |
CTableHeaderTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the header of a table |
CTableTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the table element |
CTdTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the td element |
CTextAreaTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the textarea element |
CThTagWorker |
CTitleTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the title element |
CTrTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the tr element |
CUlOlTagWorker |
TagWorker class for the ul and ol elements |
CClassOutlineMarkExtractor |
ClassOutlineMarkExtractor class is used to get class of element as a mark for OutlineHandler |
CDefaultHtmlProcessor |
The default implementation to process HTML |
CDefaultTagWorkerFactory |
The default implementation of a tag worker factory, mapping tags to tag worker implementations |
CHtmlMetaInfoContainer |
Class to store metaInfo that will be used for html operations |
CLinkContext |
This class keeps track of information regarding link (destinations) that occur in the document |
COutlineHandler |
A OutlineHandler handles creating outlines for marks |
CTagOutlineMarkExtractor |
TagOutlineMarkExtractor class is used to get tag of element as a mark for OutlineHandler |
▼NUtil |
CAccessiblePropHelper |
CContextMappingHelper |
CLinkHelper |
Helper class for links |
CRowColHelper |
Helper class to keep track of the current column / row position in a table |
CTrimUtil |
Utility class to trim content |
CWaitingColgroupsHelper |
Helper class for waiting column groups |
CWaitingInlineElementsHelper |
Helper class for waiting inline elements |
▼NWrapelement |
CColgroupWrapper |
Wrapper for the colgroup element |
CColWrapper |
Wrapper for the col element |
CIWrapElement |
Interface for all the element wrapper classes (such as SpanWrapper, TableWrapper,...) |
CSpanWrapper |
Wrapper for the span element |
CTableRowWrapper |
Wrapper for the tr element |
CTableWrapper |
Wrapper for the table element |
CAttacher |
Helper class to add parsed HTML content to an existing iText document, or to parse HTML to a list of iText elements |
CIHtmlProcessor |
Interface for classes that can process HTML to PDF in the form of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument or a list of iText.Layout.Element.IElement objects |
CIOutlineMarkExtractor |
IOutlineMarkExtractor interface is used to control what part of element will be a mark witch will be used to create outline in iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.OutlineHandler |
CITagWorker |
Interface for all the tag worker implementations |
CITagWorkerFactory |
ITagWorkerFactory interface is used for instantiating new ITagWorker objects |
CProcessorContext |
Keeps track of the context of the processor |
CState |
State machine to push, pop, peek,.. |
▼NCss |
▼NApply |
►NImpl |
CBlockCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Block elements |
CBodyTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Body elements |
CCaptionCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for a caption element |
CColgroupTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for column groups |
CColTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for columns |
CCssContentLinearGradientApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for linear-gradient elements in content CSS property |
CDefaultCssApplierFactory |
A factory for creating iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier objects |
CDisplayFlexTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for elements with display flex |
CDisplayGridTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for elements with display grid |
CDisplayTableRowTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for table rows |
CDlTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Dl elements |
CHrTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for hr elements |
CHtmlTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Html elements |
CLiTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Li elements |
CMultiColumnCssApplierUtil |
Utility class to apply column-count values |
CPageMarginBoxCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for page margin box containers |
CPlaceholderCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for input's placeholder |
CSpanTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Span elements |
CTableTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for table elements |
CTdTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Td elements |
CTrTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Tr elements |
CUlOlTagCssApplier |
iText.Html2pdf.Css.Apply.ICssApplier implementation for Ul en Ol elements |
►NUtil |
CBackgroundApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply backgrounds |
CBorderStyleApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply border styles |
CCounterProcessorUtil |
Utilities class to process counters |
CFlexApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply flex properties |
CFloatApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply float values to elements |
CFontStyleApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply font styles |
CGridApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply css grid properties and styles |
CHyphenationApplierUtil |
The Class HyphenationApplierUtil |
CListStyleApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply list styles to an element |
CMarginApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply margins |
COpacityApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply opacity |
COrphansWidowsApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply orphans and widows properties |
COutlineApplierUtil |
COverflowApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply overflow |
CPaddingApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply a padding |
CPageBreakApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply page breaks |
CPositionApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply a position |
CSupportedColColgroupPropertiesUtil |
Utilities class to get widths and mapping related to columns and column groups as stated in paragraph 17.3 of https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#q4 |
CTextDecorationApplierUtil |
CTransformationApplierUtil |
CVerticalAlignmentApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply vertical alignment values |
CWidthHeightApplierUtil |
Utilities class to apply a width or a height to an element |
CICssApplier |
Interface to be implemented by all types of CSS appliers |
CICssApplierFactory |
ICssApplierFactory interface is used for instantiating new ICssApplier objects |
▼NPage |
CCssRunningManager |
Class that manages running elements |
CPageMarginRunningElementNode |
Wrapper iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.INode serving as a placeholder for running element |
▼NResolve |
►NFunc |
►NCounter |
CCssCounterManager |
Class that manages counters (e.g. for list symbols) |
CPageCountElementNode |
iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.ICustomElementNode implementation for a page count element node |
CPageTargetCountElementNode |
iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.Impl.Jsoup.Node.JsoupElementNode implementation for page target-counters |
CCssContentElementNode |
IElementNode implementation for content nodes |
CCssContext |
Class that bundles all the CSS context properties |
CDefaultCssResolver |
Default implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.ICssResolver interface |
▼NUtil |
CCssStyleSheetAnalyzer |
Helper class to analyze the CSS stylesheet, e.g. for presence of some constructs |
CCssConstants |
▼NExceptions |
CCssApplierInitializationException |
Runtime exception in case a CSS applier can't be initialized |
CHtml2PdfException |
Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the HTML to PDF conversion |
CTagWorkerInitializationException |
Runtime exception that gets thrown if a tag worker can't be initialized |
▼NHtml |
▼CAttributeConstants |
Class that bundles a series of attribute constants |
CObjectTypes |
CHtmlUtils |
Utilities class with HTML-related functionality |
CTagConstants |
Class that bundles a series of tag constants |
▼NLogs |
CHtml2PdfLogMessageConstant |
Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants |
▼NResolver |
▼NFont |
CDefaultFontProvider |
The default iText.StyledXmlParser.Resolver.Font.BasicFontProvider for pdfHTML, that, as opposed to the font provider in iText's styled-xml-parser, also includes a series of fonts that are shipped with the add-on |
▼NForm |
CFormFieldNameResolver |
Utilities class that resolves form field names |
CRadioCheckResolver |
Utilities class that resolves radio's checked property value |
▼NResource |
CHtmlResourceResolver |
Extends iText.StyledXmlParser.Resolver.Resource.ResourceResolver to also support SVG images |
▼NUtil |
CSvgProcessingUtil |
Utility class for handling operations related to SVG |
CTagProcessorMapping |
Class that allows to map keys (html tags, css attributes) to the corresponding tag processors (a tag worker or a CSS applier) |
CConverterProperties |
Properties that will be used by the HtmlConverter |
CHtmlConverter |
The HtmlConverter is the class you will use most when converting HTML to PDF |
CPortUtil |
CProcessorContextCreator |
Class that creates ProcessorContext with IMetaInfo |