pdfHTML 6.1.0 API
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CPdfHtmlProductData Stores an instance of iText.Commons.Actions.Data.ProductData related to iText pdfHTML module
 CPdfHtmlProductEvent Class represents events registered in iText pdfHTML module
 CClassOutlineMarkExtractor ClassOutlineMarkExtractor class is used to get class of element as a mark for OutlineHandler
 CDefaultHtmlProcessor The default implementation to process HTML
 CDefaultTagWorkerFactory The default implementation of a tag worker factory, mapping tags to tag worker implementations
 CHtmlMetaInfoContainer Class to store metaInfo that will be used for html operations
 CLinkContext This class keeps track of information regarding link (destinations) that occur in the document
 COutlineHandler A OutlineHandler handles creating outlines for marks
 CTagOutlineMarkExtractor TagOutlineMarkExtractor class is used to get tag of element as a mark for OutlineHandler
 CLinkHelper Helper class for links
 CRowColHelper Helper class to keep track of the current column / row position in a table
 CTrimUtil Utility class to trim content
 CWaitingColgroupsHelper Helper class for waiting column groups
 CWaitingInlineElementsHelper Helper class for waiting inline elements
 CColgroupWrapper Wrapper for the colgroup element
 CColWrapper Wrapper for the col element
 CIWrapElement Interface for all the element wrapper classes (such as SpanWrapper, TableWrapper,...)
 CSpanWrapper Wrapper for the span element
 CTableRowWrapper Wrapper for the tr element
 CTableWrapper Wrapper for the table element
 CAttacher Helper class to add parsed HTML content to an existing iText document, or to parse HTML to a list of iText elements
 CIHtmlProcessor Interface for classes that can process HTML to PDF in the form of a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument or a list of iText.Layout.Element.IElement objects
 CIOutlineMarkExtractor IOutlineMarkExtractor interface is used to control what part of element will be a mark witch will be used to create outline in iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.OutlineHandler
 CITagWorker Interface for all the tag worker implementations
 CITagWorkerFactory ITagWorkerFactory interface is used for instantiating new ITagWorker objects
 CProcessorContext Keeps track of the context of the processor
 CState State machine to push, pop, peek,..
 CICssApplier Interface to be implemented by all types of CSS appliers
 CICssApplierFactory ICssApplierFactory interface is used for instantiating new ICssApplier objects
 CCssRunningManager Class that manages running elements
 CPageMarginRunningElementNode Wrapper iText.StyledXmlParser.Node.INode serving as a placeholder for running element
 CCssContentElementNode IElementNode implementation for content nodes
 CCssContext Class that bundles all the CSS context properties
 CDefaultCssResolver Default implementation of the iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.ICssResolver interface
 CCssStyleSheetAnalyzer Helper class to analyze the CSS stylesheet, e.g. for presence of some constructs
 CCssApplierInitializationException Runtime exception in case a CSS applier can't be initialized
 CHtml2PdfException Runtime exception that gets thrown if something goes wrong in the HTML to PDF conversion
 CTagWorkerInitializationException Runtime exception that gets thrown if a tag worker can't be initialized
 CAttributeConstants Class that bundles a series of attribute constants
 CHtmlUtils Utilities class with HTML-related functionality
 CTagConstants Class that bundles a series of tag constants
 CHtml2PdfLogMessageConstant Class that bundles all the error message templates as constants
 CDefaultFontProvider The default iText.StyledXmlParser.Resolver.Font.BasicFontProvider for pdfHTML, that, as opposed to the font provider in iText's styled-xml-parser, also includes a series of fonts that are shipped with the add-on
 CFormFieldNameResolver Utilities class that resolves form field names
 CRadioCheckResolver Utilities class that resolves radio's checked property value
 CHtmlResourceResolver Extends iText.StyledXmlParser.Resolver.Resource.ResourceResolver to also support SVG images
 CSvgProcessingUtil Utility class for handling operations related to SVG
 CTagProcessorMapping Class that allows to map keys (html tags, css attributes) to the corresponding tag processors (a tag worker or a CSS applier)
 CConverterProperties Properties that will be used by the HtmlConverter
 CHtmlConverter The HtmlConverter is the class you will use most when converting HTML to PDF
 CProcessorContextCreator Class that creates ProcessorContext with IMetaInfo