Class DefaultResourceRetriever

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultResourceRetriever extends Object implements IResourceRetriever
Default implementation of the IResourceRetriever interface, which can set a limit on the size of retrieved resources using input stream with a limit on the number of bytes read.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultResourceRetriever

      public DefaultResourceRetriever()
      Creates a new DefaultResourceRetriever instance. The limit on the size of retrieved resources is by default equal to Long.MAX_VALUE bytes.
  • Method Details

    • getResourceSizeByteLimit

      public long getResourceSizeByteLimit()
      Gets the resource size byte limit. The resourceSizeByteLimit is used to create input stream with a limit on the number of bytes read.
      the resource size byte limit
    • setResourceSizeByteLimit

      public IResourceRetriever setResourceSizeByteLimit (long resourceSizeByteLimit)
      Sets the resource size byte limit. The resourceSizeByteLimit is used to create input stream with a limit on the number of bytes read.
      resourceSizeByteLimit - the resource size byte limit
      the IResourceRetriever instance
    • getConnectTimeout

      public int getConnectTimeout()
      Gets the connect timeout. The connect timeout is used to create input stream with a limited time to establish connection to resource.
      the connect timeout in milliseconds
    • setConnectTimeout

      public IResourceRetriever setConnectTimeout (int connectTimeout)
      Sets the connect timeout. The connect timeout is used to create input stream with a limited time to establish connection to resource.
      connectTimeout - the connect timeout in milliseconds
      the IResourceRetriever instance
    • getReadTimeout

      public int getReadTimeout()
      Gets the read timeout. The read timeout is used to create input stream with a limited time to receive data from resource.
      the read timeout in milliseconds
    • setReadTimeout

      public IResourceRetriever setReadTimeout (int readTimeout)
      Sets the read timeout. The read timeout is used to create input stream with a limited time to receive data from resource.
      readTimeout - the read timeout in milliseconds
      the IResourceRetriever instance
    • getInputStreamByUrl

      public InputStream getInputStreamByUrl (URL url) throws IOException
      Gets the input stream with current limit on the number of bytes read, that connect with source URL for retrieving data from that connection.
      Specified by:
      getInputStreamByUrl in interface IResourceRetriever
      url - the source URL
      the limited input stream or null if the URL was filtered
      IOException - if any input/output issue occurs
    • getByteArrayByUrl

      public byte[] getByteArrayByUrl (URL url) throws IOException
      Gets the byte array that are retrieved from the source URL.
      Specified by:
      getByteArrayByUrl in interface IResourceRetriever
      url - the source URL
      the byte array or null if the retrieving failed or the URL was filtered or the resourceSizeByteLimit was violated
      IOException - if any input/output issue occurs
    • urlFilter

      protected boolean urlFilter (URL url)
      Method for filtering resources by URL. The default implementation allows for all URLs. Override this method if want to set filtering.
      url - the source URL
      true if the resource can be retrieved and false otherwise