Class Border

Direct Known Subclasses:
Border3D, DashedBorder, DottedBorder, DoubleBorder, FixedDashedBorder, RoundDotsBorder, SolidBorder

public abstract class Border extends Object
Represents a border.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    Enumerates the different sides of the rectangle.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The 3D groove border.
    static final int
    The 3D inset border.
    static final int
    The 3D outset border.
    static final int
    The 3D ridge border.
    static final int
    The dashed border.
    static final int
    The fixed dashed border.
    static final int
    The dotted border.
    static final int
    The double border.
    static final Border
    The null Border, i.e.
    static final int
    The round-dots border.
    static final int
    The solid border.
    protected TransparentColor
    The color of the border.
    protected int
    The type of the border.
    protected float
    The width of the border.
  • Constructor Summary

    Border(float width)
    Creates a border with the given width.
    Border(Color color, float width)
    Creates a border with given width and color.
    Border(Color color, float width, float opacity)
    Creates a border with given width, color and opacity.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float horizontalRadius1, float verticalRadius1, float horizontalRadius2, float verticalRadius2, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
    All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction.
    draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float borderRadius, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
    All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction.
    abstract void
    draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
    All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction.
    draw(PdfCanvas canvas, Rectangle rectangle)
    Draw borders around the target rectangle.
    abstract void
    drawCellBorder(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
    Draws the border of a cell.
    protected void
    drawDiscontinuousBorders(PdfCanvas canvas, Rectangle boundingRectangle, float[] horizontalRadii, float[] verticalRadii, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
    Perform drawing operations to draw discontinuous borders.
    equals(Object anObject)
    Indicates whether the border is equal to the given border.
    protected Border.Side
    getBorderSide(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
    Returns the side corresponded to the line between two points.
    Gets the color of the border
    protected float
    getDotsGap(double distance, float initialGap)
    Adjusts the size of the gap between dots
    protected Point
    getIntersectionPoint(Point lineBeg, Point lineEnd, Point clipLineBeg, Point clipLineEnd)
    Gets a Point in which two lines intersect.
    Gets the opacity of the border
    protected float[]
    getStartingPointsForBorderSide(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
    Calculate adjusted starting points for discontinuous borders, given two opposing points (A and B) that define the bounding rectangle
    abstract int
    Returns the type of the border
    Gets the width of the border
    setColor(Color color)
    Sets the color of the border
    setWidth(float width)
    Sets the width of the border

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Border

      protected Border (float width)
      Creates a border with the given width. The color to be set by default is black
      width - the width which the border should have
    • Border

      protected Border (Color color, float width)
      Creates a border with given width and color.
      color - the color which the border should have
      width - the width which the border should have
    • Border

      protected Border (Color color, float width, float opacity)
      Creates a border with given width, color and opacity.
      color - the color which the border should have
      width - the width which the border should have
      opacity - the opacity which border should have; a float between 0 and 1, where 1 stands for fully opaque color and 0 - for fully transparent
  • Method Details

    • draw

      public abstract void draw (PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
      All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left.

      Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction.

      borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas of border joins.

      canvas - PdfCanvas to be written to
      x1 - x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y1 - y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      x2 - x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y2 - y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      defaultSide - the Border.Side, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates
      borderWidthBefore - defines width of the border that is before the current one
      borderWidthAfter - defines width of the border that is after the current one
    • draw

      public void draw (PdfCanvas canvas, Rectangle rectangle)
      Draw borders around the target rectangle.
      canvas - PdfCanvas to be written to
      rectangle - border positions rectangle
    • draw

      public void draw (PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float borderRadius, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
      All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left.

      Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction.

      borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas of border joins.

      borderRadius is used to draw rounded borders.

      canvas - PdfCanvas to be written to
      x1 - x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y1 - y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      x2 - x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y2 - y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      borderRadius - defines the radius of the element's corners
      defaultSide - the Border.Side, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates
      borderWidthBefore - defines width of the border that is before the current one
      borderWidthAfter - defines width of the border that is after the current one
    • draw

      public void draw (PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float horizontalRadius1, float verticalRadius1, float horizontalRadius2, float verticalRadius2, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
      All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left.

      Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction.

      borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas of border joins.

      horizontalRadius1, verticalRadius1, horizontalRadius2 and verticalRadius2 are used to draw rounded borders.

      canvas - PdfCanvas to be written to
      x1 - x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y1 - y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      x2 - x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y2 - y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      horizontalRadius1 - defines the horizontal radius of the border's first corner
      verticalRadius1 - defines the vertical radius of the border's first corner
      horizontalRadius2 - defines the horizontal radius of the border's second corner
      verticalRadius2 - defines the vertical radius of the border's second corner
      defaultSide - the Border.Side, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates
      borderWidthBefore - defines width of the border that is before the current one
      borderWidthAfter - defines width of the border that is after the current one
    • drawCellBorder

      public abstract void drawCellBorder (PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
      Draws the border of a cell.
      canvas - PdfCanvas to be written to
      x1 - x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y1 - y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered
      x2 - x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      y2 - y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered
      defaultSide - the Border.Side, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates
    • getType

      public abstract int getType()
      Returns the type of the border
      the type of border.
    • getColor

      public Color getColor()
      Gets the color of the border
      the color
    • getOpacity

      public float getOpacity()
      Gets the opacity of the border
      the border opacity; a float between 0 and 1, where 1 stands for fully opaque color and 0 - for fully transparent
    • getWidth

      public float getWidth()
      Gets the width of the border
      the width
    • setColor

      public void setColor (Color color)
      Sets the color of the border
      color - The color
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth (float width)
      Sets the width of the border
      width - The width
    • equals

      public boolean equals (Object anObject)
      Indicates whether the border is equal to the given border. The border type, width and color are considered during the comparison.
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getBorderSide

      protected Border.Side getBorderSide (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
      Returns the side corresponded to the line between two points. Notice that we consider the rectangle traversal to be clockwise. In case side couldn't be detected we will fallback to default side
      x1 - the abscissa of the left-bottom point
      y1 - the ordinate of the left-bottom point
      x2 - the abscissa of the right-top point
      y2 - the ordinate of the right-top point
      defaultSide - the default side of border
      the corresponded side
    • getIntersectionPoint

      protected Point getIntersectionPoint (Point lineBeg, Point lineEnd, Point clipLineBeg, Point clipLineEnd)
      Gets a Point in which two lines intersect.
      lineBeg - a Point which defines some point on the first line
      lineEnd - a Point which defines another point on the first line
      clipLineBeg - a Point which defines some point on the second line
      clipLineEnd - a Point which defines another point on the second line
      the intersection Point
    • getDotsGap

      protected float getDotsGap (double distance, float initialGap)
      Adjusts the size of the gap between dots
      distance - the border length
      initialGap - the initial size of the gap
      the adjusted size of the gap
    • drawDiscontinuousBorders

      protected void drawDiscontinuousBorders (PdfCanvas canvas, Rectangle boundingRectangle, float[] horizontalRadii, float[] verticalRadii, Border.Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter)
      Perform drawing operations to draw discontinuous borders. Used by DashedBorder, DottedBorder and RoundDotsBorder.
      canvas - canvas to draw on
      boundingRectangle - rectangle representing the bounding box of the drawing operations
      horizontalRadii - the horizontal radius of the border's two corners
      verticalRadii - the vertical radius of the border's two corners
      defaultSide - the Border.Side, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates
      borderWidthBefore - defines width of the border that is before the current one
      borderWidthAfter - defines width of the border that is after the current one
    • getStartingPointsForBorderSide

      protected float[] getStartingPointsForBorderSide (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Border.Side defaultSide)
      Calculate adjusted starting points for discontinuous borders, given two opposing points (A and B) that define the bounding rectangle
      x1 - x-coordinate of point A
      y1 - y-ordinate of point A
      x2 - x-coordinate of point B
      y2 - y-ordinate of point B
      defaultSide - default side of the border used to determine the side given by points A and B
      float[] containing the adjusted starting points in the form {x1,y1,x2,y2}