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Class com.itextpdf.signatures.LtvVerifier

Changed Constructors
LtvVerifier( PdfDocument) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a VerificationData object for a PdfReader

Changed Methods
PdfPKCS7  coversWholeDocument() Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks if the signature covers the whole document and throws an exception if the document was altered
List  getCRLsFromDSS() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets a list of X509CRL objects from a Document Security Store.
List  getOCSPResponsesFromDSS() Change in return type from List to List.
Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets OCSP responses from the Document Security Store.
void  setCertificateOption( CertificateOption) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the certificate option.
void  setVerifier( CertificateVerifier) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets an extra verifier.
void  switchToPreviousRevision() Documentation changed from old to new.
Switches to the previous revision.
void  verifyChain( Certificate[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks the certificates in a certificate chain: are they valid on a specific date, and do they chain up correctly?
List  verifySignature() Documentation changed from old to new.
Verifies a document level timestamp.
List  verify( List) Documentation changed from old to new.
Verifies all the document-level timestamps and all the signatures in the document.
List  verify( X509Certificate, X509Certificate , Date ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Verifies certificates against a list of CRLs and OCSP responses.