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Class com.itextpdf.signatures.CertificateInfo

Changed Methods
IASN1Primitive  getIssuer( byte[]) Change in return type from ASN1Primitive to IASN1Primitive.
Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the "issuer" from the TBSCertificate bytes that are passed in.
X500Name  getIssuerFields( X509Certificate) Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the issuer fields from an X509 Certificate.
IASN1Primitive  getSubject( byte[]) Change in return type from ASN1Primitive to IASN1Primitive.
Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the "subject" from the TBSCertificate bytes that are passed in.
X500Name  getSubjectFields( X509Certificate) Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the subject fields from an X509 Certificate.