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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.CanvasGraphicsState

Changed Methods
boolean  getAlphaIsShape() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Alpha is shape flag, see ISO 32000-1, Source Shape and Opacity and Mask Shape and Opacity, PdfExtGState.getAlphaSourceFlag() .
boolean  getAutomaticStrokeAdjustment() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Apply Automatic Stroke Adjustment flag, see ISO 32000-1, 10.6.5 Automatic Stroke Adjustment, PdfExtGState.getAutomaticStrokeAdjustmentFlag().
PdfObject  getBlackGenerationFunction() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Black-generation function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getBlackGenerationFunction().
PdfObject  getBlackGenerationFunction2() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current overruling Black-generation function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getBlackGenerationFunction2().
PdfObject  getBlendMode() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Blend Mode, see ISO 32000-1, 11.3.5 Blend Mode and 11.6.3 Specifying Blending Colour Space and Blend Mode, PdfExtGState.getBlendMode().
float  getCharSpacing() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Character Spacing, see ISO-320001, 9.3.2 Character Spacing, PdfCanvas.setCharacterSpacing(float).
PdfArray  getDashPattern() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets line dash pattern value, {@code D} key, see ISO-320001, Line Dash Pattern, }.
Color  getFillColor() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current fill color.
float  getFillOpacity() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Fill Opacity value, see ISO 32000-1, Source Shape and Opacity and Constant Shape and Opacity, PdfExtGState.getFillOpacity().
boolean  getFillOverprint() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the Fill Overprint flag, see ISO 32000-1, 8.6.7 Overprint Control and Summary of Overprinting Behaviour, PdfExtGState.getFillOverprintFlag().
float  getFlatnessTolerance() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Flatness Tolerance, see ISO-320001, 10.6.2 Flatness Tolerance, PdfCanvas.setFlatnessTolerance(float).
PdfFont  getFont() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current PdfFont.
float  getFontSize() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the font size.
PdfObject  getHTP() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Halftone Phase, see Portable Document Format Reference Manual Version 1.2, 7.12 Extended graphics states and PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition, 7.3.3, Halftone Phase.
PdfObject  getHalftone() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current halftone , see ISO32000-1, 10.5 Halftones and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getHalftone().
float  getHorizontalScaling() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Horizontal Scaling percentage, see ISO-320001, 9.3.4 Horizontal Scaling.
float  getLeading() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Leading, see ISO-320001, 9.3.5 Leading, PdfCanvas.setLeading(float).
int  getLineCapStyle() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current line cap style, see ISO-320001, Line Cap Style.
int  getLineJoinStyle() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current line join style, see ISO-320001, Line Join Style.
float  getLineWidth() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current line width.
float  getMiterLimit() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current miter limit, see ISO-320001, Miter Limit.
int  getOverprintMode() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the Overprint Mode, see ISO 32000-1, 8.6.7 Overprint Control and Summary of Overprinting Behaviour, PdfExtGState.getOverprintMode().
PdfName  getRenderingIntent() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the rendering intent, see PdfExtGState.getRenderingIntent().
Float  getSmoothnessTolerance() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Smoothness Tolerance, see ISO32000-1, 10.6.3 Smoothness Tolerance and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getSmothnessTolerance().
PdfObject  getSoftMask() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Soft Mask, see ISO 32000-1, Source Shape and Opacity, Mask Shape and Opacity and Soft-Mask Dictionaries, PdfExtGState.getSoftMask().
Color  getStrokeColor() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current stroke color.
float  getStrokeOpacity() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Stroke Opacity value, see ISO 32000-1, Source Shape and Opacity and Constant Shape and Opacity, PdfExtGState.getStrokeOpacity().
boolean  getStrokeOverprint() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the Stroke Overprint flag, see ISO 32000-1, 8.6.7 Overprint Control and Summary of Overprinting Behaviour, PdfExtGState.getStrokeOverprintFlag().
boolean  getTextKnockout() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Text Knockout flag, see ISO 32000-1, 9.3.8 Text Knockout, PdfExtGState.getTextKnockoutFlag().
int  getTextRenderingMode() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Text Rendering Mode, see ISO-320001, 9.3.6 Text Rendering Mode, PdfCanvas.setTextRenderingMode.
float  getTextRise() Documentation changed from old to new.
Get the current Text Rise, see ISO-320001, 9.3.7 Text Rise, PdfCanvas.setTextRise.
PdfObject  getTransferFunction() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Transfer function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getTransferFunction().
PdfObject  getTransferFunction2() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current overruling transer function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getTransferFunction2().
PdfObject  getUnderColorRemovalFunction() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Undercolor-removal function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary PdfExtGState.getUndercolorRemovalFunction().
PdfObject  getUnderColorRemovalFunction2() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current overruling Undercolor-removal function, see ISO32000-1, Rendering Intent and Colour Conversions and Table 58 # Entries in a Graphics State Parameter Dictionary, PdfExtGState.getUndercolorRemovalFunction2().
float  getWordSpacing() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the current Word Spacing, see ISO-320001, 9.3.3 Word Spacing, PdfCanvas.setWordSpacing(float)
void  setCharSpacing( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the Character Spacing, see ISO-320001, 9.3.2 Character Spacing, PdfCanvas.setCharacterSpacing(float)
void  setDashPattern( PdfArray) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets line dash pattern value, {@code D} key, see ISO-320001, Line Dash Pattern, }.
void  setFillColor( Color) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current fill color.
void  setFlatnessTolerance( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current Flatness Tolerance, see ISO-320001, 10.6.2 Flatness Tolerance, PdfCanvas.setFlatnessTolerance(float).
void  setFont( PdfFont) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current PdfFont.
void  setFontSize( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the font size.
void  setHorizontalScaling( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the Horizontal Scaling percentage for text, see ISO-320001, 9.3.4 Horizontal Scaling, PdfCanvas.setHorizontalScaling(float).
void  setLeading( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the Leading, see ISO-320001, 9.3.5 Leading, PdfCanvas.setLeading(float).
void  setLineCapStyle( int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current line cap style, see ISO-320001, Line Cap Style.
void  setLineJoinStyle( int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current line join style, see ISO-320001, Line Join Style.
void  setLineWidth( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current line width.
void  setMiterLimit( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current miter limit, see ISO-320001, Miter Limit.
void  setRenderingIntent( PdfName) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the rendering intent, see PdfExtGState.getRenderingIntent().
void  setStrokeColor( Color) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current stroke color.
void  setTextRenderingMode( int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the current Text Rendering Mode, see ISO-320001, 9.3.6 Text Rendering Mode, PdfCanvas.setTextRenderingMode.
void  setTextRise( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Set the current Text Rise, see ISO-320001, 9.3.7 Text Rise PdfCanvas.setTextRise.
void  setWordSpacing( float) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the Word Spacing, see ISO-320001, 9.3.3 Word Spacing, PdfCanvas.setWordSpacing(float).