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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfWriter

Changed Constructors
PdfWriter( File) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a PdfWriter writing to the passed File and with default writer properties.
PdfWriter( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a PdfWriter writing to the passed filename and with default writer properties.
PdfWriter( String, WriterProperties ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Create a PdfWriter writing to the passed filename and using the passed writer properties.

Added Methods
PdfObject  copyObject( PdfObject, PdfDocument , boolean , ICopyFilter ) Copies a PdfObject either stand alone or as part of the PdfDocument passed as documentTo.

Changed Methods
PdfWriter  setCompressionLevel( int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets default compression level for
PdfWriter  setSmartMode( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the smart mode.
PdfObject  copyObject( PdfObject, PdfDocument , boolean ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Copies a PdfObject either stand alone or as part of the PdfDocument passed as documentTo.