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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObject

Added Methods
PdfObject  clone( ICopyFilter) Creates clone of the object which belongs to the same document as original object.
void  copyContent( PdfObject, PdfDocument , ICopyFilter ) Copies object content from object 'from'.
PdfObject  copyTo( PdfDocument, boolean , ICopyFilter ) Copies object to a specified document.
PdfObject  copyTo( PdfDocument, ICopyFilter ) Copies object to a specified document.

Changed Methods
boolean  checkState( short) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks state of the flag of current object.
PdfObject  clearState( short) Documentation changed from old to new.
Clear state of the flag of current object.
PdfObject  setModified() Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets the 'modified' flag to the indirect object, the flag denotes that the object was modified since the document opening.
PdfObject  setState( short) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets special states of current object.
PdfObject  copyTo( PdfDocument) Documentation changed from old to new.
Copies object to a specified document.
PdfObject  copyTo( PdfDocument, boolean ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Copies object to a specified document.
PdfObject  makeIndirect( PdfDocument) Documentation changed from old to new.
Marks object to be saved as indirect.
PdfObject  makeIndirect( PdfDocument, PdfIndirectReference ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Marks object to be saved as indirect.