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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfCatalog

Changed Methods
PdfNameTree  getNameTree( PdfName) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method gets Names tree from the catalog.
PdfOCProperties  getOCProperties( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
Use this method to get the Optional Content Properties Dictionary.
PdfNumTree  getPageLabelsTree( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method returns the NumberTree of Page Labels
PdfCatalog  put( PdfName, PdfObject ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Add key and value to PdfCatalog dictionary.
PdfCatalog  remove( PdfName) Documentation changed from old to new.
Remove key from catalog dictionary.
PdfCatalog  setAdditionalAction( PdfName, PdfAction ) Documentation changed from old to new.
The actions that shall be taken in response to various trigger events affecting the document as a whole.
PdfCatalog  setCollection( PdfCollection) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets collection dictionary that a conforming reader shall use to enhance the presentation of file attachments stored in the PDF document.
PdfCatalog  setPageLayout( PdfName) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method sets a page layout of the document
PdfCatalog  setPageMode( PdfName) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method sets a page mode of the document.
PdfCatalog  setViewerPreferences( PdfViewerPreferences) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method sets the document viewer preferences, specifying the way the document shall be displayed on the screen
PdfCatalog  setOpenAction( PdfAction) Documentation changed from old to new.
A value specifying an action that shall be performed when the document is opened.
PdfCatalog  setOpenAction( PdfDestination) Documentation changed from old to new.
A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed when the document is opened.