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com.itextpdf.signatures Documentation Differences

This file contains all the changes in documentation in the package com.itextpdf.signatures as colored differences. Deletions are shown like this , and additions are shown like this.
If no deletions or additions are shown in an entry, the HTML tags will be what has changed. The new HTML tags are shown in the differences. If no documentation existed, and then some was added in a later version, this change is noted in the appropriate class pages of differences, but the change is not shown on this page. Only changes in existing text are shown here. Similarly, documentation which was inherited from another class or interface is not shown here.
Note that an HTML error in the new documentation may cause the display of other documentation changes to be presented incorrectly. For instance, failure to close a tag will cause all subsequent paragraphs to be displayed differently.

Class CRLVerifier, List verify(X509Certificate, X509Certificate, Date)

Verifies if a a valid CRL is found for the certificate. If this method returns false, it doesn't mean the certificate isn't valid. It means we couldn't verify it against any CRL that was available. @param signCert the certificate that needs to be checked @param issuerCert its issuer @return a list of VerificationOK objects. The list will be empty if the certificate couldn't be verified. @see com.itextpdf.signatures.RootStoreVerifier#verify(,, java.util.Date)

Class CertificateVerification, String verifyCertificate(X509Certificate, Collection, Calendar)

Verifies a single certificate. @param cert the certificate to verify @param crls the certificate revocation list or null @param calendar the date, shall not be null @return a String with the error description or null if no error

Class LtvVerifier, List verify(X509Certificate, X509Certificate, Date)

Verifies certificates against a list of CRLs and OCSP responses. @param signCert the signing certificate @param issuerCert the issuer's certificate @return a list of VerificationOK objects. The list will be empty if the certificate couldn't be verified. @throws GeneralSecurityException if some problems with signature or security occurred @see com.itextpdf.signatures.RootStoreVerifier#verify(,, java.util.Date)

Class OCSPVerifier, boolean verify(BasicOCSPResp, X509Certificate, X509Certificate, Date)

Verifies a certificate against a single OCSP response @param ocspResp the OCSP response @param signCert the certificate that needs to be checked @param issuerCert the certificate of CA (certificate that issued signCert). This certificate is considered trusted trusted and valid by this method. @param signDate sign date @return {@code true}, in case successful check, otherwise false. @throws GeneralSecurityException if OCSP response verification cannot be done or failed
Class OCSPVerifier, List verify(X509Certificate, X509Certificate, Date)

Verifies if a valid OCSP response is found for the certificate. If this method returns false, it doesn't mean the certificate isn't valid. It means we couldn't verify it against any OCSP response that was available. @param signCert the certificate that needs to be checked @param issuerCert its issuer @return a list of VerificationOK objects. The list will be empty if the certificate couldn't be verified. @see com.itextpdf.signatures.RootStoreVerifier#verify(,, java.util.Date)

Class PdfSignature, PdfArray getByteRange()

Gets the /ByteRange. @return an array of pairs of integers that specifies the byte range used in the digest calculation. A pair consists of the starting byte offset and the length.
Class PdfSignature, PdfName getSubFilter()

A name that describes the encoding of the signature value and key information in the signature dictionary. @return a PdfName which usually has a value either PdfName.Adbe_pkcs7_detached or PdfName.ETSI_CAdES_DETACHED.
Class PdfSignature, PdfName getType()

The type of PDF object that the wrapped dictionary describes; if present, shall be PdfName.Sig for a signature dictionary or PdfName.DocTimeStamp for a timestamp signature dictionary. Shall be not null if it's value is PdfName.DocTimeStamp. The default value is: PdfName.Sig. @return a PdfName that identifies type of the wrapped dictionary, returns null if it is not explicitly specified.
Class PdfSignature, void setByteRange(int[])

Sets the /ByteRange. @param range an array of pairs of integers that specifies the byte range used in the digest calculation. A pair consists of the starting byte offset and the length

Class RootStoreVerifier, constructor RootStoreVerifier(CertificateVerifier)

Creates a RootStoreVerifier in a chain of verifiers. @param verifier verifier the next verifier in the chain
Class RootStoreVerifier, void setRootStore(KeyStore)

Sets the Key Store against which a certificate can be checked. @param keyStore keyStore a root store
Class RootStoreVerifier, List verify(X509Certificate, X509Certificate, Date)

Verifies a single certificate against a key store (if present). @param signCert signCert the certificate to verify @param issuerCert issuerCert the issuer certificate @param signDate signDate the date the certificate needs to be valid @return a list of VerificationOK objects. The list will be empty if the certificate couldn't be verified.