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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfXrefTable

Added Constructors
PdfXrefTable( MemoryLimitsAwareHandler) Creates a PdfXrefTable which will be used to store xref structure of the pdf document.
PdfXrefTable( int, MemoryLimitsAwareHandler ) Creates a PdfXrefTable which will be used to store xref structure of the pdf document.

Changed Constructors
PdfXrefTable( int) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a PdfXrefTable which will be used to store xref structure of the pdf document.
PdfXrefTable( void) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a PdfXrefTable which will be used to store xref structure of the pdf document.

Added Methods
int  getCapacity() Gets the capacity of xref stream.
void  setMemoryLimitsAwareHandler( MemoryLimitsAwareHandler) Sets custom MemoryLimitsAwareHandler.