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Class com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.TagStructureContext

Changed Constructors
TagStructureContext( PdfDocument) Documentation changed from old to new.
Do not use this constructor, instead use PdfDocument.getTagStructureContext() method.
TagStructureContext( PdfDocument, PdfVersion ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Do not use this constructor, instead use PdfDocument.getTagStructureContext() method.

Changed Methods
boolean  checkIfRoleShallBeMappedToStandardRole( String, PdfNamespace ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Checks if the given role and namespace are specified to be obligatory mapped to the standard structure namespace in order to be a valid role in the Tagged PDF.
TagTreePointer  createPointerForStructElem( PdfStructElem) Documentation changed from old to new.
Creates a new TagTreePointer which points at given PdfStructElem.
PdfNamespace  fetchNamespace( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
This method defines a recommended way to obtain PdfNamespace class instances.
TagStructureContext  flushPageTags( PdfPage) Documentation changed from old to new.
Flushes the tags which are considered to belong to the given page.
TagTreePointer  getAutoTaggingPointer() Documentation changed from old to new.
All tagging logic performed by iText automatically (along with addition of content, annotations etc) uses TagTreePointer returned by this method to manipulate the tag structure.
PdfNamespace  getDocumentDefaultNamespace() Documentation changed from old to new.
A namespace that is used as a default value for the tagging for any new TagTreePointer created (including the pointer returned by .getAutoTaggingPointer(), which implies that automatically created tag structure will be in this namespace by default).
PdfStructElem  getPointerStructElem( TagTreePointer) Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets PdfStructElem at which TagTreePointer points.
PdfVersion  getTagStructureTargetVersion() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets the version of the PDF standard to which the tag structure shall adhere.
WaitingTagsManager  getWaitingTagsManager() Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets WaitingTagsManager for the current document.
TagTreePointer  removeAnnotationTag( PdfAnnotation) Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes annotation content item from the tag structure.
TagTreePointer  removeContentItem( PdfPage, int ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes content item from the tag structure.
TagStructureContext  removePageTags( PdfPage) Documentation changed from old to new.
Removes all tags that belong only to this page.
IRoleMappingResolver  resolveMappingToStandardOrDomainSpecificRole( String, PdfNamespace ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets an instance of the IRoleMappingResolver which is already in the "resolved" state: it returns role in the standard or domain-specific namespace for the IRoleMappingResolver.getRole() and IRoleMappingResolver.getNamespace() methods calls which correspond to the mapping of the given role; or null if the given role is not mapped to the standard or domain-specific one.
TagStructureContext  setDocumentDefaultNamespace( PdfNamespace) Documentation changed from old to new.
Sets a namespace that will be used as a default value for the tagging for any new TagTreePointer created.
TagStructureContext  setForbidUnknownRoles( boolean) Documentation changed from old to new.
If forbidUnknownRoles is set to true, then if you would try to add new tag which has not a standard role and it's role is not mapped through RoleMap, an exception will be raised.
IRoleMappingResolver  getRoleMappingResolver( String) Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets an instance of the IRoleMappingResolver corresponding to the current tag structure target version.
IRoleMappingResolver  getRoleMappingResolver( String, PdfNamespace ) Documentation changed from old to new.
Gets an instance of the IRoleMappingResolver corresponding to the current tag structure target version.