Class TrailerPath


public final class TrailerPath extends ObjectPath
Direct path item (see ObjectPath), which describes transition to the trailer entry which value is now a currently comparing direct object.
  • Constructor Details

    • TrailerPath

      public TrailerPath (PdfDocument cmpDoc, PdfDocument outDoc)
      Creates new TrailerPath instance with corresponding base objects in two documents.
      cmpDoc - base object in the cmp document
      outDoc - base object in the out document
    • TrailerPath

      public TrailerPath (TrailerPath trailerPath)
      Creates new TrailerPath instance from another TrailerPath object, passed as argument.
      trailerPath - TrailerPath to create new instance from
    • TrailerPath

      public TrailerPath (PdfDocument cmpDoc, PdfDocument outDoc, Stack<LocalPathItem> path)
      Creates new TrailerPath instance with corresponding base objects in two documents.
      cmpDoc - base object in the cmp document
      outDoc - base object in the out document
      path - local path that denotes sequence of the path items from base object to the comparing direct object
  • Method Details