Interface IX509v2CRLBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
X509v2CRLBuilderBC, X509v2CRLBuilderBCFips

public interface IX509v2CRLBuilder
This interface represents the wrapper for X509v2CRLBuilder that provides the ability to switch between bouncy-castle and bouncy-castle FIPS implementations.
  • Method Details

    • addCRLEntry

      IX509v2CRLBuilder addCRLEntry (BigInteger bigInteger, Date date, int i)
      Calls actual addCRLEntry method for the wrapped X509v2CRLBuilder object.
      bigInteger - serial number of revoked certificate
      date - date of certificate revocation
      i - the reason code, as indicated in CRLReason, i.e CRLReason.keyCompromise, or 0 if not to be used
      IX509v2CRLBuilder the current wrapper object.
    • setNextUpdate

      IX509v2CRLBuilder setNextUpdate (Date nextUpdate)
      Calls actual setNextUpdate method for the wrapped X509v2CRLBuilder object.
      nextUpdate - date of next CRL update
      IX509v2CRLBuilder the current wrapper object.
    • build

      IX509CRLHolder build (IContentSigner signer)
      Calls actual build method for the wrapped X509v2CRLBuilder object.
      signer - ContentSigner wrapper
      IX509CRLHolder the wrapper for built X509CRLHolder object.