Class PdfVisibilityExpression


public class PdfVisibilityExpression extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfArray>
An array specifying a visibility expression, used to compute visibility of content based on a set of optional content groups.
  • Constructor Details

    • PdfVisibilityExpression

      public PdfVisibilityExpression (PdfArray visibilityExpressionArray)
      Constructs a new PdfVisibilityExpression instance by its raw PdfArray.
      visibilityExpressionArray - the array representing the visibility expression
    • PdfVisibilityExpression

      public PdfVisibilityExpression (PdfName operator)
      Creates a visibility expression.
      operator - should be either PdfName#And, PdfName#Or, or PdfName#Not
  • Method Details

    • addOperand

      public void addOperand (PdfLayer layer)
      Adds a new operand to the current visibility expression.
      layer - the layer operand to be added.
    • addOperand

      public void addOperand (PdfVisibilityExpression expression)
      Adds a new opeand to the current visibility expression.
      expression - the PdfVisibilityExpression instance operand to be added
    • isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect

      protected boolean isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect()
      Description copied from class: PdfObjectWrapper
      Defines if the object behind this wrapper must be an indirect object in the resultant document.

      If this method returns true it doesn't necessarily mean that object must be in the indirect state at any moment, but rather defines that when the object will be written to the document it will be transformed into indirect object if it's not indirect yet.

      Return value of this method shouldn't depend on any logic, it should return always true or false.
      Specified by:
      isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect in class PdfObjectWrapper<PdfArray>
      true if in the resultant document the object behind the wrapper must be indirect, otherwise false.