Class PdfStampAnnotation

public class PdfStampAnnotation extends PdfMarkupAnnotation
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSubtype

      public PdfName getSubtype()
      Description copied from class: PdfAnnotation
      Gets a PdfName which value is a subtype of this annotation. See ISO-320001 12.5.6, "Annotation Types" for the reference to the possible types.
      Specified by:
      getSubtype in class PdfAnnotation
      subtype of this annotation.
    • setStampName

      public PdfStampAnnotation setStampName (PdfName name)
    • getStampName

      public PdfName getStampName()
    • getIconName

      public PdfName getIconName()
      The name of an icon that is used in displaying the annotation. Possible values are described in setIconName(PdfName).
      a PdfName that specifies the icon for displaying annotation, or null if icon name is not specified.
    • setIconName

      public PdfStampAnnotation setIconName (PdfName name)
      The name of an icon that is used in displaying the annotation.
      name - a PdfName that specifies the icon for displaying annotation. Possible values are:
      • Approved
      • Experimental
      • NotApproved
      • AsIs
      • Expired
      • NotForPublicRelease
      • Confidential
      • Final
      • Sold
      • Departmental
      • ForComment
      • TopSecret
      • Draft
      • ForPublicRelease.
      this PdfStampAnnotation instance.