Class PdfFreeTextAnnotation

public class PdfFreeTextAnnotation extends PdfMarkupAnnotation
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSubtype

      public PdfName getSubtype()
      Description copied from class: PdfAnnotation
      Gets a PdfName which value is a subtype of this annotation. See ISO-320001 12.5.6, "Annotation Types" for the reference to the possible types.
      Specified by:
      getSubtype in class PdfAnnotation
      subtype of this annotation.
    • getDefaultStyleString

      public PdfString getDefaultStyleString()
    • setDefaultStyleString

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setDefaultStyleString (PdfString defaultStyleString)
    • getDefaultAppearance

      public PdfString getDefaultAppearance()
      The default appearance string that shall be used in formatting the text. See ISO-32001, "Variable Text".
      a PdfString that specifies the default appearance, or null if default appereance is not specified.
    • setDefaultAppearance

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setDefaultAppearance (PdfString appearanceString)
      The default appearance string that shall be used in formatting the text. See ISO-32001, "Variable Text".
      appearanceString - a PdfString that specifies the default appearance.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
    • setDefaultAppearance

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setDefaultAppearance (AnnotationDefaultAppearance da)
    • getCalloutLine

      public PdfArray getCalloutLine()
    • setCalloutLine

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setCalloutLine (float[] calloutLine)
    • setCalloutLine

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setCalloutLine (PdfArray calloutLine)
    • getLineEndingStyle

      public PdfName getLineEndingStyle()
    • setLineEndingStyle

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setLineEndingStyle (PdfName lineEndingStyle)
    • getJustification

      public int getJustification()
      A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that is used in displaying the annotation's text: 0 - Left-justified, 1 - Centered, 2 - Right-justified. Default value: 0 (left-justified).
      a code specifying the form of quadding (justification), returns the default value if not explicitly specified.
    • setJustification

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setJustification (int justification)
      A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that is used in displaying the annotation's text: 0 - Left-justified, 1 - Centered, 2 - Right-justified. Default value: 0 (left-justified).
      justification - a code specifying the form of quadding (justification).
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
    • getBorderStyle

      public PdfDictionary getBorderStyle()
      The dictionaries for some annotation types (such as free text and polygon annotations) can include the BS entry. That entry specifies a border style dictionary that has more settings than the array specified for the Border entry (see PdfAnnotation.getBorder()). If an annotation dictionary includes the BS entry, then the Border entry is ignored. If annotation includes AP (see PdfAnnotation.getAppearanceDictionary()) it takes precedence over the BS entry. For more info on BS entry see ISO-320001, Table 166.
      PdfDictionary which is a border style dictionary or null if it is not specified.
    • setBorderStyle

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setBorderStyle (PdfDictionary borderStyle)
      Sets border style dictionary that has more settings than the array specified for the Border entry (PdfAnnotation.getBorder()). See ISO-320001, Table 166 and getBorderStyle() for more info.
      borderStyle - a border style dictionary specifying the line width and dash pattern that shall be used in drawing the annotation’s border.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
    • setBorderStyle

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setBorderStyle (PdfName style)
      Setter for the annotation's preset border style. Possible values are See also ISO-320001, Table 166.
      style - The new value for the annotation's border style.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
      See Also:
    • setDashPattern

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setDashPattern (PdfArray dashPattern)
      Setter for the annotation's preset dashed border style. This property has affect only if PdfAnnotation.STYLE_DASHED style was used for the annotation border style (see setBorderStyle(PdfName). See ISO-320001, "Line Dash Pattern" for the format in which dash pattern shall be specified.
      dashPattern - a dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
    • getRectangleDifferences

      public PdfArray getRectangleDifferences()
      A set of four numbers describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the inner rectangle where the annotation's text should be displayed
      null if not specified, otherwise a PdfArray with four numbers which correspond to the differences in default user space between the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of Rect and those of the inner rectangle, respectively.
    • setRectangleDifferences

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setRectangleDifferences (PdfArray rect)
      A set of four numbers describing the numerical differences between two rectangles: the Rect entry of the annotation and the inner rectangle where the annotation's text should be displayed
      rect - a PdfArray with four numbers which correspond to the differences in default user space between the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of Rect and those of the inner rectangle, respectively. Each value shall be greater than or equal to 0. The sum of the top and bottom differences shall be less than the height of Rect, and the sum of the left and right differences shall be less than the width of Rect.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.
    • getBorderEffect

      public PdfDictionary getBorderEffect()
      A border effect dictionary that specifies an effect that shall be applied to the border of the annotations.
      a PdfDictionary, which is a border effect dictionary (see ISO-320001, Table 167).
    • setBorderEffect

      public PdfFreeTextAnnotation setBorderEffect (PdfDictionary borderEffect)
      Sets a border effect dictionary that specifies an effect that shall be applied to the border of the annotations.
      borderEffect - a PdfDictionary which contents shall be specified in accordance to ISO-320001, Table 167.
      this PdfFreeTextAnnotation instance.