Class PdfCatalog

public class PdfCatalog extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>
The root of a document’s object hierarchy.
  • Field Details

    • nameTrees

      protected Map<PdfName,PdfNameTree> nameTrees
      Map of the PdfNameTree. Used for creation name tree dictionary.
    • pageLabels

      protected PdfNumTree pageLabels
      Defining the page labelling for the document.
    • ocProperties

      protected PdfOCProperties ocProperties
      The document’s optional content properties dictionary.
  • Constructor Details

    • PdfCatalog

      protected PdfCatalog (PdfDictionary pdfObject)
      Create PdfCatalog dictionary.
      pdfObject - the dictionary to be wrapped
    • PdfCatalog

      protected PdfCatalog (PdfDocument pdfDocument)
      Create PdfCatalog to PdfDocument.
      pdfDocument - A PdfDocument object representing the document to which redaction applies
  • Method Details

    • getOCProperties

      public PdfOCProperties getOCProperties (boolean createIfNotExists)
      Use this method to get the Optional Content Properties Dictionary. Note that if you call this method, then the PdfDictionary with OCProperties will be generated from PdfOCProperties object right before closing the PdfDocument, so if you want to make low-level changes in Pdf structures themselves (PdfArray, PdfDictionary, etc), then you should address directly those objects, e.g.: PdfCatalog pdfCatalog = pdfDoc.getCatalog(); PdfDictionary ocProps = pdfCatalog.getAsDictionary(PdfName.OCProperties); // manipulate with ocProps. Also note that this method is implicitly called when creating a new PdfLayer instance, so you should either use hi-level logic of operating with layers, or manipulate low-level Pdf objects by yourself.
      createIfNotExists - true to create new /OCProperties entry in catalog if not exists, false to return null if /OCProperties entry in catalog is not present.
      the Optional Content Properties Dictionary
    • getDocument

      public PdfDocument getDocument()
      Get PdfDocument with indirect reference associated with the object.
      the resultant dictionary
    • flush

      public void flush()
      PdfCatalog will be flushed in PdfDocument.close(). User mustn't flush PdfCatalog!
      flush in class PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>
    • isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect

      protected boolean isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect()
      Description copied from class: PdfObjectWrapper
      Defines if the object behind this wrapper must be an indirect object in the resultant document.

      If this method returns true it doesn't necessarily mean that object must be in the indirect state at any moment, but rather defines that when the object will be written to the document it will be transformed into indirect object if it's not indirect yet.

      Return value of this method shouldn't depend on any logic, it should return always true or false.
      Specified by:
      isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect in class PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>
      true if in the resultant document the object behind the wrapper must be indirect, otherwise false.
    • setOpenAction

      public PdfCatalog setOpenAction (PdfDestination destination)
      A value specifying a destination that shall be displayed when the document is opened. See ISO 32000-1, Table 28 – Entries in the catalog dictionary.
      destination - instance of PdfDestination.
    • setOpenAction

      public PdfCatalog setOpenAction (PdfAction action)
      A value specifying an action that shall be performed when the document is opened. See ISO 32000-1, Table 28 – Entries in the catalog dictionary.
      action - instance of PdfAction.
    • setAdditionalAction

      public PdfCatalog setAdditionalAction (PdfName key, PdfAction action)
      The actions that shall be taken in response to various trigger events affecting the document as a whole. See ISO 32000-1, Table 28 – Entries in the catalog dictionary.
      key - the key of which the associated value needs to be returned
      action - instance of PdfAction.
      additional action
    • getPageMode

      public PdfName getPageMode()
      Get page mode of the document.
      current instance of PdfCatalog
    • setPageMode

      public PdfCatalog setPageMode (PdfName pageMode)
      This method sets a page mode of the document.
      Valid values are: PdfName.UseNone, PdfName.UseOutlines, PdfName.UseThumbs, PdfName.FullScreen, PdfName.UseOC, PdfName.UseAttachments.
      pageMode - page mode.
      current instance of PdfCatalog
    • getPageLayout

      public PdfName getPageLayout()
      Get page layout of the document.
      name object of page layout that shall be used when document is opened
    • setPageLayout

      public PdfCatalog setPageLayout (PdfName pageLayout)
      This method sets a page layout of the document
      pageLayout - page layout of the document
      PdfCatalog instance with applied page layout
    • getViewerPreferences

      public PdfViewerPreferences getViewerPreferences()
      Get viewer preferences of the document.
      dictionary of viewer preferences
    • setViewerPreferences

      public PdfCatalog setViewerPreferences (PdfViewerPreferences preferences)
      This method sets the document viewer preferences, specifying the way the document shall be displayed on the screen
      preferences - document's viewer preferences
      PdfCatalog instance with applied viewer preferences
    • getNameTree

      public PdfNameTree getNameTree (PdfName treeType)
      This method gets Names tree from the catalog.
      treeType - type of the tree (Dests, AP, EmbeddedFiles etc).
      returns PdfNameTree
    • getPageLabelsTree

      public PdfNumTree getPageLabelsTree (boolean createIfNotExists)
      This method returns the NumberTree of Page Labels
      createIfNotExists - defines whether the NumberTree of Page Labels should be created if it didn't exist before
      returns PdfNumTree
    • getLang

      public PdfString getLang()
      Get natural language.
      natural language
    • setLang

      public void setLang (PdfString lang)
      An entry specifying the natural language, and optionally locale. Use this to specify the Language attribute on a Tagged Pdf element. For the content usage dictionary, use PdfName.Language
      lang - language to be set
    • addDeveloperExtension

      public void addDeveloperExtension (PdfDeveloperExtension extension)
      Add an extensions dictionary containing developer prefix identification and version numbers for developer extensions that occur in this document. See ISO 32000-1, Table 28 – Entries in the catalog dictionary.
      extension - enables developers to identify their own extension relative to a base version of PDF
    • getCollection

      public PdfCollection getCollection()
      Gets collection dictionary that a conforming reader shall use to enhance the presentation of file attachments stored in the PDF document.
      PdfCollection wrapper of collection dictionary.
    • setCollection

      public PdfCatalog setCollection (PdfCollection collection)
      Sets collection dictionary that a conforming reader shall use to enhance the presentation of file attachments stored in the PDF document.
      collection - dictionary
      PdfCatalog instance with applied collection dictionary
    • put

      public PdfCatalog put (PdfName key, PdfObject value)
      Add key and value to PdfCatalog dictionary.
      key - the dictionary key corresponding with the PDF object
      value - the value of key
      the key and value
    • remove

      public PdfCatalog remove (PdfName key)
      Remove key from catalog dictionary.
      key - the dictionary key corresponding with the PDF object
      the key
    • isOCPropertiesMayHaveChanged

      protected boolean isOCPropertiesMayHaveChanged()
      True indicates that getOCProperties() was called, may have been modified, and thus its dictionary needs to be reconstructed.
      boolean indicating if the dictionary needs to be reconstructed