Class MemoryLimitsAwareHandler


public class MemoryLimitsAwareHandler extends Object
A MemoryLimitsAwareHandler handles memory allocation and prevents decompressed pdf streams from occupation of more space than allowed.

A configured MemoryLimitsAwareHandler can be set as a property of ReaderProperties instance which is passed to PdfReader.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MemoryLimitsAwareHandler

      public MemoryLimitsAwareHandler()
      Creates a MemoryLimitsAwareHandler which will be used to handle decompression of pdf streams. The max allowed memory limits will be generated by default.
    • MemoryLimitsAwareHandler

      public MemoryLimitsAwareHandler (long documentSize)
      Creates a MemoryLimitsAwareHandler which will be used to handle decompression of pdf streams. The max allowed memory limits will be generated by default, based on the size of the document.
      documentSize - the size of the document, which is going to be handled by iText.
  • Method Details

    • getMaxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream

      public int getMaxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream()
      Gets the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by a single decompressed pdf stream.
      the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by a single decompressed pdf stream.
    • setMaxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream

      public MemoryLimitsAwareHandler setMaxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream (int maxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream)
      Sets the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by a single decompressed pdf stream. This value correlates with maximum heap size. This value should not exceed limit of the heap size.

      iText will throw an exception if during decompression a pdf stream which was identified as requiring memory limits awareness occupies more memory than allowed.

      maxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream - the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by a single decompressed pdf stream.
      this MemoryLimitsAwareHandler instance.
      See Also:
    • getMaxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum

      public long getMaxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum()
      Gets the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by all decompressed pdf streams.
      the maximum allowed size value which streams may occupy
    • setMaxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum

      public MemoryLimitsAwareHandler setMaxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum (long maxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum)
      Sets the maximum allowed size which can be occupied by all decompressed pdf streams. This value can be limited by the maximum expected PDF file size when it's completely decompressed. Setting this value correlates with the maximum processing time spent on document reading

      iText will throw an exception if during decompression pdf streams which were identified as requiring memory limits awareness occupy more memory than allowed.

      maxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum - he maximum allowed size which can be occupied by all decompressed pdf streams.
      this MemoryLimitsAwareHandler instance.
      See Also:
    • isMemoryLimitsAwarenessRequiredOnDecompression

      public boolean isMemoryLimitsAwarenessRequiredOnDecompression (PdfArray filters)
      Performs a check if the PdfStream with provided setup of the filters requires memory limits awareness during decompression.
      filters - is an PdfArray of names of filters
      true if PDF stream is suspicious and false otherwise
    • getMaxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure

      public int getMaxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure()
      Gets maximum number of elements in xref structure.
      maximum number of elements in xref structure.
    • setMaxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure

      public void setMaxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure (int maxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure)
      Sets maximum number of elements in xref structure.
      maxNumberOfElementsInXrefStructure - maximum number of elements in xref structure.
    • checkIfXrefStructureExceedsTheLimit

      public void checkIfXrefStructureExceedsTheLimit (int requestedCapacity)
      Performs a check of possible extension of xref structure.
      requestedCapacity - capacity to which we need to expand xref array.