Class TextAreaRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPropertyContainer, IRenderer

public class TextAreaRenderer extends AbstractTextFieldRenderer
The AbstractTextFieldRenderer implementation for text area fields.
  • Constructor Details

    • TextAreaRenderer

      public TextAreaRenderer (TextArea modelElement)
      Creates a new TextAreaRenderer instance.
      modelElement - the model element
  • Method Details

    • getCols

      public int getCols()
      Gets the number of columns.
      the cols value of the text area field
    • getRows

      public int getRows()
      Gets the number of rows.
      the rows value of the text area field
    • getLastYLineRecursively

      protected Float getLastYLineRecursively()
      getLastYLineRecursively in class AbstractRenderer
    • getNextRenderer

      public IRenderer getNextRenderer()
      Gets a new instance of this class to be used as a next renderer, after this renderer is used, if IRenderer.layout(LayoutContext) is called more than once.
      new renderer instance
    • layout

      public LayoutResult layout (LayoutContext layoutContext)
      This method simulates positioning of the renderer, including all of its children, and returns the LayoutResult, representing the layout result, including occupied area, status, i.e. if there was enough place to fit the renderer subtree, etc. LayoutResult can be extended to return custom layout results for custom elements, e.g. TextRenderer uses TextLayoutResult as its result. This method can be called standalone to learn how much area the renderer subtree needs, or can be called before IRenderer.draw(DrawContext), to prepare the renderer to be flushed to the output stream.
      Specified by:
      layout in interface IRenderer
      layout in class AbstractFormFieldRenderer
      layoutContext - the description of layout area and any other additional information
      result of the layout process
    • getProperty

      public  T1 getProperty (int key)
      Gets the property from this entity. Compared to IPropertyContainer.getOwnProperty(int), this method can check parent's properties, styles, etc, depending on the origin of the instance
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface IPropertyContainer
      getProperty in class AbstractRenderer
      Type Parameters:
      T1 - the return type associated with the property
      key - the property to be retrieved
      the value of the given property. null will be returned if the property value was not found
    • adjustFieldLayout

      protected void adjustFieldLayout (LayoutContext layoutContext)
      Adjusts the field layout.
      Specified by:
      adjustFieldLayout in class AbstractFormFieldRenderer
      layoutContext - layout context
    • createFlatRenderer

      protected IRenderer createFlatRenderer()
      Creates the flat renderer instance.
      Specified by:
      createFlatRenderer in class AbstractFormFieldRenderer
      the renderer instance
    • applyAcroField

      protected void applyAcroField (DrawContext drawContext)
      Applies the AcroField widget.
      Specified by:
      applyAcroField in class AbstractFormFieldRenderer
      drawContext - the draw context
    • setMinMaxWidthBasedOnFixedWidth

      protected boolean setMinMaxWidthBasedOnFixedWidth (MinMaxWidth minMaxWidth)
      setMinMaxWidthBasedOnFixedWidth in class AbstractRenderer