Class SignaturePolicyInfo


public class SignaturePolicyInfo extends Object
Class that encapsulates the signature policy information Sample: SignaturePolicyInfo spi = new SignaturePolicyInfo("2.16.724.", "G7roucf600+f03r/o0bAOQ6WAs0=", "SHA-1", "");
  • Constructor Details

    • SignaturePolicyInfo

      public SignaturePolicyInfo (String policyIdentifier, byte[] policyHash, String policyDigestAlgorithm, String policyUri)
      Constructs a new SignaturePolicyInfo instance
      policyIdentifier - the id of the signature policy
      policyHash - the hash of the signature policy
      policyDigestAlgorithm - the digestion algorithm of the signature policy
      policyUri - the uri of the full policy description
    • SignaturePolicyInfo

      public SignaturePolicyInfo (String policyIdentifier, String policyHashBase64, String policyDigestAlgorithm, String policyUri)
      Constructs a new SignaturePolicyInfo instance
      policyIdentifier - the id of the signature policy
      policyHashBase64 - the Base64 presentation of the hash of the signature policy
      policyDigestAlgorithm - the digestion algorithm of the signature policy
      policyUri - the uri of the full policy description
  • Method Details

    • getPolicyIdentifier

      public String getPolicyIdentifier()
    • getPolicyHash

      public byte[] getPolicyHash()
    • getPolicyDigestAlgorithm

      public String getPolicyDigestAlgorithm()
    • getPolicyUri

      public String getPolicyUri()