Class Barcode1D

Direct Known Subclasses:
Barcode128, Barcode39, BarcodeCodabar, BarcodeEAN, BarcodeEANSUPP, BarcodeInter25, BarcodeMSI, BarcodePostnet

public abstract class Barcode1D extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final int ALIGN_LEFT
      See Also:

      public static final int ALIGN_RIGHT
      See Also:

      public static final int ALIGN_CENTER
      See Also:

      protected final Color DEFAULT_BAR_FOREGROUND_COLOR
      The default color to draw if a bar is present.

      protected final Color DEFAULT_BAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR
      The default color to draw if a bar is not present.
    • document

      protected PdfDocument document
    • x

      protected float x
      The minimum bar width.
    • n

      protected float n
      The bar multiplier for wide bars or the distance between bars for Postnet and Planet.
    • font

      protected PdfFont font
      The text font. null if no text.
    • size

      protected float size
      The size of the text or the height of the shorter bar in Postnet.
    • baseline

      protected float baseline
      If positive, the text distance under the bars. If zero or negative, the text distance above the bars.
    • barHeight

      protected float barHeight
      The height of the bars.
    • textAlignment

      protected int textAlignment
      The text alignment.
    • generateChecksum

      protected boolean generateChecksum
      The optional checksum generation.
    • checksumText

      protected boolean checksumText
      Shows the generated checksum in the the text.
    • startStopText

      protected boolean startStopText
      Show the start and stop character '*' in the text for the barcode 39 or 'ABCD' for codabar.
    • extended

      protected boolean extended
      Generates extended barcode 39.
    • code

      protected String code
      The code to generate.
    • guardBars

      protected boolean guardBars
      Show the guard bars for barcode EAN.
    • codeType

      protected int codeType
      The code type.
    • inkSpreading

      protected float inkSpreading
      The ink spreading.
    • altText

      protected String altText
      The alternate text to be used, if present.
  • Constructor Details

    • Barcode1D

      protected Barcode1D (PdfDocument document)
  • Method Details

    • getX

      public float getX()
      Gets the minimum bar width.
      the minimum bar width
    • setX

      public void setX (float x)
      Sets the minimum bar width.
      x - the minimum bar width
    • getN

      public float getN()
      Gets the bar multiplier for wide bars.
      the bar multiplier for wide bars
    • setN

      public void setN (float n)
      Sets the bar multiplier for wide bars.
      n - the bar multiplier for wide bars
    • getFont

      public PdfFont getFont()
      Gets the text font. null if no text.
      the text font. null if no text
    • setFont

      public void setFont (PdfFont font)
      Sets the text font.
      font - the text font. Set to null to suppress any text
    • getSize

      public float getSize()
    • setSize

      public void setSize (float size)
      Sets the size of the text.
      size - the size of the text
    • getBaseline

      public float getBaseline()
      Gets the text baseline. If positive, the text distance under the bars. If zero or negative, the text distance above the bars.
      the baseline.
    • setBaseline

      public void setBaseline (float baseline)
      Sets the text baseline. If positive, the text distance under the bars. If zero or negative, the text distance above the bars.
      baseline - the baseline.
    • getBarHeight

      public float getBarHeight()
      Gets the height of the bars.
      the height of the bars
    • setBarHeight

      public void setBarHeight (float barHeight)
      Sets the height of the bars.
      barHeight - the height of the bars
    • getTextAlignment

      public int getTextAlignment()
      Gets the text alignment.
      the text alignment
    • setTextAlignment

      public void setTextAlignment (int textAlignment)
      Sets the text alignment.
      textAlignment - the text alignment
    • isGenerateChecksum

      public boolean isGenerateChecksum()
      Gets the optional checksum generation.
      the optional checksum generation
    • setGenerateChecksum

      public void setGenerateChecksum (boolean generateChecksum)
      Setter for property generateChecksum.
      generateChecksum - New value of property generateChecksum.
    • isChecksumText

      public boolean isChecksumText()
      Gets the property to show the generated checksum in the the text.
      value of property checksumText
    • setChecksumText

      public void setChecksumText (boolean checksumText)
      Sets the property to show the generated checksum in the the text.
      checksumText - new value of property checksumText
    • isStartStopText

      public boolean isStartStopText()
      Sets the property to show the start and stop character '*' in the text for the barcode 39.
      value of property startStopText
    • setStartStopText

      public void setStartStopText (boolean startStopText)
      Gets the property to show the start and stop character '*' in the text for the barcode 39.
      startStopText - new value of property startStopText
    • isExtended

      public boolean isExtended()
      Gets the property to generate extended barcode 39.
      value of property extended.
    • setExtended

      public void setExtended (boolean extended)
      Sets the property to generate extended barcode 39.
      extended - new value of property extended
    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      Gets the code to generate.
      the code to generate
    • setCode

      public void setCode (String code)
      Sets the code to generate.
      code - the code to generate
    • isGuardBars

      public boolean isGuardBars()
      Gets the property to show the guard bars for barcode EAN.
      value of property guardBars
    • setGuardBars

      public void setGuardBars (boolean guardBars)
      Sets the property to show the guard bars for barcode EAN.
      guardBars - new value of property guardBars
    • getCodeType

      public int getCodeType()
      Gets the code type.
      the code type
    • setCodeType

      public void setCodeType (int codeType)
      Sets the code type.
      codeType - the code type
    • getBarcodeSize

      public abstract Rectangle getBarcodeSize()
      Gets the maximum area that the barcode and the text, if any, will occupy. The lower left corner is always (0, 0).
      the size the barcode occupies.
    • placeBarcode

      public abstract Rectangle placeBarcode (PdfCanvas canvas, Color barColor, Color textColor)
      Places the barcode in a PdfCanvas. The barcode is always placed at coordinates (0, 0). Use the translation matrix to move it elsewhere.

      The bars and text are written in the following colors:

      barColor textColor Result
      null null bars and text painted with current fill color
      barColor null bars and text painted with barColor
      null textColor bars painted with current color
      text painted with textColor
      barColor textColor bars painted with barColor
      text painted with textColor
      canvas - the PdfCanvas where the barcode will be placed
      barColor - the color of the bars. It can be null
      textColor - the color of the text. It can be null
      the dimensions the barcode occupies
    • getInkSpreading

      public float getInkSpreading()
      Gets the amount of ink spreading.
      the ink spreading
    • setInkSpreading

      public void setInkSpreading (float inkSpreading)
      Sets the amount of ink spreading. This value will be subtracted to the width of each bar. The actual value will depend on the ink and the printing medium.
      inkSpreading - the ink spreading
    • getAltText

      public String getAltText()
      Gets the alternate text.
      the alternate text
    • setAltText

      public void setAltText (String altText)
      Sets the alternate text. If present, this text will be used instead of the text derived from the supplied code.
      altText - the alternate text
    • createAwtImage

      public abstract Image createAwtImage (Color foreground, Color background)
      Creates a java.awt.Image. This image only contains the bars without any text.
      foreground - the color of the bars. If null defaults to DEFAULT_BAR_FOREGROUND_COLOR
      background - the color of the background. If null defaults to DEFAULT_BAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR
      the image
    • createFormXObject

      public PdfFormXObject createFormXObject (PdfDocument document)
      Creates a PdfFormXObject with the barcode. Default bar color and text color will be used.
      document - The document
      The XObject
      See Also:
    • createFormXObject

      public PdfFormXObject createFormXObject (Color barColor, Color textColor, PdfDocument document)
      Creates a PdfFormXObject with the barcode.
      barColor - The color of the bars. It can be null
      textColor - The color of the text. It can be null
      document - The document
      the XObject
      See Also:
    • fitWidth

      public void fitWidth (float width)
      Make the barcode occupy the specified width. Usually this is achieved by adjusting bar widths.
      width - The width
    • getDescender

      protected float getDescender()