Class Barcode128


public class Barcode128 extends Barcode1D
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Barcode128

      public Barcode128 (PdfDocument document)
      Creates new Barcode128. To generate the font the PdfDocument.getDefaultFont() will be implicitly called. If you want to use this barcode in PDF/A documents, please consider using Barcode128(PdfDocument, PdfFont).
      document - The document to which the barcode will be added
    • Barcode128

      public Barcode128 (PdfDocument document, PdfFont font)
      Creates new Barcode128, which will use the provided font
      document - The document to which the barcode will be added
      font - The font to use
  • Method Details

    • setCodeSet

      public void setCodeSet (Barcode128.Barcode128CodeSet codeSet)
    • getCodeSet

      public Barcode128.Barcode128CodeSet getCodeSet()
    • removeFNC1

      public static String removeFNC1 (String code)
      Removes the FNC1 codes in the text.
      code - The text to clean
      The cleaned text
    • getHumanReadableUCCEAN

      public static String getHumanReadableUCCEAN (String code)
      Gets the human readable text of a sequence of AI.
      code - the text
      the human readable text
    • getRawText

      public static String getRawText (String text, boolean ucc, Barcode128.Barcode128CodeSet codeSet)
      Converts the human readable text to the characters needed to create a barcode using the specified code set.
      text - the text to convert
      ucc - true if it is an UCC/EAN-128. In this case the character FNC1 is added
      codeSet - forced code set, or AUTO for optimized barcode.
      the code ready to be fed to getBarsCode128Raw()
    • getRawText

      public static String getRawText (String text, boolean ucc)
      Converts the human readable text to the characters needed to create a barcode. Some optimization is done to get the shortest code.
      text - the text to convert
      ucc - true if it is an UCC/EAN-128. In this case the character FNC1 is added
      the code ready to be fed to getBarsCode128Raw()
    • getBarsCode128Raw

      public static byte[] getBarsCode128Raw (String text)
      Generates the bars. The input has the actual barcodes, not the human readable text.
      text - the barcode
      the bars
    • getBarcodeSize

      public Rectangle getBarcodeSize()
      Gets the maximum area that the barcode and the text, if any, will occupy. The lower left corner is always (0, 0).
      Specified by:
      getBarcodeSize in class Barcode1D
      the size the barcode occupies.
    • placeBarcode

      public Rectangle placeBarcode (PdfCanvas canvas, Color barColor, Color textColor)
      Places the barcode in a PdfCanvas. The barcode is always placed at coordinates (0, 0). Use the translation matrix to move it elsewhere.

      The bars and text are written in the following colors:

      barColor textColor Result
      null null bars and text painted with current fill color
      barColor null bars and text painted with barColor
      null textColor bars painted with current color
      text painted with textColor
      barColor textColor bars painted with barColor
      text painted with textColor
      Specified by:
      placeBarcode in class Barcode1D
      canvas - the PdfCanvas where the barcode will be placed
      barColor - the color of the bars. It can be null
      textColor - the color of the text. It can be null
      the dimensions the barcode occupies
    • setCode

      public void setCode (String code)
      Sets the code to generate. If it's an UCC code and starts with '(' it will be split by the AI. This code in UCC mode is valid:
      setCode in class Barcode1D
      code - the code to generate
    • createAwtImage

      public Image createAwtImage (Color foreground, Color background)
      Creates a java.awt.Image. This image only contains the bars without any text.
      Specified by:
      createAwtImage in class Barcode1D
      foreground - the color of the bars
      background - the color of the background
      the image