Class DestObject


public class DestObject extends Object
Represents Dest element, a child of the link, GoTo, and GoToR elements. Corresponds to the Dest key in the link annotations dictionary. For more details see paragraph 6.5.10 in XFDF document specification. Content model: ( Named | XYZ | Fit | FitH | FitV | FitR | FitB | FitBH | FitBV )
  • Constructor Details

    • DestObject

      public DestObject()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the Name attribute of Named element, a child of Dest element. Allows a destination to be referred to indirectly by means of a name object or a byte string. For more details see paragraph 6.5.25 in XFDF document specification.
      string value of the Name attribute.
    • setName

      public DestObject setName (String name)
      Sets the Name attribute of Named element, a child of Dest element. Allows a destination to be referred to indirectly by means of a name object or a byte string.
      name - string value of the Name attribute.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getXyz

      public FitObject getXyz()
      Gets the XYZ element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the XYZ key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left, Bottom, Right, Top. For more details see paragraph 6.5.32 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents XYZ of Dest element.
    • setXyz

      public DestObject setXyz (FitObject xyz)
      Sets the XYZ element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the XYZ key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left, Bottom, Right, Top.
      xyz - a FitObject that represents XYZ of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFit

      public FitObject getFit()
      Gets the Fit element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the Fit key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page. For more details see paragraph 6.5.13 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents Fit of Dest element.
    • setFit

      public DestObject setFit (FitObject fit)
      Sets the Fit element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the Fit key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page.
      fit - a FitObject that represents Fit of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitH

      public FitObject getFitH()
      Gets the FitH element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitH key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Top. For more details see paragraph 6.5.17 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitH of Dest element.
    • setFitH

      public DestObject setFitH (FitObject fitH)
      Sets the FitH element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitH key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Top.
      fitH - a FitObject that represents FitH of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitV

      public FitObject getFitV()
      Gets the FitV element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitV key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left. For more details see paragraph 6.5.19 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitV of Dest element.
    • setFitV

      public DestObject setFitV (FitObject fitV)
      Sets the FitV element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitV key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left.
      fitV - a FitObject that represents FitV of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitR

      public FitObject getFitR()
      Gets the FitR element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitR key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left, Bottom, Right, Top. For more details see paragraph 6.5.18 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitR of Dest element.
    • setFitR

      public DestObject setFitR (FitObject fitR)
      Sets the FitR element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitR key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left, Bottom, Right, Top.
      fitR - a FitObject that represents FitR of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitB

      public FitObject getFitB()
      Sets the FitB element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitB key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page. For more details see paragraph 6.5.14 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitB of Dest element.
    • setFitB

      public DestObject setFitB (FitObject fitB)
      Gets the FitB element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitB key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page. For more details see paragraph 6.5.14 in XFDF document specification.
      fitB - a FitObject that represents FitB of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitBH

      public FitObject getFitBH()
      Sets the FitBH element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitBH key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Top. For more details see paragraph 6.5.15 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitBH of Dest element.
    • setFitBH

      public DestObject setFitBH (FitObject fitBH)
      Gets the FitBH element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitBH key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Top.
      fitBH - a FitObject that represents FitBH of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.
    • getFitBV

      public FitObject getFitBV()
      Sets the FitBV element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitBV key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left. For more details see paragraph 6.5.16 in XFDF document specification.
      a FitObject that represents FitBV of Dest element.
    • setFitBV

      public DestObject setFitBV (FitObject fitBV)
      Sets the FitBV element, a child of the Dest element. Corresponds to the FitBV key in the destination syntax. Required attributes: Page, Left.
      fitBV - a FitObject that represents FitBV of Dest element.
      this DestObject instance.