boolean generateAppearance
Map<K,V> fields
form field
PdfDocument document
PdfDictionary defaultResources
Set<E> fieldsForFlattening
XfaForm xfaForm
String text
ImageData img
PdfFont font
float fontSize
Color color
int checkType
float borderWidth
Color backgroundColor
Color borderColor
int rotation
PdfFormXObject form
PdfAConformanceLevel pdfAConformanceLevel
boolean isBigEndian
int numEntries
TIFFField[] fields
Map<K,V> fieldIndex
long IFDOffset
long nextIFDOffset
int tag
int type
int count
Object data
byte[] data
int numComponents
String cmap
String uniMap
boolean isDirect
CMapCidUni cid2Uni
CMapCidByte cid2Code code2Cid
List<E> codeSpaceRanges
String baseEncoding
boolean fontSpecific
if the font must use its built in encoding. In that case the encoding
is only used to map a char to the position inside the font, not to the expected char name. unicodeToCode
int[] codeToUnicode
String[] differences unicodeDifferences
float normalizationCoef
int unitsPerEm
int numOfGlyphs
int[] glyphWidths
int typoAscender
int typoDescender
int capHeight
int xHeight
float italicAngle
int[] bbox
int ascender
int descender
int lineGap
int winAscender
int winDescender
int advanceWidthMax
int underlinePosition
int underlineThickness
int strikeoutPosition
int strikeoutSize
int subscriptSize
int subscriptOffset
int superscriptSize
int superscriptOffset
int stemV
int stemH
boolean isFixedPitch
Map<K,V> allNames
String[][] fullName
String[][] familyName
String[][] subfamily
String fontName
String style
String cidFontName
int weight
String fontStretch
int macStyle
boolean allowEmbedding
Map<K,V> codeToGlyph
Map<K,V> unicodeToGlyph
boolean isFontSpecific
FontNames fontNames
FontMetrics fontMetrics
FontIdentification fontIdentification
int avgWidth
String encodingScheme
String registry fontParser
int[][] bBoxes
boolean isVertical
GlyphSubstitutionTableReader gsubTable
GlyphPositioningTableReader gposTable
OpenTypeGdefTableReader gdefTable kerning
where the top 16 bits are the glyph number for the first character and the lower 16 bits are the glyph number for the second character. The value is the amount of kerning in normalized 1000 units as an Integer
. This value is usually negative.
byte[] fontStreamBytes map map
OpenTypeFontTableReader openReader
int lookupFlag
String tag
int[] lookups
int code
int width
int[] bbox
int unicode
char[] chars
boolean isMark
short xPlacement
short yPlacement
short xAdvance
short yAdvance
short anchorDelta
String value
int XCoordinate
int YCoordinate
int XPlacement
int YPlacement
int XAdvance
int YAdvance substMap
String tag
int featureRequired
int[] features
int lookupFlag
int[] subTableLocations
OpenTypeFontTableReader openReader
OpenTypeFontTableReader openTypeReader
List<E> records
RandomAccessFileOrArray rf
int tableLocation
List<E> lookupList
OpenTypeScript scriptsType
OpenTypeFeature featuresType
Map<K,V> indexGlyphMap
OpenTypeGdefTableReader gdef
int unitsPerEm
int tableLocation
RandomAccessFileOrArray rf
OtfClass glyphClass
OtfClass markAttachmentClass
OpenTypeFontTableReader openTypeReader
List<E> records mapClass
int markClass
GposAnchor anchor
String tag
LanguageRecord defaultLanguage
LanguageRecord[] languages
int sequenceIndex
int lookupListIndex
int[] inputGlyphIds
SubstLookupRecord[] substLookupRecords
int[] inputClassIds
SubstLookupRecord[] substLookupRecords
OtfClass classDefinition
ContextualSubstRule substitutionRule
List<E> coverages
SubstLookupRecord[] substLookupRecords
int[] inputGlyphIds
int[] backtrackGlyphIds
int[] lookAheadGlyphIds
SubstLookupRecord[] substLookupRecords
int[] backtrackClassIds
int[] inputClassIds
int[] lookAheadClassIds
SubstLookupRecord[] substLookupRecords
SubTableLookup6Format2 subTable
ContextualSubstRule substitutionRule
byte[] colorProfile
int count
byte[] buffer
IRandomAccessSource source
byte[] getBuffer
long getBufferStart
long getBufferEnd
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- occurs in cases of producing failed or interrupted I/O operations
- thrown when an application could not find the desired class
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
- occurs in cases of producing failed or interrupted I/O operations
ByteBuffer numBuffer
OutputStream outputStream
long currentPos
boolean closeStream
PdfTokenizer.TokenType type
int reference
int generation
boolean hexString
ByteBuffer outBuf
RandomAccessFileOrArray file
boolean closeStream
IRandomAccessSource byteSource
long byteSourcePosition
byte back
boolean isBack
boolean forceRead
boolean usePlainRandomAccess
should be used instead of a FileChannel
, where applicable
boolean exclusivelyLockFile
IRandomAccessSource source
long offset
long length[] table
int count
int threshold
float loadFactor
int key
int value next
String name
int major
int minor
int patch
boolean snapshot
PdfColorSpace colorSpace
float[] colorValue
PdfPattern pattern
Color underlyingColor
byte[] state
int x
int y
Certificate certificate
int permission
byte[] cms
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
byte[] mkey
byte[] nextObjectKey
for every object individually based in its object/generation.
int nextObjectKeySize
for every object individually based in its object/generation.
byte[] extra
boolean isPdf2
boolean encryptMetadata
byte[] documentId
int keyLength
ARCFOUREncryption arcfour
long permissions
boolean usedOwnerPassword
FontProgram fontProgram
Map<K,V> notdefGlyphs
boolean newFont
boolean embedded
boolean subset
List<E> subsetRanges
FontEncoding fontEncoding
boolean forceWidthsOutput
byte[] shortTag
CMapToUnicode toUnicode
boolean vertical
CMapEncoding cmapEncoding
Set<E> longTag
int cidFontType
char[] specificUnicodeDifferences
double[] fontMatrix
double dimensionsMultiplier
float wx
float llx
float lly
float urx
float ury
boolean isColor
double m00
double m10
double m01
double m11
double m02
double m12
int type
float[] vals
For reference, the indeces are as follows:
I11 I12 I13
I21 I22 I23
I31 I32 I33
double x
double y
float x
float y
float width
float height
IMetaInfo metaInfo
int encryptionAlgorithm
byte[] userPassword
byte[] ownerPassword
int standardEncryptPermissions
Certificate[] publicCertificates
int[] publicKeyEncryptPermissions
int maxSizeOfSingleDecompressedPdfStream
long maxSizeOfDecompressedPdfStreamsSum
long allMemoryUsedForDecompression
long memoryUsedForCurrentPdfStreamDecompression
boolean considerCurrentPdfStream
boolean value
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfPagesTree pageTree
Map<K,V> nameTrees
PdfNumTree pageLabels
PdfOCProperties ocProperties
PdfOutline outlines
Map<K,V> pagesWithOutlines
boolean outlineMode
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
PdfPage currentPage
PageSize defaultPageSize
PdfWriter writer
PdfReader reader
byte[] xmpMetadata
PdfCatalog catalog
PdfDictionary trailer
PdfDocumentInfo info
PdfVersion pdfVersion
PdfString originalDocumentId
PdfString modifiedDocumentId
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfXrefTable xref
FingerPrint fingerPrint
StampingProperties properties
PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot
int structParentIndex
boolean closeReader
boolean closeWriter
boolean isClosing
boolean closed
boolean flushUnusedObjects
Map<K,V> documentFonts
PdfFont defaultFont
long documentId
VersionInfo versionInfo
LinkedHashMap<K,V> linkAnnotations
Map<K,V> serializedObjectsCache
MemoryLimitsAwareHandler memoryLimitsAwareHandler
PdfDictionary infoDictionary
PdfFileSpec fileSpec
String name
int cryptoMode
Long permissions
boolean encryptMetadata
boolean embeddedFilesOnly
byte[] documentId
SecurityHandler securityHandler
int objNr
int genNr
PdfObject refersTo
int objectStreamNumber
long offsetOrIndex
object. If the object placed into object stream then it is an object index inside object stream.
PdfDocument pdfDocument
long position
String value
PdfCatalog catalog
Map<K,V> items
PdfName treeType
boolean modified
double value
boolean isDouble
boolean changed
PdfCatalog catalog
Map<K,V> items
PdfName treeType
PdfIndirectReference indirectReference
short state
PdfObject pdfObject
List<E> children
String title
PdfDictionary content
PdfDestination destination
PdfOutline parent
PdfDocument pdfDoc
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
byte[] duplicateContentBuffer
PdfDocument document
PdfEncryption crypto
PdfResources resources
int mcid
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfPages parentPages
boolean ignorePageRotationForContent
boolean pageRotationInverseMatrixWritten
byte[] content
boolean directOnly
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private PdfObject readObject(PdfIndirectReference reference, boolean fixXref)
protected PdfObject readObject(boolean readAsDirect, boolean objStm) throws IOException
protected PdfObject readObject(boolean readAsDirect) throws IOException
protected PdfObject readObject(PdfIndirectReference reference)
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
boolean unethicalReading
boolean memorySavingMode
PdfIndirectReference currentIndirectReference
String sourcePath
PdfTokenizer tokens
PdfEncryption decrypt
PdfVersion headerPdfVersion
long lastXref
long eofPos
PdfDictionary trailer
PdfDocument pdfDocument
PdfAConformanceLevel pdfAConformanceLevel
ReaderProperties properties
boolean encrypted
boolean rebuiltXref
boolean hybridXref
boolean fixedXref
boolean xrefStm
Map<K,V> resourceToName
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator fontNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator imageNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator formNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator egsNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator propNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator csNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator patternNamesGen
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfResources.ResourceNameGenerator shadingNamesGen
boolean readOnly
boolean isModified
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
int compressionLevel
PdfOutputStream outputStream
InputStream inputStream
long offset
int length
String value
String encoding
boolean hexWriting
int decryptInfoNum
int decryptInfoGen
PdfEncryption decryption
float lastNumber
StringBuilder lastString
int major
int minor
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
PdfOutputStream duplicateStream
WriterProperties properties
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObjectStream objectStream
Map<K,V> copiedObjects
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.SmartModePdfObjectsSerializer smartModeSerializer
boolean isUserWarnedAboutAcroFormCopying
byte[] password
Key certificateKey
Certificate certificate
String certificateKeyProvider
IExternalDecryptionProcess externalDecryptionProcess
MemoryLimitsAwareHandler memoryLimitsAwareHandler
boolean appendMode
boolean preserveEncryption
int compressionLevel
Boolean isFullCompression
boolean smartMode
boolean debugMode
boolean addXmpMetadata
boolean addUAXmpMetadata
PdfVersion pdfVersion
EncryptionProperties encryptionProperties
PdfString initialDocumentId
PdfString modifiedDocumentId
PdfPage page
PdfAnnotation inReplyTo
PdfPopupAnnotation popup
PdfAnnotation parent
Matrix ctm
We use an identity matrix as a default value, but in spec a default value is: "a matrix that transforms default user coordinates to device coordinates".
Color strokeColor
Color fillColor
float charSpacing
float wordSpacing
float scale
float leading
PdfFont font
float fontSize
int textRenderingMode
float textRise
boolean textKnockout
float lineWidth
int lineCapStyle
int lineJoinStyle
float miterLimit
PdfArray dashPattern
The line dash pattern is expressed as an array of the form [ dashArray dashPhase ], where dashArray is itself an array and dashPhase is an integer.
An empty dash array (first element in the array) and zero phase (second element in the array) can be used to restore the dash pattern to a solid line.
PdfName renderingIntent
boolean automaticStrokeAdjustment
PdfObject blendMode
PdfObject softMask
float strokeAlpha
float fillAlpha
boolean alphaIsShape
boolean strokeOverprint
boolean fillOverprint
int overprintMode
PdfObject blackGenerationFunction
PdfObject blackGenerationFunction2
PdfObject underColorRemovalFunction
PdfObject underColorRemovalFunction2
PdfObject transferFunction
PdfObject transferFunction2
PdfObject halftone
float flatnessTolerance
Float smoothnessTolerance
PdfObject htp
Stack<E> gsStack
CanvasGraphicsState currentGs
PdfStream contentStream
PdfResources resources
PdfDocument document
int mcDepth
List<E> layerDepth
PdfPattern.Tiling tilingPattern
Path clippingPath
int subType
PdfCollectionSchema schema
PdfResources resources
int numOfComponents
PdfStructElem parent
PdfDocument document
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.ParentTreeHandler parentTreeHandler
PdfResources resources
float width
float height
boolean mask
boolean softMask
int errorCode
int blockSize
byte[] array
int n
int blockSize
char[] array
int n
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
ByteVector vspace
Map<K,V> stoplist
TernaryTree classmap
char[] lo
char[] hi
char[] eq
char[] sc
CharVector kv
char root
char freenode
int length
boolean ignoreOwnMarginTop
boolean ignoreOwnMarginBottom
com.itextpdf.layout.margincollapse.MarginsCollapse collapseBefore
com.itextpdf.layout.margincollapse.MarginsCollapse collapseAfter
com.itextpdf.layout.margincollapse.MarginsCollapse ownCollapseAfter
boolean isSelfCollapsing
float bufferSpaceOnTop
float bufferSpaceOnBottom
float usedBufferSpaceOnTop
float usedBufferSpaceOnBottom
boolean clearanceApplied
float childrenMinWidth
float childrenMaxWidth
float additionalWidth
double minWidthOrigin
double maxWidthOrigin
double minWidthHeight
double maxWidthHeight
PdfAChecker checker
boolean alreadyLoggedThatObjectFlushingWasNotPerformed
boolean alreadyLoggedThatPageFlushingWasNotPerformed
PdfAConformanceLevel conformanceLevel
String pdfAOutputIntentColorSpace
int gsStackDepth
boolean rgbIsUsed
boolean cmykIsUsed
boolean grayIsUsed
Set<E> checkedObjects
Map<K,V> checkedObjectsColorspace
boolean fullCheckMode
float textBaseLineYCoordinate
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