Package | Description |
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf | |
com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp | |
com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.impl |
Package containing the xmpcore implementation.
com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.impl.xpath |
Package containing the XMPPath handling.
com.itextpdf.kernel.xmp.options |
Package containing the option classes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfStream |
Gets the XMP Metadata object.
void |
PdfPage.setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta)
Serializes XMP Metadata to byte array and sets it.
void |
PdfDocument.setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta) |
void |
PdfPage.setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta, SerializeOptions serializeOptions)
Serializes XMP Metadata to byte array and sets it.
void |
PdfDocument.setXmpMetadata(XMPMeta xmpMeta, SerializeOptions serializeOptions) |
protected XMPMeta |
Update XMP metadata values from PdfDocumentInfo .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
XMPMeta.appendArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, String itemValue, PropertyOptions itemOptions)
Simplifies the construction of an array by not requiring that you pre-create an empty array.
void |
XMPMeta.appendArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, String itemValue) |
static void |
XMPUtils.appendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta dest, boolean doAllProperties, boolean replaceOldValues)
Alias without the new option deleteEmptyValues .
static void |
XMPUtils.appendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta dest, boolean doAllProperties, boolean replaceOldValues, boolean deleteEmptyValues)
Append properties from one XMP object to another.
static String |
XMPUtils.catenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String arrayName, String separator, String quotes, boolean allowCommas)
Create a single edit string from an array of strings.
static String |
XMPPathFactory.composeArrayItemPath(String arrayName, int itemIndex)
Compose the path expression for an item in an array.
static String |
XMPPathFactory.composeFieldSelector(String arrayName, String fieldNS, String fieldName, String fieldValue)
Compose the path expression to select an alternate item by a field's value.
static String |
XMPPathFactory.composeQualifierPath(String qualNS, String qualName)
Compose the path expression for a qualifier.
static String |
XMPPathFactory.composeStructFieldPath(String fieldNS, String fieldName)
Compose the path expression for a field in a struct.
static boolean |
XMPUtils.convertToBoolean(String value)
Convert from string to Boolean.
static XMPDateTime |
XMPUtils.convertToDate(String rawValue)
Converts a string value to an XMPDateTime .
static double |
XMPUtils.convertToDouble(String rawValue)
Converts a string value to a double .
static int |
XMPUtils.convertToInteger(String rawValue)
Converts a string value to an int .
static long |
XMPUtils.convertToLong(String rawValue)
Converts a string value to a long .
int |
XMPMeta.countArrayItems(String schemaNS, String arrayName)
Returns the number of items in the array.
static XMPDateTime |
XMPDateTimeFactory.createFromISO8601(String strValue)
Creates an XMPDateTime from an ISO 8601 string.
static byte[] |
XMPUtils.decodeBase64(String base64String)
Decode from Base64 encoded string to raw data.
XMPProperty |
XMPMeta.getArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex)
Provides access to items within an array.
XMPProperty |
XMPMeta.getLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang)
These functions provide convenient support for localized text properties, including a number of special and obscure aspects.
XMPProperty |
XMPMeta.getProperty(String schemaNS, String propName)
The property value getter-methods all take a property specification: the first two parameters are always the top level namespace URI (the "schema" namespace) and the basic name of the property being referenced.
byte[] |
XMPMeta.getPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
Boolean |
XMPMeta.getPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName)
These are very similar to getProperty() and SetProperty() above, but the value is returned or provided in a literal form instead of as a UTF-8 string.
Calendar |
XMPMeta.getPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
XMPDateTime |
XMPMeta.getPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
Double |
XMPMeta.getPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
Integer |
XMPMeta.getPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
Long |
XMPMeta.getPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
String |
XMPMeta.getPropertyString(String schemaNS, String propName)
Convenience method to retrieve the literal value of a property.
XMPProperty |
XMPMeta.getQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName)
Provides access to a qualifier attached to a property.
XMPProperty |
XMPMeta.getStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName)
Provides access to fields within a nested structure.
void |
XMPMeta.insertArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.insertArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options)
Inserts an item into an array previous to the given index.
XMPIterator |
Constructs an iterator for the properties within this XMP object.
XMPIterator |
XMPMeta.iterator(IteratorOptions options)
Constructs an iterator for the properties within this XMP object using some options.
XMPIterator |
XMPMeta.iterator(String schemaNS, String propName, IteratorOptions options)
Construct an iterator for the properties within an XMP object.
void |
XMPMeta.normalize(ParseOptions options)
Perform the normalization as a separate parsing step.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parse(InputStream in)
Parsing with default options.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parse(InputStream in, ParseOptions options)
These functions support parsing serialized RDF into an XMP object, and serailizing an XMP object into RDF.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parseFromBuffer(byte[] buffer)
Parsing with default options.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parseFromBuffer(byte[] buffer, ParseOptions options)
Creates an XMPMeta -object from a byte-buffer.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parseFromString(String packet)
Parsing with default options.
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaFactory.parseFromString(String packet, ParseOptions options)
Creates an XMPMeta -object from a string.
String |
XMPSchemaRegistry.registerNamespace(String namespaceURI, String suggestedPrefix)
Register a namespace URI with a suggested prefix.
static void |
XMPUtils.removeProperties(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String propName, boolean doAllProperties, boolean includeAliases)
Remove multiple properties from an XMP object.
static void |
XMPUtils.separateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String arrayName, String catedStr, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, boolean preserveCommas)
Separate a single edit string into an array of strings.
static void |
XMPMetaFactory.serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream out)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into an OutputStream with default options.
static void |
XMPMetaFactory.serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream out, SerializeOptions options)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into an OutputStream .
static byte[] |
XMPMetaFactory.serializeToBuffer(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into a byte buffer.
static String |
XMPMetaFactory.serializeToString(XMPMeta xmp, SerializeOptions options)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into a string.
void |
XMPMeta.setArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options)
Replaces an item within an array.
void |
XMPMeta.setLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options)
Modifies the value of a selected item in an alt-text array.
void |
XMPMeta.setProperty(String schemaNS, String propName, Object propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setProperty(String schemaNS, String propName, Object propValue, PropertyOptions options)
The property value setters all take a property specification, their differences are in the form of this.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName, byte[] propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName, byte[] propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property from a binary byte[] -array, which is serialized as base64-string.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName, boolean propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName, boolean propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property to a literal boolean value.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName, Calendar propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName, Calendar propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property with a Java Calendar-object, which is serialized to an ISO8601 date.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName, XMPDateTime propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName, XMPDateTime propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property with an XMPDateTime-object, which is serialized to an ISO8601 date.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName, double propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName, double propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property to a literal double value.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName, int propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName, int propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property to a literal int value.
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName, long propValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName, long propValue, PropertyOptions options)
Convenience method to set a property to a literal long value.
void |
XMPMeta.setQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName, String qualValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName, String qualValue, PropertyOptions options)
Provides access to a qualifier attached to a property.
void |
XMPMeta.setStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName, String fieldValue) |
void |
XMPMeta.setStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName, String fieldValue, PropertyOptions options)
Provides access to fields within a nested structure.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.appendArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, String itemValue, PropertyOptions itemOptions) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.appendArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, String itemValue) |
static void |
XMPUtilsImpl.appendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta destination, boolean doAllProperties, boolean replaceOldValues, boolean deleteEmptyValues) |
static String |
XMPUtilsImpl.catenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String arrayName, String separator, String quotes, boolean allowCommas) |
protected void |
Checks if the supplied options are consistent.
int |
XMPMetaImpl.countArrayItems(String schemaNS, String arrayName) |
XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex) |
XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang) |
XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getProperty(String schemaNS, String propName) |
protected XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getProperty(String schemaNS, String propName, int valueType)
Returns a property, but the result value can be requested.
byte[] |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName) |
Boolean |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName) |
Calendar |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName) |
XMPDateTime |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName) |
Double |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName) |
Integer |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName) |
Long |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName) |
protected Object |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyObject(String schemaNS, String propName, int valueType)
Returns a property, but the result value can be requested.
String |
XMPMetaImpl.getPropertyString(String schemaNS, String propName) |
XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName) |
XMPProperty |
XMPMetaImpl.getStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.insertArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.insertArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options) |
XMPIterator |
XMPMetaImpl.iterator() |
XMPIterator |
XMPMetaImpl.iterator(IteratorOptions options) |
XMPIterator |
XMPMetaImpl.iterator(String schemaNS, String propName, IteratorOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.normalize(ParseOptions options) |
static XMPMeta |
XMPMetaParser.parse(Object input, ParseOptions options)
Parses the input source into an XMP metadata object, including de-aliasing and normalisation.
static XMPDateTime |
ISO8601Converter.parse(String iso8601String)
Converts an ISO 8601 string to an XMPDateTime .
static XMPDateTime |
ISO8601Converter.parse(String iso8601String, XMPDateTime binValue) |
String |
XMPSchemaRegistryImpl.registerNamespace(String namespaceURI, String suggestedPrefix) |
static void |
XMPUtilsImpl.removeProperties(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String propName, boolean doAllProperties, boolean includeAliases) |
static void |
XMPUtilsImpl.separateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, String schemaNS, String arrayName, String catedStr, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, boolean preserveCommas)
static void |
XMPSerializerHelper.serialize(XMPMetaImpl xmp, OutputStream output, SerializeOptions options)
Static method to serialize the metadata object.
void |
XMPSerializerRDF.serialize(XMPMeta xmp, OutputStream out, SerializeOptions options)
The actual serialization.
static byte[] |
XMPSerializerHelper.serializeToBuffer(XMPMetaImpl xmp, SerializeOptions options)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into a byte buffer.
static String |
XMPSerializerHelper.serializeToString(XMPMetaImpl xmp, SerializeOptions options)
Serializes an XMPMeta -object as RDF into a string.
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setArrayItem(String schemaNS, String arrayName, int itemIndex, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang, String itemValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setLocalizedText(String schemaNS, String altTextName, String genericLang, String specificLang, String itemValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setProperty(String schemaNS, String propName, Object propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setProperty(String schemaNS, String propName, Object propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName, byte[] propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyBase64(String schemaNS, String propName, byte[] propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName, boolean propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyBoolean(String schemaNS, String propName, boolean propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName, Calendar propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyCalendar(String schemaNS, String propName, Calendar propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName, XMPDateTime propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyDate(String schemaNS, String propName, XMPDateTime propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName, double propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyDouble(String schemaNS, String propName, double propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName, int propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyInteger(String schemaNS, String propName, int propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName, long propValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setPropertyLong(String schemaNS, String propName, long propValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName, String qualValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setQualifier(String schemaNS, String propName, String qualNS, String qualName, String qualValue, PropertyOptions options) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName, String fieldValue) |
void |
XMPMetaImpl.setStructField(String schemaNS, String structName, String fieldNS, String fieldName, String fieldValue, PropertyOptions options) |
Constructor and Description |
XMPDateTimeImpl(String strValue)
Creates an XMPDateTime -instance from an ISO 8601 string.
XMPIteratorImpl(XMPMetaImpl xmp, String schemaNS, String propPath, IteratorOptions options)
Constructor with optionsl initial values.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static XMPPath |
XMPPathParser.expandXPath(String schemaNS, String path)
Split an XMPPath expression apart at the conceptual steps, adding the root namespace prefix to the first property component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PropertyOptions.assertConsistency(int options)
Checks that a node not a struct and array at the same time; and URI cannot be a struct.
protected void |
Options.assertConsistency(int options)
The inheriting option class can do additional checks on the options.
void |
PropertyOptions.mergeWith(PropertyOptions options)
Merges the set options of a another options object with this.
void |
Options.setOptions(int options) |
PropertyOptions |
AliasOptions.toPropertyOptions() |
Constructor and Description |
AliasOptions(int options) |
Options(int options)
Constructor with the options bit mask.
PropertyOptions(int options)
Intialization constructor
SerializeOptions(int options)
Constructor using inital options
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