Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Gets the XFA property on the AcroForm.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfAcroForm |
PdfAcroForm.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Gets the default fallback value for the form field.
PdfObject |
Gets a rich text string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec.
PdfObject |
Gets the current value contained in the form field.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PdfFormField |
PdfFormField.makeFormField(PdfObject pdfObject, PdfDocument document)
Creates a (subtype of) PdfFormField object.
PdfFormField |
PdfFormField.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
PdfFormField |
PdfFormField.setDefaultValue(PdfObject value)
Sets the default fallback value for the form field.
PdfFormField |
PdfFormField.setRichText(PdfObject richText)
Sets a rich text string, as described in "Rich Text Strings" section of Pdf spec.
PdfSignatureFormField |
PdfSignatureFormField.setValue(PdfObject value)
Adds the signature to the signature field.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PdfObjectWrapper |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A representation of an array as described in the PDF specification.
class |
PdfBoolean |
class |
A representation of a Dictionary as described by the PDF Specification.
class |
PdfIndirectReference |
class |
PdfLiteral |
class |
PdfName |
class |
Representation of the null object in the PDF specification.
class |
PdfNumber |
class |
PdfPrimitiveObject |
class |
Representation of a stream as described in the PDF Specification.
class |
A PdfString -class is the PDF-equivalent of a JAVA-String -object.
class |
PdfTextArray defines an array with displacements and PdfString -objects.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected PdfObject |
PdfObject that current PdfIndirectReference instance refers to.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected List<PdfObject> |
PdfArray.list |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Gets the mapped resource name of the PdfObject under the given wrapper.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PdfObject |
PdfObject.clearState(short state)
Clear state of the flag of current object.
PdfObject |
Creates clone of the object which belongs to the same document as original object.
protected PdfObject |
PdfWriter.copyObject(PdfObject obj, PdfDocument documentTo, boolean allowDuplicating) |
PdfObject |
PdfObject.copyTo(PdfDocument document)
Copies object to a specified document.
PdfObject |
PdfObject.copyTo(PdfDocument document, boolean allowDuplicating)
Copies object to a specified document.
static PdfObject |
PdfEncryption.createInfoId(byte[] id, boolean modified)
Creates a PdfLiteral that contains an array of two id entries.
static PdfObject |
PdfEncryption.createInfoId(byte[] firstId, byte[] secondId)
Creates a PdfLiteral that contains an array of two id entries.
PdfObject |
PdfArray.get(int index)
Gets the (direct) PdfObject at the specified index.
PdfObject |
PdfArray.get(int index, boolean asDirect) |
PdfObject |
PdfDictionary.get(PdfName key)
Returns the value associated to this key.
PdfObject |
PdfDictionary.get(PdfName key, boolean asDirect) |
PdfObject |
PdfDocument.getPdfObject(int objNum)
Gets PdfObject by object number.
PdfObject |
PdfResources.getProperties(PdfName name) |
PdfObject |
PdfIndirectReference.getRefersTo() |
PdfObject |
PdfIndirectReference.getRefersTo(boolean recursively)
Gets direct object and try to resolve indirects chain.
PdfObject |
PdfResources.getResourceObject(PdfName resType, PdfName resName)
Get the PdfObject object with specified type and name.
PdfObject |
PdfObject.makeIndirect(PdfDocument document)
Marks object to be saved as indirect.
PdfObject |
PdfPrimitiveObject.makeIndirect(PdfDocument document, PdfIndirectReference reference) |
PdfObject |
PdfObject.makeIndirect(PdfDocument document, PdfIndirectReference reference)
Marks object to be saved as indirect.
protected abstract PdfObject |
Creates new instance of object.
protected PdfObject |
PdfIndirectReference.newInstance() |
PdfObject |
PdfDictionary.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Inserts the value into this PdfDictionary and associates it with the specified key.
protected PdfObject |
PdfReader.readObject(boolean readAsDirect) |
protected PdfObject |
PdfReader.readObject(boolean readAsDirect, boolean objStm) |
protected PdfObject |
PdfReader.readObject(PdfIndirectReference reference) |
PdfObject |
PdfDictionary.remove(PdfName key)
Removes the specified key from this PdfDictionary.
PdfObject |
PdfArray.set(int index, PdfObject element)
Sets the PdfObject at the specified index in the PdfArray.
PdfObject |
PdfPrimitiveObject.setIndirectReference(PdfIndirectReference indirectReference) |
protected PdfObject |
PdfObject.setIndirectReference(PdfIndirectReference indirectReference) |
PdfObject |
Sets the 'modified' flag to the indirect object, the flag denotes that the object was modified since the document opening.
protected PdfObject |
PdfObject.setState(short state)
Sets special states of current object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Map.Entry<PdfName,PdfObject>> |
PdfDictionary.entrySet() instead.
Iterator<PdfObject> |
PdfArray.iterator() instead.
Collection<PdfObject> |
PdfDictionary.values() instead.
Set<Map.Entry<PdfName,PdfObject>> |
Returns a Set holding the key-value pairs as Map#Entry objects.
Map<String,PdfObject> |
Retrieves the names stored in the name tree
Map<Integer,PdfObject> |
PdfNumTree.getNumbers() |
Iterator<PdfObject> |
Returns an iterator over an array of PdfObject elements.
List<PdfObject> |
PdfArray.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Returns a sublist of this PdfArray, starting at fromIndex (inclusive) and ending at toIndex (exclusive).
Collection<PdfObject> |
Returns all the values of this map in a Collection.
Collection<PdfObject> |
PdfDictionary.values(boolean asDirects)
Returns all the values of this map in a Collection.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PdfArray.add(int index, PdfObject element)
Adds the specified PdfObject at the specified index.
void |
PdfTextArray.add(PdfObject pdfObject) |
void |
PdfArray.add(PdfObject pdfObject) |
PdfName |
PdfResources.addColorSpace(PdfObject colorSpace)
Adds PdfObject to the resources as color space.
void |
PdfNumTree.addEntry(Integer key, PdfObject value) |
void |
PdfNameTree.addEntry(String key, PdfObject value)
Add an entry to the name tree
PdfName |
PdfResources.addExtGState(PdfObject extGState)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addExtGState(PdfDictionary) instead.
PdfName |
PdfResources.addForm(PdfObject form)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addForm(PdfStream) instead.
PdfName |
PdfResources.addImage(PdfObject image)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addImage(PdfStream) instead.
void |
PdfDocument.addNamedDestination(String key, PdfObject value)
This methods adds new name in the Dests NameTree.
PdfName |
PdfResources.addPattern(PdfObject pattern)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addPattern(PdfDictionary) instead.
PdfName |
PdfResources.addProperties(PdfObject properties)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addProperties(PdfDictionary) instead.
protected void |
PdfResources.addResource(PdfObject resource, PdfName resType, PdfName resName) |
PdfName |
PdfResources.addShading(PdfObject shading)
Will be removed in iText 7.1. Use more safe
PdfResources.addShading(PdfDictionary) instead.
boolean |
PdfArray.contains(PdfObject o) |
boolean |
PdfDictionary.containsValue(PdfObject value)
Returns true if this PdfDictionary contains the specified value.
protected void |
PdfString.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfStream.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfPrimitiveObject.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfObject.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document)
Copies object content from object 'from'.
protected void |
PdfNumber.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfNull.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfName.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfLiteral.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfIndirectReference.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfDictionary.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfBoolean.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected void |
PdfArray.copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) |
protected PdfObject |
PdfWriter.copyObject(PdfObject obj, PdfDocument documentTo, boolean allowDuplicating) |
protected static void |
PdfObjectWrapper.ensureObjectIsAddedToDocument(PdfObject object)
Some wrappers use object's indirect reference to obtain the PdfDocument to which the object belongs to.
protected void |
PdfWriter.flushObject(PdfObject pdfObject, boolean canBeInObjStm)
Flushes the object.
protected void |
PdfDocument.flushObject(PdfObject pdfObject, boolean canBeInObjStm)
Flush an object.
protected int |
PdfWriter.getCopyObjectKey(PdfObject obj)
Functionality will be removed.
PdfName |
PdfResources.getResourceName(PdfObject resource)
Gets the mapped resource name of the given PdfObject .
int |
PdfArray.indexOf(PdfObject o)
Gets the first index of the specified PdfObject.
protected static void |
PdfObjectWrapper.markObjectAsIndirect(PdfObject pdfObject) |
protected void |
PdfDocument.markObjectAsMustBeFlushed(PdfObject pdfObject)
Mark an object with MUST_BE_FLUSHED .
PdfViewerPreferences |
PdfViewerPreferences.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
PdfPage |
PdfPage.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Helper method that associate specified value with specified key in the underlined PdfDictionary .
PdfObject |
PdfDictionary.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Inserts the value into this PdfDictionary and associates it with the specified key.
PdfCatalog |
PdfCatalog.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
void |
PdfArray.remove(PdfObject o)
Removes the PdfObject at the specified index.
PdfObject |
PdfArray.set(int index, PdfObject element)
Sets the PdfObject at the specified index in the PdfArray.
protected void |
PdfIndirectReference.setRefersTo(PdfObject refersTo) |
PdfOutputStream |
PdfOutputStream.write(PdfObject pdfObject)
Write a PdfObject to the outputstream.
protected void |
PdfWriter.writeToBody(PdfObject pdfObj)
Writes object to body of PDF document.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PdfTextArray.addAll(Collection<PdfObject> c)
Adds the Collection of PdfObjects.
void |
PdfArray.addAll(Collection<PdfObject> c)
Adds the Collection of PdfObjects.
Constructor and Description |
PdfArray(PdfObject obj)
Create a new PdfArray with the provided PdfObject as the first item in the array.
Constructor and Description |
PdfArray(IterablePdfObject> objects, int initialCapacity)
Create a new PdfArray.
PdfArray(ListPdfObject> objects)
Create a new PdfArray.
PdfDictionary(Map<PdfName,PdfObject> map)
Creates a new PdfDictionary instance.
PdfDictionary(Set<Map.Entry<PdfName,PdfObject>> entrySet)
Creates a new PdfDictionary instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Gets the object in the /A entry of the underlying object.
PdfObject |
Get the contents of the /P entry of this target object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<PdfObject> |
Gets a list of PdfObject that is describing this particular optional content group states.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PdfAction |
PdfAction.createThread(PdfFileSpec fileSpec, PdfObject destinationThread, PdfObject bead)
Creates a Thread action (section of ISO 32000-1).
PdfTargetDictionary |
PdfTargetDictionary.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
This is a convenient method to put key-value pairs to the underlying PdfObject .
PdfAction |
PdfAction.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Inserts the value into the underlying object of this PdfAction and associates it with the specified key.
Constructor and Description |
PdfTargetDictionary(PdfName r, PdfString n, PdfObject p, PdfObject a, PdfTargetDictionary t)
Creates a new PdfTargetDictionary object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Pdf3DAnnotation.getDefaultInitialView() |
PdfObject |
PdfLinkAnnotation.getDestinationObject() |
PdfObject |
PdfFileAttachmentAnnotation.getFileSpecObject() |
PdfObject |
A rich text string (see ISO-320001, “Rich Text Strings”) that shall be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PdfAnnotation |
PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation(PdfObject pdfObject)
Factory method that creates the type specific PdfAnnotation from the given PdfObject that represents annotation object.
static PdfAnnotation |
PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation(PdfObject pdfObject, PdfAnnotation parent)
This method will be removed in iText 7.1. Please, simply use
PdfAnnotation.makeAnnotation(PdfObject) .
PdfAnnotation |
PdfAnnotation.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Inserts the value into into the underlying PdfDictionary of this PdfAnnotation and associates it with the specified key.
Pdf3DAnnotation |
Pdf3DAnnotation.setDefaultInitialView(PdfObject initialView) |
PdfLinkAnnotation |
PdfLinkAnnotation.setDestination(PdfObject destination) |
PdfWidgetAnnotation |
PdfWidgetAnnotation.setParent(PdfObject parent) |
PdfMarkupAnnotation |
PdfMarkupAnnotation.setRichText(PdfObject richText)
Sets a rich text string (see ISO-320001, “Rich Text Strings”) that shall be displayed in the pop-up window when the annotation is opened.
Constructor and Description |
Pdf3DAnnotation(Rectangle rect, PdfObject artwork) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getBlackGenerationFunction() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getBlackGenerationFunction2() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getBlendMode() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getHalftone() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getHTP() |
PdfObject |
CanvasTag.getProperty(PdfName name)
Gets a property from the tag 's properties dictionary.
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getSoftMask() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getTransferFunction() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getTransferFunction2() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getUnderColorRemovalFunction() |
PdfObject |
CanvasGraphicsState.getUnderColorRemovalFunction2() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CanvasTag |
CanvasTag.addProperty(PdfName name, PdfObject value)
Adds a single property to the tag 's properties.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PdfCanvasProcessor.PopGraphicsStateOperator.invoke(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
Called when a content operator should be processed.
void |
IContentOperator.invoke(PdfCanvasProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
Called when a content operator should be processed.
protected void |
PdfCanvasProcessor.invokeOperator(PdfLiteral operator, List<PdfObject> operands)
Invokes an operator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Reads a pdf object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<PdfObject> |
PdfCanvasParser.parse(List<PdfObject> ls)
Parses a single command from the content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<PdfObject> |
PdfCanvasParser.parse(List<PdfObject> ls)
Parses a single command from the content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
PdfCollectionField.getValue(String value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Gets the color space in which colour values shall be expressed.
PdfObject |
Gets the function PdfObject that represents color transitions across the shading geometry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static PdfArray |
PdfSpecialCs.DeviceN.getDeviceNCsArray(PdfArray names, PdfObject alternateSpace, PdfObject tintTransform) |
protected static PdfArray |
PdfSpecialCs.NChannel.getNChannelCsArray(PdfArray names, PdfObject alternateSpace, PdfObject tintTransform, PdfDictionary attributes) |
static PdfColorSpace |
PdfColorSpace.makeColorSpace(PdfObject pdfObject) |
Constructor and Description |
DeviceN(PdfArray names, PdfObject alternateSpace, PdfObject tintTransform) |
FunctionBased(PdfObject colorSpace, PdfFunction function)
Creates the new instance of the class.
Indexed(PdfObject base, int hival, PdfString lookup) |
NChannel(PdfArray names, PdfObject alternateSpace, PdfObject tintTransform, PdfDictionary attributes) |
Pattern(PdfObject pdfObj) |
PdfColorSpace(PdfObject pdfObject) |
PdfShading(PdfDictionary pdfObject, int type, PdfObject colorSpace)
Separation(PdfName name, PdfObject alternateSpace, PdfObject tintTransform) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Gets the black-generation function value, BG .
PdfObject |
Gets the black-generation function value or Default , BG2 key.
PdfObject |
Gets the current blend mode for the transparent imaging model, BM key.
PdfObject |
Gets the halftone dictionary, stream or Default , HT key.
PdfObject |
PdfObject |
Gets the current soft mask, SMask key.
PdfObject |
Gets the transfer function value, TR key.
PdfObject |
Gets the transfer function value or Default , TR2 key.
PdfObject |
Gets the undercolor-removal function, UCR key.
PdfObject |
Gets the undercolor-removal function value or Default , UCR2 key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Puts the value into Graphics state parameter dictionary and associates it with the specified key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setBlackGenerationFunction(PdfObject blackGenerationFunction)
Sets the black-generation function value, BG .
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setBlackGenerationFunction2(PdfObject blackGenerationFunction2)
Sets the black-generation function value or Default , BG2 key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setBlendMode(PdfObject blendMode)
Sets the current blend mode for the transparent imaging model, BM key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setHalftone(PdfObject halftone)
Sets the halftone or Default , HT key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setHTP(PdfObject htp)
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setSoftMask(PdfObject sMask)
Sets the current soft mask, SMask key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setTransferFunction(PdfObject transferFunction)
Sets the transfer function value, TR key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setTransferFunction2(PdfObject transferFunction2)
Sets the transfer function value or Default , TR2 key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setUndercolorRemovalFunction(PdfObject undercolorRemovalFunction)
Sets the undercolor-removal function, UCR key.
PdfExtGState |
PdfExtGState.setUndercolorRemovalFunction2(PdfObject undercolorRemovalFunction2)
Sets the undercolor-removal function value or Default , UCR2 key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfFileSpec |
PdfFileSpec.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
Constructor and Description |
PdfFileSpec(PdfObject pdfObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
byte[] |
RunLengthDecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
LZWDecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
IFilterHandler.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary)
Decode the byte[] using the provided filterName.
byte[] |
FlateDecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
DoNothingFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
CCITTFaxDecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
ASCIIHexDecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
byte[] |
ASCII85DecodeFilter.decode(byte[] b, PdfName filterName, PdfObject decodeParams, PdfDictionary streamDictionary) |
static byte[] |
FlateDecodeFilter.decodePredictor(byte[] in, PdfObject decodeParams) |
Constructor and Description |
PdfFunction(PdfObject pdfObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
Fills the underlying PdfDictionary object with the current layers and their settings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
PdfStringDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
PdfObject |
PdfNamedDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
PdfObject |
PdfExplicitDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
abstract PdfObject |
PdfDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PdfDestination |
PdfDestination.makeDestination(PdfObject pdfObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
PdfStringDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
PdfObject |
PdfNamedDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
PdfObject |
PdfExplicitDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
abstract PdfObject |
PdfDestination.getDestinationPage(Map<String,PdfObject> names) |
PdfDestination |
PdfStringDestination.replaceNamedDestination(Map<Object,PdfObject> names)
do not use this method. Will be removed in 7.1
PdfDestination |
PdfNamedDestination.replaceNamedDestination(Map<Object,PdfObject> names)
do not use this method. Will be removed in 7.1
PdfDestination |
PdfExplicitDestination.replaceNamedDestination(Map<Object,PdfObject> names)
do not use this method. Will be removed in 7.1
abstract PdfDestination |
PdfDestination.replaceNamedDestination(Map<Object,PdfObject> names)
do not use this method. Will be removed in 7.1
Constructor and Description |
PdfDestination(PdfObject pdfObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfObject |
PdfStructElem.getAttributes(boolean createNewIfNull)
Gets attributes object.
PdfObject |
PdfStructElem.getK() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfStructElem |
PdfStructElem.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
void |
PdfStructElem.setAttributes(PdfObject attributes) |
Constructor and Description |
PdfMcr(PdfObject pdfObject, PdfStructElem parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PdfObject |
AccessibilityProperties.combineAttributesList(PdfObject attributesObject, List<PdfDictionary> newAttributesList, PdfNumber revision) |
PdfObject |
TagReference.getProperty(PdfName name) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TagReference |
TagReference.addProperty(PdfName name, PdfObject value) |
protected PdfObject |
AccessibilityProperties.combineAttributesList(PdfObject attributesObject, List<PdfDictionary> newAttributesList, PdfNumber revision) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfTransparencyGroup |
PdfTransparencyGroup.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
PdfImageXObject |
PdfImageXObject.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Puts the value into Image XObject dictionary and associates it with the specified key.
PdfFormXObject |
PdfFormXObject.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value)
Puts the value into Image XObject dictionary and associates it with the specified key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Integer,PdfObject> |
Returns a map with the resources.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PdfResourceCounter.loopOver(PdfObject obj)
In case an object is an array, a dictionary or a stream, we need to loop over the entries and process them one by one.
protected void |
PdfResourceCounter.process(PdfObject obj)
Processes an object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
long |
PdfResourceCounter.getLength(Map<Integer,PdfObject> res)
Returns the resources needed for the object that was used to create this PdfResourceCounter.
Constructor and Description |
PdfResourceCounter(PdfObject obj)
Creates a PdfResourceCounter instance to be used to count the resources needed for either a page (in this case pass a page dictionary) or the trailer (root and info dictionary) of a PDF file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
PdfADocument.flushObject(PdfObject pdfObject, boolean canBeInObjStm) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Set<PdfObject> |
Contains some objects that are already checked.
protected Map<PdfObject,PdfColorSpace> |
PdfAChecker.checkedObjectsColorspace |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PdfAChecker.checkPdfObject(PdfObject obj)
This method checks the requirements that must be fulfilled by a COS object in a PDF/A document.
void |
PdfAChecker.checkTagStructureElement(PdfObject obj)
This method checks compliance of the tag structure elements, such as struct elements or parent tree entries.
boolean |
PdfAChecker.objectIsChecked(PdfObject object)
Remembers which objects have already been checked, in order to avoid redundant checks.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PdfSignature |
PdfSignature.put(PdfName key, PdfObject value) |
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