iText 8.0.5 API
iText.Svg.Renderers Namespace Reference


interface   IBranchSvgNodeRenderer
  Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure. More...
interface   IMarkerCapable
  Interface implemented by elements that support marker drawing. More...
interface   INoDrawSvgNodeRenderer
  Interface that defines branches in the NodeRenderer structure that will not draw on its own. More...
interface   ISvgNodeRenderer
  Interface for SvgNodeRenderer, the renderer draws the SVG to its Pdf-canvas passed in SvgDrawContext , applying styling (CSS and attributes). More...
interface   ISvgPaintServer
  Interface for working with paint servers. More...
class   SvgDrawContext
  The SvgDrawContext keeps a stack of iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas instances, which represent all levels of XObjects that are added to the root canvas. More...
class   SvgImageRenderer
  Represents a renderer for the iText.Svg.Element.SvgImage layout element. More...